Medveditskaya Ridge. Russia - Alternative View

Medveditskaya Ridge. Russia - Alternative View
Medveditskaya Ridge. Russia - Alternative View

Video: Medveditskaya Ridge. Russia - Alternative View

Video: Medveditskaya Ridge. Russia - Alternative View
Video: Медведицкая горная гряда одно из аномальных мест в Волгоградской обл Шаровая молния 2024, July

The Medveditskaya ridge is located on the border of the Volgograd and Saratov regions, 17 km from the city of Zhirnovsk, and is a string of hilly mountains from 200 to 370 meters. The territory stretches along a unique tectonic fault, and therefore is considered one of the strongest unpredictable anomalous zones in Russia.


Scientific expeditions have been regularly conducted in this area since 1982. But more than 35 expeditions conducted did not provide reliable explanations for the miracles happening on the Medveditskaya ridge.

One of the mysterious places of the Medveditskaya ridge is called the Slope of Mad Lightning. Hundreds of facts have been recorded when ball lightning appeared here not only in a thunderstorm, but also in calm weather, at any time of the day. There are suspicions that they rise from the bowels of the earth, since under the hill there is a network of strange tunnels that vaguely resemble Scythian mounds.

According to eyewitnesses, lightning moves slowly and at a height of no more than 1 m from the ground. They can fly upwind and hover over objects. Ball lightning can fly along the same route for hours and burn holes in trees in the way.


Another famous place of the Medveditskaya Ridge is called "The Grove of Drunken Birches". Here you can contemplate the strange growth of crooked birches, which seem to curl and creep along the ground. The radiation background of the grove exceeds the norm by 3 times and it is not recommended to stay in it for a long time.


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The third mysterious place of the Medveditskaya ridge is the Devil's Lair. The properties and nature of the events taking place in this zone cannot be explained even by experts in the paranormal.

Locals claim that if you stay in the Devil's Lair until dark, then you won't find the way back until morning. Although the area next to the Devil's Den is open and flat. And the residents of the neighboring village of Pogranichnoye, behind the hill, have long ceased to plow the land in the Devil's Den: even experienced tractor drivers do not get a smooth furrow - continuous zigzags.

Also, cases of spontaneous combustion of people were recorded here. In all the precedents, the burns were so severe that medicine was unable to help.


In addition to the three mystical places in the Medveditskaya ridge, there are unidentified flying objects of a triangular shape and an unusual fog that frightens animals, does not react to the wind and leaves a strange tan on the skin.