27 Years In A Coma: A Woman Who Had Been Lying Unconscious Since 1991 Woke Up - - Alternative View

27 Years In A Coma: A Woman Who Had Been Lying Unconscious Since 1991 Woke Up - - Alternative View
27 Years In A Coma: A Woman Who Had Been Lying Unconscious Since 1991 Woke Up - - Alternative View

Video: 27 Years In A Coma: A Woman Who Had Been Lying Unconscious Since 1991 Woke Up - - Alternative View

Video: 27 Years In A Coma: A Woman Who Had Been Lying Unconscious Since 1991 Woke Up - - Alternative View
Video: Waking Up from a 20 Year Long Coma | Only Human 2024, September

Munira Abdullah, a resident of the United Arab Emirates, was involved in an accident in 1991 and suffered a head injury.

A school bus drove into her car and before Munira struck, she managed to shield her son Omar. The boy escaped with minor injuries, but the woman was admitted to the hospital in a coma-like state. She did not react to anything, but she felt pain.

Years passed, and Munira did not come to her senses. At first she was treated in the UAE, then transported to the UK, and then again taken home. She was in the hospital, where she was fed through a tube.

In 2017, thanks to the help of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed, Munira was brought to Germany for treatment. And then finally her condition began to improve.

In 2018, after hearing the speech of her son Omar standing next to her bed, the woman began to make vague sounds, and a few days later she really woke up and called her son by name.

Now Munira has recovered so much that she communicates with her family and reads prayers aloud. Now the main problem for her is to restore the almost atrophied muscles of the body.

Omar says it's a real miracle. He himself does not remember anything about that terrible accident, he was then only 4 years old. At the wheel that day was Munira's brother, who was driving the woman and her son home from kindergarten. The brother did not have time to see the school bus rushing towards them, and he hit their car in the direction where Munira and Omar were sitting.

According to Omar, such a serious condition of his mother arose due to the fact that she was not immediately taken to the hospital, but only after a few hours. The clinic found out that Munira fell into a vegetative state and that she does not react to anything, does not speak or move, but she feels pain. Fortunately, her family did not lose hope of her recovery and paid for her stay in the hospital, even when it became clear that this would drag on for many years.

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In the following years, the woman lay under ventilators and with a tube through which she was fed. The USSR collapsed, people began to explore the Internet, Princess Diana died, the United States began the war in Iraq, the iPod was invented, and Munira was still in a coma. They really began to treat her only after 2017, when they brought her to Germany.

There, she immediately underwent surgery to restore atrophied muscles, and they also began to give medicine, and after a year all this finally had an effect.

Last month, Munira was discharged from Mafraq Hospital in Abu Dhabi and a doctor's report stated that she was able to communicate with others and behave in a "sensible way", especially in familiar situations.

In the future, Munira will continue physical therapy for muscle recovery.