Inexplicable Monuments Of History - Alternative View

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Inexplicable Monuments Of History - Alternative View
Inexplicable Monuments Of History - Alternative View

Video: Inexplicable Monuments Of History - Alternative View

Video: Inexplicable Monuments Of History - Alternative View
Video: Most MYSTERIOUS Ancient Structures In The World! 2024, September

In the legends and myths of almost all the peoples of the world there are references to some super-beings, called gods, who surpassed ordinary mortals by several orders of magnitude. In addition, they had extensive knowledge, some of which they passed on to people. Today there are suggestions that they could be representatives of highly developed civilizations that lived earlier on Earth.

Strange artifacts of antiquity

Archaeologists, during excavations, regularly discover strange finds that call into question the entire accepted history of mankind. All these artifacts and structures suggest that earlier civilizations already existed on the planet that reached a high technical level of development. Some of the items found even confuse specialists, as they are made of unique alloys, or using unknown technologies.

Technologies that are not available to people today were also used in the construction of some structures found around the world. For example, man-made caves and ruins of ancient cities in India are of particular interest. One of these artificial complexes is the Barabar Caves. They are located in the state of Bihar, on a stone hill in the middle of a flat area. It is believed that these caves were used as cave temples, however, researchers are amazed at how even and geometrically the dimensions of the rooms are. The quality of stone processing is also surprising. There is an assumption that in ancient times this complex was erected as an underground bomb shelter, and that not only the caves are of artificial origin, but also the ridge of hills itself.

Nuclear war several thousand years ago

Another amazing historical monument is the ruins of the city of Mohenjo-Daro. They were found during excavations in Pakistan in the Indus Valley. The city was founded about 2.5 thousand years ago and had a geometrically perfect layout. Also in this city already then there were swimming pools, sewerage, granary and other socially significant places.

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During the excavations of Mohenjo-Daro, the main mystery was the reason for the destruction of this once rich and prosperous city. Many skeletons of residents were found in its streets, all of them going about their daily activities when the disaster struck and died suddenly and almost instantly. No traces of edged weapons were found on the remains of people, which excluded the attack of enemies. Simultaneously, studies have shown that the city was destroyed by a very powerful fire. But some facts even baffled scientists. Thus, it was established that the city probably died from a nuclear explosion. This assumption seems fantastic, but many traces have been found that testify to this.

Deeds of legendary heroes

When studying such ancient Indian epics as the Ramayana and Mahabharata, scientists have suggested that previously highly developed civilizations already existed on Earth. Their level of development was not inferior, and even surpassed the modern one. In the course of destructive wars with the use of weapons of mass destruction, they died, but some grandiose traces of their activities still remained.

So, one of the amazing structures is the "Rama Bridge", stretching from the Indian subcontinent to Sri Lanka. It represents an increase in the seabed, in places forming shallows, in places - islets. The nature of the formation of this rise is inexplicable, since according to geological data, the bottom in this place should be completely different, without elevations.

Thanks to this "bridge", if you wish, it is quite possible to get to the island from the peninsula even on foot, since the depth in this place does not exceed a meter. On the sides of this elevation, the depth is up to 20 m. Hindus believe that this structure is a bridge built by Rama, the embodiment of the god Vishnu. These events are described in detail in the epic Ramayana. The most surprising thing is that scientists have recently proved the artificial nature of this grandiose structure. As for the age of the "Rama Bridge", some researchers call the figure from 1 to 15 million years, others - 5-7 thousand years.

There are many such inexplicable monuments left from time immemorial on Earth. Moreover, often the purpose for which they were erected is unclear to modern people, just as the technologies used are inaccessible. All this can serve as proof that the history of mankind is probably not at all the way it is presented in textbooks, and that ancient advanced civilizations did exist. Thus, many legends and traditions can be confirmed, despite their incredible content, and myths about the gods may well reflect real events that took place in the distant past.