Miracles And Secrets Of Gorny Altai - Alternative View

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Miracles And Secrets Of Gorny Altai - Alternative View
Miracles And Secrets Of Gorny Altai - Alternative View

Video: Miracles And Secrets Of Gorny Altai - Alternative View

Video: Miracles And Secrets Of Gorny Altai - Alternative View
Video: Secrets of Altai a great journey 2024, September

Since ancient times, the belief in miracles has always been accompanied in human history by the search for an enchanted or sacred place. In order to gain immortality to communicate with a great sorcerer or saint, it was necessary to overcome great distances, climb high into the heavens, descend to the seabed or find a high-mountain cave, in which, according to the legend of ancestors, an unknown miracle is hidden, giving a person what he is about long and hopelessly dreamed.

Moreover, if in our time to ascend to the heavens or sink to the bottom of some of the seas is a task, albeit difficult, but technically feasible, then in ancient times, the only place where a seeker of miracles could get was usually a nearby mountain range. In fact, if you take any mountain formations, then about each of them there is probably a legend in one way or another associated with miracles: Ararat is Noah's Ark, allegedly sticking to it in ancient times, the peaks of the Himalayas, where the kingdom of Nepal took refuge, are tightly connected with legends about the mysterious Shambhala, the European Carpathians have forever preserved the legends about Count Dracula, and so it can be said about any mountain range. Altai is one of the most beautiful places on earth, located in the East of Russia is no exception.

Anomalous zone of mountain Altai

Altai mountain formations, first of all, are famous for their beautiful landscapes. Low mountains of extraordinary beauty stretch along the entire horizon, there is not a single sharp line, everything is smooth and even, the elevation, smoothly flows into the depression and vice versa. It seems that an unknown ancient force is violently bursting outward, but in no way can it break through the flesh of the Earth, only forming the undulating surface of the mountains. But do not relax, this enchanting, seemingly unsteady beauty can dramatically change with the whistle of flying fireballs, plasmoids or rays of light that have come from nowhere gliding over mountain peaks. For example, the famous scientist Aleksey Dmitriev, the author of the monograph "Natural self-luminous formations" from the mid-seventies to the second half of the eighties counted about 2000 glows from nowhere. Among them, he identified 207 different types of anomalous glow associated with changes in the Earth's geomagnetic background. Luminous pillars, shining stripes, balls, slow drifting lightning observed since the seventies arose either in an hour, or during, or an hour after an abrupt change in the earth's geomagnetic field or after strong flares on the Sun. Later, continuing systematic observations, scientists from Novosibirsk noted an interesting pattern: natural luminous phenomena do not appear throughout Altai, but occur extremely unevenly, most often in the places of faults in the earth's crust. Glowing balls, stripes and plasmoids, one might say, create a kind of illumination, illuminating the Terekta and Katunskiy ridges like neon lights. Unfortunately, the attempts of scientiststo give a scientific explanation of the light phenomena of the Altai mountains have not yet been crowned with success, although, analyzing the hypotheses unrecognized by official science, it is clear that the luminous objects of the Altai mountains illustrate the theory of the existence of geopathogenic and biogenic zones of the Earth in the best possible way. According to this theory, the Sun and other planets emit some energy, which the Earth catches, pulling it into faults in its crust, and Altai is the best suited for such energy exchange.


Surprisingly, no matter how they criticized Soviet science, it was at that time that the most serious scientific research in the field of unusual natural phenomena was carried out. Nowadays, for example, Altai is considered almost a UFO cosmodrome, however, if, according to the assumptions of ufologists, unusual luminous objects have an unearthly form of origin, then scientists of the last century have absolutely accurately established the relationship between strange light phenomena in the Altai skies and changes inside the Earth. However, one should not think that with the exposure of the glowing balls, mountain Altai lost its legend, it exists and, as it may not sound surprising, is connected precisely with the visit of the Earth by alien civilizations.

