The Moscow Kremlin. An Unfinished Pyramid? - Alternative View

The Moscow Kremlin. An Unfinished Pyramid? - Alternative View
The Moscow Kremlin. An Unfinished Pyramid? - Alternative View

Video: The Moscow Kremlin. An Unfinished Pyramid? - Alternative View

Video: The Moscow Kremlin. An Unfinished Pyramid? - Alternative View

The age of the Egyptian pyramids has been debated for more than a century. But the versions of opponents differ only in that some say that these structures were built 4500 years ago, while others claim that 12,500 or even earlier. Even alternative historians are convinced of the deep antiquity of the pyramids. But in fact, everything can be completely different.

The fact is that medieval cartographers were very scrupulous and tried to give maximum information about the depicted area. In addition to the outlines of the coastline, river beds, mountainous or desert areas, they painted images of animals that are found in this region, the appearance of the peoples living there, outstanding monuments and even descriptions of outstanding events from the history of these places. For example, on the map of Daniel Keller in 1590 on the territory of Great Tartary, we see buildings about which it is said that the tombs of the great Khans are located here:

Fragment of the Map of Daniel Kellnr 1590
Fragment of the Map of Daniel Kellnr 1590

Fragment of the Map of Daniel Kellnr 1590.

Most likely, we are talking about two objects depicted in the form of parallelepipeds. But next to them we see three pointed pyramids. Where are they now? Having superimposed the map of the end of the sixteenth century on the modern one, we find that in this place there are the famous outlier rocks, which the Yakuts call kigilyakhs.

Yakutia. Kigilyakhi
Yakutia. Kigilyakhi

Yakutia. Kigilyakhi.

This is probably what is left of the pyramids. And where are the Great Egyptian pyramids on the maps? After all, it cannot be that one of the wonders of the world is completely ignored by cartographers ?! But on the early maps, they simply are not. Later they appear and look exactly the same as on the maps of Tartary. Accident? The artists did not have the necessary skills and eyes? Why, then, did they portray people and animals so beautifully?

Egyptian pyramids in medieval engraving
Egyptian pyramids in medieval engraving

Egyptian pyramids in medieval engraving.

And here are the full-scale images of the Egyptian pyramids, which do not correspond at all to our ideas about them.

Promotional video:

Engraving. Richard Pocock 1743
Engraving. Richard Pocock 1743

Engraving. Richard Pocock 1743.

Engraving. K. Bruin 1681
Engraving. K. Bruin 1681

Engraving. K. Bruin 1681.

And there are actually quite a few such engravings.

Engraving. Edward Melton 1661
Engraving. Edward Melton 1661

Engraving. Edward Melton 1661.

What does this mean? The proportions do not correspond at all to the Egyptian pyramids. So maybe they were completed later? Today it seems to everyone that the pyramids were built starting from a giant stone platform in the form of a regular square. Scientists from Japan also tried to reproduce the construction of a reduced copy. However, they did not succeed. Even using modern measuring devices, they could not go from the first row of blocks to the top so that a cone of the correct shape was obtained. One centimeter of error in the lower rows of stones gave a deviation of several meters to the top. And this despite the fact that they were building a tiny pyramid, about ten meters high.

Everything becomes simple if we assume that the pyramids were built the other way around, from the center to the edges. First, a vertical pillar or tower was installed, then the tower turned into a stepped pyramid, and only then the steps were filled, and the faces of the future pyramid expanded from the walls to four sides. And the Danish sailor Frederic Louis Norden knew about it back in 1775. Here are the prints from his book Journey from Egypt to Nubia:

From the book of Frederick Norden 1737
From the book of Frederick Norden 1737

From the book of Frederick Norden 1737.

From the book of Frederick Norden 1737
From the book of Frederick Norden 1737

From the book of Frederick Norden 1737.

But in Nubia, the pyramids are still the same as on the engravings made earlier in the nineteenth century:

Pyramids of Nubia
Pyramids of Nubia

Pyramids of Nubia.

So, all the pyramids originally had similar proportions? It may well be that Norden not only put forward the idea of how the construction was carried out, but also witnessed the construction of the pyramids? Skeptics, of course, will stand on their hind legs and declare the version of the youth of the Egyptian pyramids as heresy, because even the wooden elements of the ancient buildings of Egypt have completely petrified. Yes, petrified wood is a fact. But such details are found in underground structures, and they were not found in the structure of the pyramids.

