Dogon Legend: Nommo - Alternative View

Dogon Legend: Nommo - Alternative View
Dogon Legend: Nommo - Alternative View

Video: Dogon Legend: Nommo - Alternative View

Video: Dogon Legend: Nommo - Alternative View
Video: Dogon Dama | National Geographic 2024, October

Dogon legend tells that Nommo descended from heaven in a ship that was shaped like a box. The landing was accompanied by strong thunder, earthquakes, and columns of sand and dust. The fire emanating from the lower part of the ship died out as soon as the ship touched the surface. A staircase with ten steps exited from it, after which the door to the interior of the apparatus, which consisted of eight rooms, opened in the sixth step. Further, the legend details the crew of aliens from space. In this regard, the question arises, for what purpose did the aliens from outer space tell the earthlings about the Sirius star system? Now it is difficult to say about this, but, probably, this information was intended for future generations of people.

Based on the above facts, Erich von Daniken came to the conclusion that the ellipse from Zimbabwe may well be a stone model of the Sirius star system. In turn, the mighty tower, located inside the elliptical wall, corresponds to the superdense Sirius B. At the same time, the ruins of the wall of the large ellipse may well correspond to the location of the "Shoemaker's planet" and the "Planet of Women", and the parallel wall passing inside the elliptical wall from the inside - orbit of another planet in the Sirius system.


We can definitely say that the “Zimbabwe” wall could not serve as a fortification. Scientists have not proposed another reasonable explanation for the purpose for which the conical tower, which has no entrances or steps, was built, as well as the appointment of a parallel wall and elliptical walls inside a large ellipse. There is, however, one more possibility of using this mysterious design. “Zimbabwe” could actually play a role similar to the Egyptian pyramids, using energy unknown to us.

A number of finds in the Acropolis "Zimbabwe" indicate the similarity of the beliefs of the Egyptians and the Dogon. Thus, the sculptures of eight birds that were found here are very similar to the sacred falcon of the Egyptian pharaoh Horus. Finally, the oldest Egyptian calendar - the Sirius calendar! And Isis, the mother of Horus, was considered the goddess of Sirius. The date of the construction of the Zimbabwe complex remains a secret. It is also unknown when and where the Dogon tribe came to Mali.

Thus, the mysterious ruins of “Zimbabwe” keep soy a secret to this day. We do not yet have any reasonable explanation for the existence of Zimbabwe. It is not known what the ellipse, tower, parallel walls mean, and maybe the events of the future will one day reveal to us the true meaning of the Dogon mystery …