Man, Where Is Your Beginning? - Alternative View

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Man, Where Is Your Beginning? - Alternative View
Man, Where Is Your Beginning? - Alternative View

Video: Man, Where Is Your Beginning? - Alternative View

Video: Man, Where Is Your Beginning? - Alternative View
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As you know, according to the theory of evolution, man descended from a monkey, because in the process of survival he had to work and think a lot and hard. However, there are a lot of questions to Darwin's theory among other scientists, because no one has yet found an intermediate link between man and ape. The remains of an ancient man are. There are remains of an ancient monkey, but there are no remains of an ancient creature of the man-ape type. Even if we assume that man once descended from a monkey, why is this not repeated with modern monkeys?

The chimpanzee has a sufficiently developed intellect, knows how to use primitive tools of labor: to break coconuts with stones, to knock fruits from high branches, but the monkey remains a monkey. A logical question arises: where is the evolution promised by Darwin?

All these questions that remain unanswered and allow some scientists to assert that not everything is clear with the history of mankind and put forward various hypotheses of the appearance of man on Earth, incredible from the point of view of academic science.

Human ancestor is not a monkey?

The scientific world was shocked by the sensational news, researchers from North American University said that man did not descend from ape, but from ancient crocodiles. Scientists have studied the fossil remains of animals that lived 400 million years ago.

After that, neurophysicist Malcolm McCain and paleontologist Lars Schmids decided that human evolution originates directly from reptiles, which, in turn, went on land in search of more food.

Today there are a huge number of hypotheses that try to answer the question: who was the ancestor of man? More and more scientists are inclined to believe that these were not monkeys. Against this background, the studies of Japanese biologists are only a continuation of the fashionable trend, if not for the sensational hypothesis that not man descended from a monkey, but a monkey descended from man. Strange as it may seem, but the search for a creature from which a person originated is not an idle interest. A positive search result will help you find the elixir of youth and immortality.

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At the moment, several world companies are exploring the possibility of continuing the life of living beings. From the latest reports of scientists, it is known that thanks to genetic manipulations, the researchers managed to increase the lifespan of the Drosophila fly and the ordinary mouse, and after all, during a comparative analysis, 60% of matches were found in the DNA of a person and a fly. In addition, about 99% of human genes correspond to those of the mouse.

Therefore, it is not strange that more and more scientists are trying to find a creature that was 100% the ancestor of modern humans.

Version # 1: Giants

Some particularly desperate scientists have advanced the theory that information about the Ancient Giants who lived in the distant past is encrypted in the human genetic code. Recently, for unexplained reasons, these dormant genes have been activated, because since the Renaissance, the size of subsequent generations began to increase in growth. In our time, two-meter people do not seem to be something unusual.

Strange as it may seem, but archaeologists managed to establish that literally 1500 years ago, the real giants lived in modern Ireland.

Scientists have even managed to isolate a special gene from the bones of Charles Bean, who lived in northern Ireland in the 18th century and was nicknamed "the Irish giant." A similar gene was found in four more modern humans living in the same area. According to scientists, they all had one ancestor who lived about 66 generations ago.

There are many facts that in ancient times people surpassed modern man in their height, including archaeological finds. In the Gobia desert, the remains of a humanoid were found, whose height reached 15 meters. After that, the British archaeologists who were excavating, announced the need to revise the history of the planet.

In addition, in the Old Testament, you can find references to creatures that were distinguished by a tough disposition, had tremendous strength and were several times larger than a person.

Version number 2 Rat - human ancestor

In India, there is a temple dedicated to the goddess KarneMata, all the rats that live on the territory of the temple are considered the children of the goddess. Local Hindus believe that man is descended from a rat, and that after death he can become a rat again.

After lengthy research, scientists have come to the conclusion that all viviparous mammals, including humans, descended from the oldest rodents that lived on earth 160 million years ago. Existing research confirms that the closest creature in terms of genetic code is a rat. Concludes that the common ancestor for apes and humans is prehistoric rodents.

Version number 3 Humanity - space travelers?

The search for a human ancestor is not limited to our planet. The most radical researchers in relation to the dominant theory of evolution argue that the absence of an example of the development of individual species at the present time is proof that evolution as a phenomenon does not exist a priori. The ancestors of modern man came to our planet only from space.

Such a theory has a right to exist, because many artifacts have been found that confirm the amazing development of a civilization that existed many millions of years ago and for some unknown reason disappeared.

These include artifacts that are found by archaeologists around the planet. In Egypt, South America, China, Russia they find things that primitive man simply could not create.

Thus, more and more often there are opinions that the hypothesis put forward by Darwin does not reflect the whole truth in the process of the formation and development of our planet. Recent research in genetics confirms this fact. The importance of these studies is colossal, because thanks to the results obtained, it will be possible to create a real elixir of immortality. However, where such investigations will lead, no one knows. After all, a discovery may occur that will completely change our understanding of the universe.