Ether And Substance - The Environment That Affects A Person - Alternative View

Ether And Substance - The Environment That Affects A Person - Alternative View
Ether And Substance - The Environment That Affects A Person - Alternative View

Video: Ether And Substance - The Environment That Affects A Person - Alternative View

Video: Ether And Substance - The Environment That Affects A Person - Alternative View

Why is one person kind and another destructive? Is our behavior a product of the social environment, upbringing and education? The whole host of psychologists and sociologists is engaged in research into how a person became what he is. But only a few take seriously the fact that our abilities, strengths and weaknesses, we bring from previous earthly lives.

“After all, the child was born like that!” This expression can be heard from teachers and psychologists. It is readily used as a “justification” to blame the parents if the child does not correspond to the social norm. This common view stems from a lack of knowledge about reincarnation. since the thought that we, people, more than once live on Earth and bring our karma with us, does not play any role today.

Although this fact is no longer ignored, however, there is no real benefit from it yet. There is not enough knowledge about the etheric-material bodies of a person. In the United States, for example, it has become fashionable to undergo reincarnation therapy in order to identify "blockades" and get rid of them. In this case, patients under hypnosis or through the use of other techniques are sent to an earlier life in order to purposefully experience certain experiences and process them as much as possible.

These methods of solving problems of a physical or mental nature are, in fact, only a continuation of 100 years of psychoanalysis, with the help of which they tried to make the past known and unravel it. However, this is of little use for our spiritual development. Within the framework of psychotherapy, one can encounter certain events from the past, and this acquaintance can lead to negative results. I mention this because there is a danger that this false path will be drawn into even wider circles.

If we, as the Grail Message teaches, will proceed from the fact that each of us is a spirit, and we can form ourselves by our own will, we can work on our inner development. If we strengthen the good in ourselves, we take care that our thoughts and deeds are pure, our life is disinterested, then our personality and our environment will be more and more ennobled. Thus, this striving, focused on a high, bright goal, will lead to the fact that many problems "melt", as our etheric-material environment changes. Such correct internal development is a guarantee that problems and interconnections will open to us at the right time., regardless of whether they stem from the present life or from previous incarnations, and special "in-depth research" will be unnecessary.

Volitional decisions directed towards good (our thoughts are also deeds!) Are capable of destroying and dissolving that base and gloomy that still surrounds us in etheric substance. For this, it is necessary that we try to strive for good with all the strength of our sensations, and not try frantically to torture "positive thinking".

We cannot yet expect conscious volitional decisions from children. The instinct of imitation mainly works in them, but if we give him “good food”, we can lead them on the righteous path. However, some offspring do not want - or “cannot express themselves” in the way that adults want. They are criticized, scolded, punished by their parents, friends, neighbors, teachers at school. Despite good upbringing and education, many children do not obey; they do not recognize the claims made to them. Why? The solution to the riddle lies in the fact that in addition to the earthly, visible environment of a person, there is also an ethereal-material one, which each person brings with his birth - as a “crop” grown by him in his previous life, feelings, thoughts and actions.

In the book "New knowledge at the time of the world turn" Herbert Vollmann explains about this "human environment": "The etheric-material environment is" original "and therefore more powerful, in accordance with which the earthly environment should be formed. If, however, due to some circumstances (death of parents, death of a mother at birth, adoption, etc.) as an infant from a bad environment, in which he incarnated, he is taken into an environment with better conditions, then it is ethereal -the real world does not always change. It is possible that with growing up, the connection with a similar ethereal-material environment will revive, and his surviving unkind clan will break out, which is a great disappointment for educators. " That is, in fact, it is not the environment that forms the person, but the person who forms the environment in which he, in accordance with his kind and maturity,must incarnate, otherwise it is impossible according to the Law of Attraction of this kind.

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However, it happens that kind and intelligent children are born in a family, but among them one appears who completely “gets out of the family.” And this is also explained by the etheric-material environment. For example, a mother may indulge in bad impulses or bad acquaintances during pregnancy and thus attract the human spirit corresponding to these impulses. During the incarnation of the main, and for the later development of the child, the etheric-material environment is always facilitating. One could not waste energy on researching the reasons, if we follow the clear and simple Truth that follows from the influence of the Law of Creation About the Attraction of the like. Herbert Vollmann says: "It is impossible to" become a victim of the environment or conditions "that a person, according to his kind, has chosen himself. For the same reason, a person cannot be a product of his environment, since he, already,being a finished product, or, better to say, a formed personality, it is attracted when incarnated by a similar environment."

Knowledge of our etheric-material environment shows that we, as spiritual entities, are ourselves “the smiths of our own happiness.” Ultimately, we do not depend on the genes that we inherited, nor on our karma. We can change to better our etheric-material environment, including for incarnations, thanks to our will to do good. Our etheric-material environment is of decisive importance for the one whom we will attract as our child.

Yai Evgeniya
