Seven Houses With Ghosts In Nizhny Novgorod - Alternative View

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Seven Houses With Ghosts In Nizhny Novgorod - Alternative View
Seven Houses With Ghosts In Nizhny Novgorod - Alternative View

Video: Seven Houses With Ghosts In Nizhny Novgorod - Alternative View

Video: Seven Houses With Ghosts In Nizhny Novgorod - Alternative View
Video: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia on $100. Racecars, History and Giant Cookies 2024, July

The ghost of the merchant Nikolai Bugrov

The miller, millionaire and philanthropist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bugrov at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries was known far beyond the borders of the Nizhny Novgorod province


Photo: Roman IGNATIEV

Where: Nikolai Bugrov's House (Nizhnevolzhskaya embankment, 14);

Bugrovskoe cemetery (Pushkin street, 34).


The miller, millionaire and philanthropist Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bugrov at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries was known far beyond the borders of the Nizhny Novgorod province. His capital at that time was truly fabulous - eight million rubles! But, in accordance with the Old Believer traditions, he lived modestly - he dressed in the same clothes, ate cabbage soup and porridge, and spent all his money and energy on increasing wealth and on charity. Bugrov died at 74, but urban legends say that the active nature of a millionaire could not find peace even after death. Nikolai Skvortsov, a local historian from Nizhny Novgorod, recalled a mysterious and mystical story that happened to him in the 1980s. For a book about Nizhny Novgorod, he collected information, in particular, about Bugrov, and wandered into the Bugrovskoye cemetery to find his grave. The day was gloomyand on the whole churchyard Skvortsov met only one person - not young, with a thick beard. He spoke, heavily pressing on "O" - such a speech was in Nizhny in the old days, but by the end of the 20th century, the provincial dialect was almost eliminated even in remote villages. The stranger pointed out to the local historian the place of the grave of the famous merchant, claiming that he had seen this place in an old book. And a few hours later, when he came home, Skvortsov took out an archive of old photographs and gasped - the stranger from the cemetery turned out to be Bugrov!Skvortsov took out an archive of old photographs and gasped - the stranger from the cemetery turned out to be the very Bugrov!Skvortsov took out an archive of old photographs and gasped - the stranger from the cemetery turned out to be the very Bugrov!

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The ghost of a schoolgirl in love

Ordinary passers-by sometimes hear bitter crying from the old house


Photo: Roman IGNATIEV

Where: Regional neuropsychiatric hospital №1 (Kashchenko str., 12a building 24)


The current hospital for the mentally ill in the village of Lyakhovo in Shcherbinki is a very, very uncomfortable place in itself, but an abandoned building located on the territory of the psychiatric hospital catches up most of all horror. The old red brick building, although slowly but surely turning into ruins, does not lose its grandeur. Locals say that a high school student who lived nearby disappeared several years ago, and after several days of searching, the girl was found hanged in an abandoned building. The suicide classmates said that she laid hands on herself because of unhappy love. And her soul, apparently, yearns for her beloved until now - the staff and patients of the mental hospital and ordinary passers-by sometimes hear bitter crying coming from the old house.

The ghost of Maxim Gorky

Night watchmen used to often call the police after hearing mysterious rustles


Photo: Roman IGNATIEV

Where: Museum-apartment of the writer Maxim Gorky (Semashko street, 19)


A cultural trip to museums can be a real mystical adventure if you go to the museum-apartment of the writer Maxim Gorky in Nizhny Novgorod. There, according to rumors, one can meet the restless spirit of the writer himself - museum workers say that he often wanders through the rooms of his former apartment, stomping his boots loudly, and moves objects and books from one place to another. Most often, a bunch of flowers, which the writer gave to his wife, Ekaterina Pavlovna Peshkova, changes its location in the distant 1903. Esotericists believe that in this way the former owner of the apartment draws attention to the fact that not all things are in the places where they were during his lifetime. Night guards used to often call the police after hearing mysterious rustles, but can you bring someone who died 80 years ago to the police station?

Ghost of the Rocker Tower

Rumor has it that you can still sometimes see a girl in a long white shirt with a baby in her arms next to the tower.


Photo: Roman IGNATIEV

Where: Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, Koromyslov tower


This legend is perhaps the oldest of all Nizhny Novgorod stories - it is already half a thousand years old! They say that the construction of one of the towers was not given to the workers in any way - as soon as the wall was erected, it collapsed. And then the local sage advised to build a fortress on the blood of the one who is the first to approach this place - they say, then the Kremlin will turn out to be strong and impregnable. And then a young family lived nearby, waiting for an addition. Early in the morning, a young pregnant wife went to the river to fetch water - it was her that the builders sacrificed, walled up in the base of the tower along with a rocker and buckets. Rumor has it that you can still sometimes see a girl in a long white shirt with a baby in her arms next to the tower.

Ghosts of Blinovsky Passage

The guards of the Blinovsky passage claim that something mysterious is constantly happening in the old house


Photo: Roman IGNATIEV

Where: Blinovsky passage (Rozhdestvenskaya street, 24)


In the winter of 2012, an eerie video spread across the Internet - first a translucent white figure appears from the door, then it rises into the air, as if dancing, and disappears. These frames were captured by a video surveillance camera installed in the building of the Employment Center, known as "Blinovsky Passage". The guards, by the way, assure that this is not the first time that something mysterious has happened in an old house: a crying woman will float along the corridors, or a little girl in a magnificent dress will whirl in a dance. But whose restless souls they might be is still unknown, because there are no bloody legends in the history of Blinovsky passage. Although, who knows - maybe they just remain unknown for now …

Ghosts of the Kamensky estate

In an empty house, passers-by often notice the light in the windows, hear voices, music, crying and groans


Photo: Roman IGNATIEV

Where: Mansion of steamboat owners Kamensky (11, Verkhnevolzhskaya embankment)


The family of merchants Kamensky built a beautiful villa on the Verkhnevolzhskaya embankment with love and diligence, but they did not live there for long - the construction ended in 1914, and three years later the revolution broke out. The family had to flee to relatives in Moscow, but, apparently, they still hoped to return, and therefore hid the family treasure in the wall of the house. In the 70s of the XX century, the cache was accidentally discovered by a worker - pictures, silverware, candelabra were wrapped in 1917 newspapers … Only there were no decorations, and that worker, without hesitation, was accused of theft and put in prison. And in an empty house, passers-by often noticed the light in the windows, heard voices, music, crying and groans. Perhaps the Kamenskys have returned after all?

Ghost of the German Bear

From the middle of the 20th century, the ghost of Mishka Germanets began to appear either in the building of the Nizhny Novgorod prison, then in the archives of the Gorky region in Balakhna


Photo: Roman IGNATIEV

Where: Nizhny Novgorod prison (Freedom Square, building 2)


Mishka Germanets (according to the documents - Mikhail Gershhorn) - was a thief and at the same time an agent recruited by the police. Among the criminals, he enjoyed authority, but he regularly reported all the actions of the criminal community to the keepers of order - except for his plans, of course. For many years he managed to sit on two chairs, and only in 1905 the thieves' world figured out him - Germanets got a hole, taking personal part in the arrest of a gang of robbers at the Pokhvalinsky Congress. The offender fled the city and hid somewhere for several more years. It was only after the revolution that he was finally caught and imprisoned, where he was soon killed. And from the middle of the 20th century, his ghost began to appear either in the building of the Nizhny Novgorod prison, then in the archives of the Gorky region in Balakhna, where there was once a prison too. How he managed to move from one place to another is not clear,however, any trick can be expected from such a cunning and dodgy swindler. Even after death.