In addition, it is perplexing that the pyramids allegedly stood for an eternity and practically did not suffer, and only in recent decades have scientists started to sound the alarm because of the catastrophically accelerated erosion of "granite" from which the blocks of the pyramids are "hewn". This is explained by the recently deteriorated ecology of North Africa. All of the above facts give us every right to assume that the antiquity of the pyramids of the Giza plateau can be put on a par with the greatest falsifications in human history, such as global warming and the landing of man on the moon.

Who is able to implement such a scam, and most importantly - why? I believe the answers can be found in this engraving:

Engraving. Philip Halle 1572
Engraving. Philip Halle 1572

Engraving. Philip Halle 1572

It is very likely that it captures the process of building the Egyptian pyramids. Consider the details that are best seen in the higher resolution image. Here are the workers kneading the solution:

Construction of the pyramid by Philip Halle 1571
Construction of the pyramid by Philip Halle 1571

Construction of the pyramid by Philip Halle 1571

And other workers at this time carry baskets with some kind of load for roasting it in a round oven:

Building a pyramid. Philip Halle 1572
Building a pyramid. Philip Halle 1572

Building a pyramid. Philip Halle 1572

Building a pyramid. Philip Halle 1572
Building a pyramid. Philip Halle 1572

Building a pyramid. Philip Halle 1572

And in the distance, a third group of workers drag sacks to the pyramid, where "masons" cast blocks from the mass brought in sacks.

The engraving bears an inscription in Latin: “Ardua pyramidum phary mirakvia reges. Struxere et rapidi dokuere gyperionis ignes. Surgentes gradibus moles monumenta sepitis. Visinos perre ad magna confinia Memphis."

It is rather difficult to restore the exact meaning of the inscription, and the free front sounds something like this: “The steep cone is the sanctuary of the kings of the world. I have built to speed up and dokuere (the word is not translated) of the fires (fires) of Hyperion. Many steps of the monument are being erected up one after another. The highest jewel on the great shores of Memphis. (Hyperion is titan, son of Uranus and Gaia)

In my opinion, the outer side of the process is reproduced in sufficient detail. The only thing about which the engraving does not contain information is the technological scheme for the production of geopolymer concrete, from which the blocks were cast. It is clear that something is being kneaded, something is being fired (most likely cement), but the complete picture of what is happening is known to a very narrow circle of people. Which ones? Well, of course, to the masons. But not to those who use a trowel at a construction site, but to “free masons”.

The engraving itself is permeated with Masonic symbols. The pyramid and the two columns in front of it are what you see at almost every turn.

Boaz and Yakhin
Boaz and Yakhin

Boaz and Yakhin.

4According to the version of the Freemasons themselves, the two pillars appeared thanks to the biblical king Solomon, who, while equipping his Jerusalem palace, ordered the erection of two copper columns - Boaz and Yakhin. I must say right away that I am not inclined to trust these explanations, but still, what do the encyclopedias tell us about this?

Is it clear now what this means?

Whiskey Yakhin and Boaz
Whiskey Yakhin and Boaz

Whiskey Yakhin and Boaz.

Most likely, the Freemasons themselves put a completely different meaning into this symbolism. And since it is the most widespread on the planet, it is reasonable to assume that they know everything about the past of our planet and its true structure. This means that it was they who staged an "eclipse" in the heads of earthlings, who wander around the Earth with an extinct look and do not see what is under their feet. Here are just a few examples of how the symbolism of the "builders" invisibly rules the world:

Official symbols of the Freemasons
Official symbols of the Freemasons

Official symbols of the Freemasons.

These are official symbols that can be found literally at every step. The letter "G", a pyramid with an all-seeing eye, and a compass with a square surround us every minute from all sides. Just like the symbol of the Temple of Solomon in the form of two columns and a pyramid behind.

Skyscraper of Gazprom
Skyscraper of Gazprom

Skyscraper of Gazprom.

Stock exchange in St. Petersburg
Stock exchange in St. Petersburg

Stock exchange in St. Petersburg.

Jesuit Church in Spain
Jesuit Church in Spain

Jesuit Church in Spain.

New York. WTC
New York. WTC

New York. WTC.

Columns on the US dollar logo
Columns on the US dollar logo

Columns on the US dollar logo.

