Three Encounters With A Tall Green Alien In Eagle - Alternative View

Three Encounters With A Tall Green Alien In Eagle - Alternative View
Three Encounters With A Tall Green Alien In Eagle - Alternative View

Video: Three Encounters With A Tall Green Alien In Eagle - Alternative View

Video: Three Encounters With A Tall Green Alien In Eagle - Alternative View
Video: Aliens Are Real, Says Harvard Astronomer 2024, October

This strange story of three consecutive contacts with a representative of extraterrestrial intelligence was told by Mikhail Zybunovsky from the city of Oryol. According to him, it began in the distant post-war years, when he was still small.

- 1947. I am seven years old. Late evening. The lemon light of the moon illuminates our courtyard. Cold stars wink in the sky. My sister and I sit on a pile of sawdust and vigorously discuss various scary stories about sorcerers and brownies that we have heard from adults, mainly from our grandmother. And the more eerie details of those stories we remember, the more terrifying it becomes for us.

It is already beginning to seem - from behind the chimney protruding above the hut, a witch, who has flown on a broomstick, peeps out, and in the chicken coop, sighing, grandfather the brownie … Fear captures us, and we fly home like a bullet. Soon we go to bed. My sister and I sleep in the same bed - jack.

The night is coming.

Suddenly I wake up because someone pushed me sensitively in the side. I open my eyes. Next to the crib is a huge soldier, all dressed in green. On the head is a cap, from which a faint orange glow emanates.

A-ah, the brownie came !!!

I was blown off the crib like a wind. I rushed as fast as I could to the bed where my mother was sleeping. I ducked under the covers to her. Naturally, Mom immediately woke up. And I also saw the "soldier".

- Who are you? Why are you here? she asked in a trembling voice.

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The "soldier" did not answer a word. He continued to stand in one place in silence. Then my mother, with a loud gasp, jumped out of bed and rushed to the crib, where my five-year-old sister was sleeping peacefully. I grabbed her in an armful and ran back. Mom and I hid the girl under a patchwork quilt. And I hid under another blanket lying nearby. He hid his head, but left a small gap to spy on.

Slightly moving away from fright, my mother again asked the "soldier":

- Who are you, after all? And how did you enter the house?

He sighed heavily. Then he suddenly melted into thin air. At the same second, flashes of fire flashed outside the window - somewhere in the distance. After another couple of seconds, the wall of fire approached, and the fire began right under the window, in our yard. Mom and I cried together. We decided - now we will burn.

However, the fire stopped as suddenly as it started.

In the morning we did not find any signs of a fire in the yard. Well, not a single burnt embers were found. The sun shone brightly. The yard was clean and empty.

The second meeting with the same "soldier" took place much later. I was already fourteen years old. It was early autumn in the yard. I was visiting my mother's acquaintances in the village of Platonovo, Oryol Region. On a high rocky bank above the river, an abandoned church towered there. And at some distance from its ruins there is a collective farm apple orchard.

One evening I went to that orchard to steal ripe apples. Suddenly I saw - from the ruins of the temple floating across the sky towards the garden, a cigar-shaped object, very large. Numerous bright lights shine on its body. I got cold feet and sat down behind the bushes. I feel like I'm shaking with fear. Cold sweat trickles down from my forehead in a stream, cutting my eyes with salt.

I closed my eyes, rubbing my eyes with my fingers, then opened them again. And he gasped. He stood in front of me - where did he come from ?! - broad-shouldered "soldier", all in green. As in our last meeting, he had a cap on his head, from which orange sparks flew in different directions. I screamed. The creature disappeared … And the cigar-shaped body with bright lights on its body flew slowly away.

I wanted to jump off the ground to run home, but I couldn't. I feel that my legs are leaden, my pants, excuse me, are wet, my heart is pounding so that it seems that it is about to jump out of my chest. Violent chills all over the body.

Who is this soldier-like creature? Why is it following me, I wondered feverishly, feeling my own wet pants. What does he want from me? This riddle, perhaps, will remain unsolved for me until the last minutes of my life.

The third meeting with a mysterious creature took place relatively recently - in 1992. I came to the village of Shablykino to visit a friend. More precisely, I didn't get to her a little. I got off my hitchhiking onto the highway near the bend where the country road branched off to the village. Well, I went along it on foot. And it took at least an hour to stomp to Shablykin.

It was in the evening. The stars have already appeared in the sky. I walk, admiring the bottomless starry sky.

A luminous spherical layer appeared on the horizon. I chuckled when I noticed him. I instantly remembered that second long-standing visit of the "soldier", the accompanying flight of the "cigar" in the sky, and how it all ended for my well-being. I looked around in panic - nowhere to hide! All around there are bare fields in stubble, but stacks of straw can be seen in the distance.

A spherical layer, rapidly approaching, transformed into a clearly outlined luminous ball. I clearly made out the round windows in its side, when the ball hovered motionless above me. Some flat faces stared out of the windows. And then suddenly a familiar monster, a tall creature in green clothes and a cap emitting an orange glow, rose up two steps away from me, as if it had sprung up out of the ground.

Freezing, we studied each other for a while. The creature, according to my feelings, is arrogant and arrogant, and I am fearful, with the hope of salvation. And an amazing thing: the fear that tormented me disappeared somewhere. I calmly sat down on a boulder lying on the side of the road and began to examine an object that was hanging in the sky almost directly above me. Then he turned an indifferent detached gaze to the "soldier."

And finally I examined its appearance in all details.

It turned out that earlier I was mistaken, mistaking his clothes for a soldier's uniform. The creature was wearing something like a green overalls, vaguely similar to a chemical protection suit. The overalls were sparsely stitched with phosphoric threads, which shimmered, played with a deathly bright green light.

On the head - the same cap as before, which did not darken, as it turned out, the face. The cap resembled an oval hood pulled tight over the skull, open in front.

The creature's face was definitely unearthly. Bluish, fleshy, with a flattened nose, under which a tiny mouth could be seen, rather not even a mouth, but just a narrow slit without lips. The arms hung below the knees, that is, they were unusually long. The monster was clutching an object pointed in my direction.

I repeat, I did not feel any emotions at that moment.

And suddenly the monster disappeared. And the ball with portholes quickly flew away and soon disappeared over the horizon. The veil of Olympic calmness was lifted from my soul as if by hand. I kind of came back to my senses. The strange numbness vanished.

Screaming in horror, I rushed along the country road towards the village where my friend lived.