A Rare Anomalous Phenomenon Of The "revived Shadow" - Alternative View

A Rare Anomalous Phenomenon Of The "revived Shadow" - Alternative View
A Rare Anomalous Phenomenon Of The "revived Shadow" - Alternative View

Video: A Rare Anomalous Phenomenon Of The "revived Shadow" - Alternative View

Video: A Rare Anomalous Phenomenon Of The
Video: THE INVISIBLE WORLD (English subtitles) 2024, September

Among the many strange events, there are very rare, but very unusual observations of something that most resembles a living shadow.

From the outside, it usually looks like a thick-black something in the fuzzy form of a person, with indistinguishable features of the face and figure. And these creatures move so strangely, as if they live in a completely different dimension and we notice from them only really only a shadow.

Sometimes a similar phenomenon is attributed to the so-called "Shadow People", but meetings with revived shadows are usually not aggressive at all and do not pose a threat, unlike the Shadow People.

One of such meetings was sent to the American ufological site MUFON by a resident of Tennessee. It happened on February 29, 2012. According to her story, the woman went out in the morning to accompany her daughter to school and when she returned from the bus stop, she poured herself a cup of coffee and went out onto the veranda to get some fresh air.

Her husband was in the house, so when she noticed a tall, dark silhouette in the corner of her eye, she immediately realized that it was not him.

“When I turned my head in that direction, I saw a completely black humanoid silhouette. He stood at the other end of my veranda, leaning his elbows on the railing and looking towards the field. I froze in place with a cup of coffee in hand, but I was not scared.

This creature was so black that it made a strong contrast to the background of the sun's rays falling on the veranda. It was not a man and I did not see the features of his face, everything was just black. Then he slowly turned his head in my direction, and then also slowly and smoothly began to move from the veranda away from me towards the forest.

His movements reminded me of the slow movements of a cat sneaking towards prey. He walked up to the trees and slowly "flowed" there, for a second turning and looking in my direction, and then a black hand flashed and he disappeared.

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And I stood and somehow felt guilty that I had prevented him from relaxing on my veranda. I did not feel any threat from this creature until he turned around. It seemed to me that he made it clear "I do not want to harm you, but I could if I wanted to."

This event influenced this woman so much that she then refused to go out on her veranda for a very long time, and even now, according to her, she prefers to relax at home.


The following story was published on the website "Your Ghost Stories" and took place in New York in 2011. Its author, a man, lay one evening in his bed and read a book before going to bed. And soon he realized that he was not alone in this room.

“Suddenly I wanted to look in the direction of the door, and when I looked there, I suddenly saw there a tall, standing black mass. In form, she seemed to me the figure of a man, but it could also be a woman, there were no details of the form in this figure.

I don't know what it was, at first I thought it was something like the ghost of one of my relatives who died in this house, but I'm really not sure about that. The figure disappeared after a few moments."

The following story came from the site dedicated to the phenomenon of the Shadow People, The Shadow People Archives. An eyewitness was in high school in those years and one afternoon was walking with a friend in the woods behind his house.

“Something was moving in the corner of my eye, and when I turned around, it turned into a dark figure. It is difficult to describe it, it was something fuzzy and shapeless and stood in the shade of a tree. As soon as I noticed it, it instantly shrank to a very tiny size and turned into … a black butterfly, which very quickly flew to the side, fluttering its wings.

Out of surprise, I yelled to my friend “Did you see this? Have you seen a ghost ?! He has become a butterfly! “. But my friend looked at me blankly “What kind of butterfly? What ghost? Where are you looking? " By that time, the butterfly had already flown away and then I was very embarrassed by all this. What was it? Ghost? werewolf?".

Several stories about living shadows were posted on the site "Live About". One New Jersey woman began to hear from her children, who had a playroom in the basement, that they often saw shadowy figures there.

“A few years later, I equipped a flower greenhouse for myself in the basement and also began to see these shadows all the time. They always appeared at the very periphery of vision and never showed a threat. They were just black silhouettes.

I saw them all over the basement, but mostly at the same wall, and sometimes I saw them at the same wall, but already upstairs in the kitchen. And the children and I have never seen these shadows in another room of our house, but it seems we felt their presence there too. Moreover, not all of them were good-natured to us, some seemed to have a rather negative attitude."


After some time, this family got used to the shadows and even began to try to establish contact with them. True, a one-on-one meeting was still impossible, the shadows only flickered for a couple of moments. Only once did a woman succeed in something like contact.

“But even then I saw him for only a few seconds and did not have time to examine him from head to toe. I was just going to the kitchen in the morning for breakfast, and it was at the door to the backyard. At first I even thought. that someone stranger entered our house, but then quickly realized. that it is like a shadow.

In appearance it had the silhouette of a man, short and stocky, he had a head, shoulders, arms, torso (she did not have time to see her legs). When he disappeared. it seemed to me that he was surprised no less than me, because he was not going to show himself to me."

Another story from the same site tells how an eyewitness was sitting one evening and watching TV, when something black began to "crawl" out of his closet.

“It looked like an ink cloud that rose to the top. I even blinked a couple of times to realize that I hadn’t seen it. The cloud, meanwhile, had gathered into a slightly humanoid figure, but it was indistinct and vague. By that time I managed to get scared, but as soon as I cried out, the cloud melted and everything disappeared."

Researchers of anomalous phenomena have put forward several theories about such shadow creatures. Either, as mentioned in the first paragraph, these are interdimensional travelers, from whom we only notice a shadow, or it is some form of demons or manifestations of the spirit world. Another version says that these are ghosts in an unusual form.
