The Legend Of The Origin Of Mankind - Alternative View

The Legend Of The Origin Of Mankind - Alternative View
The Legend Of The Origin Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: The Legend Of The Origin Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: The Legend Of The Origin Of Mankind - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

The small inhabitants of Japan, getting to America, become tall, like the Americans themselves. So the aliens who came to our Earth become ordinary earthlings …

It is known that the way of life of people, their origin, traditions, customs are reflected in numerous legends passed down from generation to generation. There are not many peoples whose legends say that they flew to planet Earth from neighboring stars.

One of these peoples is the Dagon, living on the African continent, and the Osage Indian tribe, living in the United States. It is the Dagon who insist that the place where their ancestors came from is the star Sirius. In the blood of people from the Osage tribe, factors were found that are not in the blood of other peoples living on Earth.

The appearance of such legends, which asserts the cosmic origin of peoples, cannot only be reduced to the fact that these are just insane inventions of savages. However, the level of development of savages is not much different from the level of development of the same animal, so savages can talk about topics related only to the surrounding reality, and not about some kind of space travel.

Stories about space can be heard from those peoples who actually had a connection with outer space, and then, due to some circumstances, was lost. Therefore, the origin of such legends, myths about space is largely due to the fact that once upon a time there were constant flights between the Earth and other planets.


Guests who came from outer space regularly lived on our planet, they tried to learn from the experience of earthly inhabitants and at the same time tried to share their experience, tried to gain knowledge that would be useful to them in the future, very often they lived visiting their friends, they rested, spending their free time for excursions. The end of further communication came when a nuclear war began, during which many guests from outer space simply did not have time to fly back, stayed to live on planet Earth and experienced the terrible consequences of a nuclear disaster.

The same thing happened to people who were visiting space inhabitants, they also had to stay forever on other planets due to the interrupted connection with their native land. In the South American Indian tribe, the Araucans, the stars are perceived as people who find themselves in the sky.

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This legend has survived to this day, having undergone minor changes, and this legend could not appear among the peoples that had just arisen. In the texts of the "Avesta" we can find places that say that all Humanity came to planet Earth from other stars.

According to these Avestan texts, people belonging to the white race come from the star Ursa Major, people belonging to the yellow race came from the constellations Cygnus and Lyra, people of the red race came from the star Cassiopeia, people of the black race - from the constellation Orion.

However, such records raise great doubts and have no rational grain, since the listed races indicated in the "Avesta" exist on Earth. Such statements speak about the insignificant role of all Humanity on Earth. What cannot be denied is the fact that those who flew from other stars could create marital unions with people, have many children from such relationships.


After all, there are laws of nature, according to which the more perfect the species, the more races of this type that can mix with each other. On the other hand, the newly emerging race is transformed into a separate species through mutations that occur within species in organisms belonging to the lower classes.

So, the additional point that appears on the surface of the "ladybug" does not differ from other points on its chitin, but this species will no longer be able to merge with the parent species. However, if a person is born with extra fingers on both the upper and lower extremities, this will not prevent the new and main races from mixing with each other.

Man has the unique ability to mix with different cosmic species that have intelligence, since he is the heir of the asuras, who are considered the "Masters of the Universe."

In the legends you can find a detailed description of six types of living beings, designed to help all of humanity in difficult times. In written sources, drawings that have survived to this day, people-snakes, people-birds, people with the heads of dogs and cats, as well as people similar to monkeys lived on Earth.

These creatures helped man to be reborn after a nuclear disaster, preventing the process of colonization of planet Earth. Presumably, the emergence of the cult of cats dates back to this time, since almost everywhere on the planet you can find figurines that resemble cat people. Perhaps it was these creatures that were closer to people, remained to live with them, and later mixed with them.

Studies in the field of serology prove that it was the fourth blood group that the space inhabitants had. Through a process called convergence, earthlings can interbreed with aliens from outer space.


If an intelligent species belonging to the class of mammals comes to our planet Earth, then it will necessarily converge, and in the direction of a species that has a mind like humans. The same applies to the herbs found on Sakhalin Island.

Here they grow to gigantic sizes (up to two meters). However, if these herbs are brought back to this island, then these plants will again become common species.

The small inhabitants of Japan, getting to America, become tall, like the Americans themselves. So the aliens who have come to our Earth become ordinary earthlings, and if this does not happen, then they die out.