Pyramid and columns on a pack of cigarettes
Pyramid and columns on a pack of cigarettes

Pyramid and columns on a pack of cigarettes.

Yes, you are not used to noticing things like that, but they are everywhere. Globally. All cities, both "antique" and "colonial", were designed and built by Masons. Moreover, at the same time, in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg.





Freemasons knew how to build, and they built all over the world. Considering the types of cities in this period, it is impossible to distinguish a Korean city from a European or American city without a signature. The architecture was global on the entire planet, and its level was so high that we cannot reach today. Note that construction equipment practically did not exist at that time. Glass, steel and reinforced concrete were almost never used. Bricklayers worked only with stone. It means that they owned such secrets that we do not possess today.









Chicago. USA
Chicago. USA

Chicago. USA.

Sevastopol. Russia
Sevastopol. Russia

Sevastopol. Russia.

Omsk. Russia
Omsk. Russia

Omsk. Russia.









South Africa
South Africa

South Africa.





Note that the so-called "Empire" and "colonial style" were applied globally and in one short period. The creation of such cities across the planet required colossal material resources, a host of design institutes, standardization and quality control bureaus, and this required millions of well-trained engineers and skilled workers. And their maintenance and training is impossible without a developed infrastructure. Therefore, we did not notice the presence on Earth of an almost alien civilization, which disappeared somewhere in the early twentieth century or a little earlier, in the middle of the nineteenth. At a time when wars raged throughout the world. Patriotic War of 1812, Crimean, Franco-Prussian, civil war in the USA, etc.

And we do not remember anything about the civilization that, without hydrocarbon fuel and power plants, was able to afford the construction of such masterpieces on a mind-boggling scale. And at the same time, to illuminate these cities, without having power lines and substations! So … The assumption that the pyramids were completed in Egypt in the same period is not so incredible. I think they could. They could have built it. It was only necessary to "build up the sides" of the existing stepped towers. Take a closer look at the tower from an engraving by Philippe Halle.

Step pyramid in Egypt
Step pyramid in Egypt

Step pyramid in Egypt.

Doesn't it look like anything? And so:

Suyumbeki Tower. Kazan
Suyumbeki Tower. Kazan

Suyumbeki Tower. Kazan.

But if the arch was at the initial stage of the construction of the pyramid, then where is it now? Yes, here it is:

The laid arch of the Pyramid
The laid arch of the Pyramid

The laid arch of the Pyramid.

They laid it down. But at the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin it is still used.

Red Square. Moscow
Red Square. Moscow

Red Square. Moscow.

And the columns on the facade are depicted:

The symbols of the Boaz and Yakhin columns on the Spasskaya tower
The symbols of the Boaz and Yakhin columns on the Spasskaya tower

The symbols of the Boaz and Yakhin columns on the Spasskaya tower.

Even the apparatus for preparing geopolymer concrete (or its components) for the construction of the pyramid has survived. Almost the same as in the engraving showing the construction of the pyramid in Egypt. We called this apparatus "Execution Ground".

Place of execution
Place of execution

Place of execution.

Now let's remember that the Kremlin, and the whole of Moscow, was originally built of white stone. This fact, by the way, leads to a stupor of foreigners. They cannot understand why we call the capital white stone, if it is all "red brick". Red brick, this is all a remake. And those very first structural elements of the Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral were partially preserved only underground:

White stones of the Moscow Kremlin
White stones of the Moscow Kremlin

White stones of the Moscow Kremlin.

White stones of the Moscow Kremlin
White stones of the Moscow Kremlin

White stones of the Moscow Kremlin.

It turns out that the picture of the construction of a real tower, or a stepped pyramid, on the site of which the modern Spasskaya Tower stands, were completely identical to the image in the engraving by Philippe Halle. This is the answer to the terrible secret where so much white stone came from to build a huge city. This is not a stone. This is geopolymer concrete, which was produced directly at the construction site.

It is unlikely that the builders of the Kremlin conceived of building a pyramid, but the basic principles of construction all over the world were the same. First a stepped tower with an arch, and then do whatever you want with it.

But the answer, for which the Masons expanded the towers to the size of the current pyramids, is known only to themselves, and even then, only to those who have the highest degree of initiation. But they will not tell anything, as well as about the reasons for the exclusion of Russia from the "G8"

Author: kadykchanskiy