Riddles Of Evolution: What Diseases Do People Suffer From Through An Oversight Of Nature - Alternative View

Riddles Of Evolution: What Diseases Do People Suffer From Through An Oversight Of Nature - Alternative View
Riddles Of Evolution: What Diseases Do People Suffer From Through An Oversight Of Nature - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Evolution: What Diseases Do People Suffer From Through An Oversight Of Nature - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Evolution: What Diseases Do People Suffer From Through An Oversight Of Nature - Alternative View
Video: CONSCIOUSNESS AND PERSONALITY. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive. (English subtitles) 2024, September

Science has long proved that man, like all living things, is the result of evolution. However, judging by the findings of paleontologists, the origin of man is rather accidental than natural. We are not a “crown of creation”, but a product of survival, and our body, unfortunately, is imperfect. Especially in modern conditions.

According to NTV, atherosclerosis, obesity and diabetes are a consequence of the fact that the body cannot withstand the current abundance of food in general and sugar and fat in particular.

From even more ancient times, there are problems in women during childbirth: as excavations show, in two million years the human brain has grown almost three times, the head has increased, and the pelvic girdle has remained narrow - otherwise there would not have been effective upright posture. As a result, the baby's large skull hardly passes into the remaining gap between the bones.

Alexander Markov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Moscow State University, paleontologist, popularizer of science:

“We are biologically and genetically - creatures of the Stone Age, who are now in a completely new environment for us. In our modern civilized society, many systems of our body do not work quite optimally."

For example, with diseases of the spine, we pay for upright walking. Flat feet - for the fact that initially our lower limbs were adapted for climbing trees. And evolution also turned off our ability to produce vitamin C - we used to be able to do this, but due to the abundance of fruits in the warm regions where our species developed, the function disappeared.

But the case when something ancient has not completely disappeared - these are wisdom teeth, which now only interfere, and earlier helped to chew tough plant food.

And the appendix is from the same series. The appendix of the cecum helped to digest the vegetarian diet. Now he has lost this function, but retained minor ones - it serves as an "incubator" of beneficial bacteria and contains a large amount of lymphatic tissue. This strange design does not work flawlessly and sometimes becomes inflamed, posing a mortal danger.

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Another, not so threatening "hello from the past" in our body is goosebumps: once such a reaction served to lift the coat, for example, in cold weather. Our hair has disappeared, but the chills remain.

Over the past 50 thousand years, people have decreased muscles, jaws and teeth, and their eyebrows have become not so thick. Over seven million years of evolution and development, our brain has grown from 400 grams to 1500, and over the past 25 thousand years, on the contrary, we have lost almost 150 grams.

Alexander Markov:

“Now there is a negative selection for genes that have a positive effect on intelligence, health, life expectancy and so on. People with high intelligence leave fewer offspring than people with low intelligence."

Many scientists, however, hope that this is a temporary phenomenon. But while the average level of intelligence continues to decline, and in parallel, obscurantism and charlatanism are spreading.