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Cosmodrome in the ancient mountains

The Ukok plateau is probably the most beautiful and at the same time mysterious place in the Altai mountains, it was here in 1993 during archaeological excavations that a possible location of an alien base of ancient conquerors or explorers of our planet was discovered. The high-mountain plateau has long attracted the attention of archaeologists, but here they were primarily looking for Scythian sites, burials and unique stone altars of the ancient nomadic civilization. Even the megaliths, which are a kind of gateway to Ukok, located in the place where the Tarkhata River bursts out of the labyrinths of gorges into the Kosh Agach steppe, are ranked among the Scythian culture. According to legend, these boulders were brought here by the ancient Scythians for 500 kilometers and date back to the 8-6th century BC. One of them in the shape of an armchair, strictly aligned to the cardinal points, as the locals say, cures infertility. Similar, but smaller in size, altars of unknown religion are scattered throughout the plateau, many of them keep petroglyphs, signs of ancient writing, which belonged to the ancient Scythians.


And in the summer of 1993, archaeologists of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences began excavations in a Scythian burial on the Ukok high-mountain plateau, as it was supposed to be an ordinary stone mound located in the Ak-Alakha river basin. However, as subsequent events showed, the excavations were not only not ordinary, but on the contrary led to a series of unique discoveries. The first thing that scientists discovered in the permafrost was the burial of a Scythian man. As was customary in antiquity, the respected and obviously rich Scythian was accompanied to another world by "necessities": three horses, iron knives and clay utensils. Scientists began to carefully remove the contents of the tomb, and then suddenly, under the first burial, a second appeared, and here the scientists were in for a real sensation, under the flooring were the remains of 6 horses in the richest harness,and under them, in a sarcophagus, lay a woman of European appearance, not typical of the locals. But it was not this that struck the researchers, in front of them was a real mummy, and perfectly preserved. There was no limit to surprise, because the excavations were carried out not in Egypt, India or Tibet, but on the hard-to-reach plateau of the Altai Mountains. On the body of the princess "Kadyn", as scientists christened her, there was a tattoo of a griffin made in the Scythian animal style. Unfortunately, for unclear reasons, the excavations had to be stopped, possibly due to the indignation of local residents who claim that the ashes of their ancestor were disturbed. Although this statement is extremely controversial, because modern Altaians belong to the Turkic peoples, and the princess has a classic European appearance. However, despite the termination of excavations,the unique mummy was taken from Altai and delivered to the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, later it was restored by scientists from the Research Center for Biological Structures (Institute of the Mausoleum) in Moscow.

Where is the princess's homeland?

But who was this amazing woman during her lifetime, because her find radically destroyed the idea of scientists about the past of the inhabitants of the Altai, it turns out that not wild backward tribes lived here, but judging by the find of Princess Kadyn, there was a strong developed civilization. After all, the age of the princess, scientists estimate at 3000 years, it turns out that in 1000 BC, the inhabitants of the inaccessible high-mountainous plateaus of Altai did not walk in skins with stone axes, as was previously believed, but had clothes made of the finest silk, were able to make gold and bronze jewelry and tools. Looking at the features of the Altai ruler, you are amazed at how much she differs from the modern inhabitants of Altai: tall, thin, aristocratic features.


