Genghis Khan's Grave Found In Mongolia? - Alternative View

Genghis Khan's Grave Found In Mongolia? - Alternative View
Genghis Khan's Grave Found In Mongolia? - Alternative View

Video: Genghis Khan's Grave Found In Mongolia? - Alternative View

Video: Genghis Khan's Grave Found In Mongolia? - Alternative View
Video: Genghis Khan - Rise Of Mongol Empire - BBC Documentary - by roothmens 2024, July

Mongolian builders, paving a road in Khenti province, just on a site along the Onon River, accidentally came across an ancient mass grave. Even with a cursory examination, according to local media and a number of foreign media outlets, these are several dozen human remains that are embedded in a common stone structure.

Archaeologists and experts who rushed to the site of the amazing find have already qualified it as a royal tomb. There is even an assumption that this is the tomb of the legendary conqueror Genghis Khan.

There is a generally accepted version that Genghis Khan ordered to bury him secretly, that is, so that no one would ever find his grave. For this reason, after his burial, the slaves who performed this work were executed by the warriors of the conqueror, and the soldiers themselves were killed by Genghis Khan's personal guard, which was completely devoted to him.

Moreover, it is believed that after the burial, the sorcerers, gathered for this purpose from all over the Earth, performed a special rite, imposing terrible curses and misfortunes on those who dare to disturb the death sleep of the Mongol ruler.

As you know, his grandson Timur, better known as Tamerlane, did something similar, but it was possible to learn about the curse imposed on his grave not only from oral traditions, but also from preserved written sources. However, Soviet archaeologists and scientists, finding this tomb in Samarkand, only laughed at the ignorant aksakals, and then opened the grave on June 21, 1941 - the next day the Great Patriotic War began.

There is a legend about the grave of Genghis Khan that after its opening the most terrible war for humanity will begin. Therefore, conspiracy theorists and other progressive researchers hope that the mass grave found in Mongolia will not turn out to be a mystical tomb of the great conqueror.