Deciphered A Love Spell On The Ancient Greek Papyrus - Alternative View

Deciphered A Love Spell On The Ancient Greek Papyrus - Alternative View
Deciphered A Love Spell On The Ancient Greek Papyrus - Alternative View

Video: Deciphered A Love Spell On The Ancient Greek Papyrus - Alternative View

Video: Deciphered A Love Spell On The Ancient Greek Papyrus - Alternative View
Video: 1300 Year Old Ancient Egyptian Love Spell Deciphered 2024, July

The saved picture served as a hint.

The ancient Egyptian papyrus in the Coptic language, about the content of which scientists have speculated for decades, is most likely a love spell. This version was made by Australian specialists representing Macquarie University. Although the text itself is not well preserved, experts believe that much can be judged by the accompanying illustration.

The papyrus was at the disposal of scientists several decades ago, and from the moment it was created, according to experts, about 13 centuries could have passed. Apparently, it was one of the components of a larger text, and probably a whole "guide" used by people posing as wizards. Scientists suggest that the image was supposed to make a deep impression on people who turned to the ancient Egyptian "magicians" for help.

Experts do not exclude that the two winged bird-like creatures in the figure symbolize lovers. According to scientists, the creature depicted on the left represents a man, and on the right - a woman. The lower parts of the bodies of creatures are connected to each other, and the line between them, according to scientists, can both symbolize a chain and be a hint of a different kind. In addition, in the picture you can see something like two outstretched hands surrounding two "characters". Finally, the experts noticed that the "beak" of one of the creatures is aimed at the open "beak of the other.

The text has not been preserved so well as to speak with confidence about the purpose of the spell, but scientists have expressed several versions on this score. According to experts, the spell was not intended to "make" a girl fall in love with a man, but it was used if the two were in love with each other, but their happiness was hampered by external factors such as too strict parents or the girl's previous marriage to another. It is also likely that the spell was intended to help in a love triangle situation.

The study was published in the journal of Coptic Studies.