And yet, where did this amazing woman come from, and was she even a woman? Recently, more and more scientists are inclined to believe that the origin of people, or at least teaching them the basics of civilized life, is associated with visits to the Earth by aliens from other planets, and possibly from the stars. Moreover, several, but rather specific places of the Earth are called the landing site for the Starship Troopers: Egypt, the Kola Peninsula, Chile (Aztecs, to be specified) and China. It is not known why for millennia this information was hushed up, because if you collect and analyze architectural monuments and ancient legends, then there is no doubt about the veracity of the given theory. The Ukok plateau and the legendary princess Kadyn, who, by the way, locals consider the progenitor of humanity, is located at the intersection of the borders of the four largest world states: Russia, China,Kazakhstan and Mongolia. At the same time, in the place of folklore, long before the opening of the tomb, there was an ancient legend telling about the princess Kadyn: “… on the high-mountain plateau Utok, in the south of Altai, located at an altitude of about 3 kilometers above sea level, since ancient times considered a sacred territory, at the foot of the great mountains Tabyn- Bogdo-Ola, there is the upper world, the "second layer of heaven" inhabited by the sons of heaven. " Further, the legend tells how, according to the information of the Scythians who came to these lands many thousands of years ago, before them, creatures who came from the stars and had supernatural powers lived here. And somewhere among the peaks of Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola, the mysterious Huandi lived with his “team”. Perhaps this "man" was the captain of the ship that delivered a team of alien scientists to Earth, because, as the Scythian legends say,After living on Earth for several years, Huangdi and part of his team entered a fire-breathing dragon cast from copper and flew home to the stars. However, the rest of the team may have lived for some time among the earthlings and died a natural death. Many researchers consider Princess Kadyn to be one of the members of the stellar crew. In addition, even if we close our eyes to the striking difference between the princess and the races that lived in Altai, both in antiquity and now, then explain why for thousands of years the princess's mummy remained in its original form, as if the ritual took place yesterday, still remains a mystery. … Of course, one can argue that, according to the fashion for cosmic theories of the origin of Earthlings, the mysterious princess is simply attracted by the ears to this version, but then Chinese researchers and even the famous Herodotus stand up to protect the supporters of the space version. So among the archaeologists of China, who, with their political system, it is difficult to suspect of myth-making, became known a find made in Altai in the immediate vicinity of the Russian border in the Chinese province of Zizhou. During the excavations, the tomb of a certain Chi Yu was discovered, whom Chinese archaeologists seriously consider to be Huangdi's assistant, but if the Huangdi team can still be more likely to be ranked among people, then Chi Yu, according to Chinese experts, turned out to be a half humanoid half cyborg. True, the age of the find is five thousand years, which is two thousand years older than the supposed age of Princess Kadyn. Thus, the Ukok plateau and the surrounding area, among the local residents from time immemorial, was considered the "haven of the gods", and recently UNESCO declared this territory a "Peace Zone" and included in the list of the world heritage of the Earth. The fact of the coincidence of the scientific and legendary versions of the origin of Princess Kadyn puts an end to the disputes about the origin of humanity. And just a few months later, after the opening of the tomb, another indirect confirmation of the extraterrestrial origin of the Altai mummy was found in the historical archives: the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, a contemporary of the mysterious princess, wrote about the Scythian tribes inhabiting the Altai mountains, who can turn into vultures, "guarding gold" … These unknown creatures were distinguished by their tall stature and "unearthly" appearance. Neither slanting eyes nor wide cheekbones like the Chinese or Altai have. Their "portraits" are again very close to the ancient Chinese descriptions of the "sons of heaven". Herodotus writes that the Scythians had their own "kings", headed by the "foremother", "the mistress of the Scythians."Many images of eared griffins, mythological creatures guarding gold, have been found in the graves of this period. By the way, there are especially many of them on the Ukok plateau. But only one of them, and the largest, was applied to the human body. Thus, there is almost no doubt that the princess with the vulture on her shoulder was the very Great Priestess. Indeed, in a mysterious burial, besides the woman's mummy, six horses of red color, decorated with metal objects of unknown purpose, were buried. According to Chinese mythology, such horses were called "tsilin" - heavenly, capable of lifting a person to the clouds themselves. They were a cross with a griffin and were associated with the image of the Goddess - the mother who gave birth to the entire human race, whose ashes are extremely undesirable to disturb. By the way, locals,were very concerned about the discovery and opening of the tomb, rightly believing that the archaeologists disturbed the rest of the gods. Indeed, shortly after the discovery of Princess Kadyn, in 2003 a wave of earthquakes swept across Altai, which local residents associate with the transportation of the princess's ashes to Novosibirsk and Moscow. Now many public figures in Altai demand from the authorities to return the princess to her historical "Motherland" in the Altai Republic and even collect signatures under a petition to the authorities. Now many public figures in Altai demand from the authorities to return the princess to her historical "Motherland" in the Altai Republic and even collect signatures under a petition to the authorities. Now many public figures in Altai demand from the authorities to return the princess to her historical "Motherland" in the Altai Republic and even collect signatures under a petition to the authorities.

Dmitry Sokolov
