Thoughts About The Ideal School - Alternative View

Thoughts About The Ideal School - Alternative View
Thoughts About The Ideal School - Alternative View

Video: Thoughts About The Ideal School - Alternative View

Video: Thoughts About The Ideal School - Alternative View
Video: My ideal school 2024, July

Recently, there have been many criticisms of the school as an institution, but criticism requires a certain meaningful alternative, that is, a vision: what could be the ideal school system? How could this key social institution, which in many ways shape our children, look like if we were inventing it now without regard to the current legislation and the current structure of the school?

My thoughts are just the thoughts of my dad, who did not really take care of the older child, entrusting him to the teachers, and on the second child he thought hard about what the true essence of the words "put at the desk" or "study, study and study again" is. And what educational result can we expect by trusting the child to the school system.

Having no pedagogical education or experience, nevertheless, I will try to create a holistic picture and even outline certain measures that can be introduced under the current legislation in our city.

1. The school must be in a natural environment for humans. Locking children in small stuffy classes of thirty people, like herrings in a barrel, is clearly not the best option and an UNNatural ENVIRONMENT for a person and even more so for a child. Ideally, the entire educational process should take place in the fresh air, when weather conditions and equipment permit. The most amazing thing is that two hundred years ago, when the pro-Western school institute began to spread the weather in Russia, the weather conditions were much better, pineapples ripened in St. Petersburg, and for a significant part of the year one could study in the park, in the field, on the bank of a river or in the forest. In the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum and in ancient Greece, we remember that classes in parks and in open spaces were the main format. And these formats have given the world some of the world's greatest poets, writers, musicians, philosophers and statesmen. Why put children in stone boxes? To separate them from the natural environment, where the mass of activities has a fundamentally different degree of clarity? After all, one of the tasks of learning is to form a correct idea of the world in a child. Why do this on visual aids, if the world itself can be? In a modern urban environment, a school can be any building with a cloakroom, toilet and canteen. Thematic classes for children can be held in the premises of museums, theaters, galleries, palaces, sports complexes in a completely different setting and with the maximum approximation to the spiritual heritage, cultural and sports heritage of our people. Classroom activities should only be a frequent occurrence due to bad weather or climatic conditions.where the mass of classes has a fundamentally different degree of clarity? After all, one of the tasks of learning is to form a correct idea of the world in a child. Why do this on visual aids, if the world itself can be? In a modern urban environment, a school can be any building with a cloakroom, toilet and canteen. Thematic classes for children can be held in the premises of museums, theaters, galleries, palaces, sports complexes in a completely different setting and with the maximum approximation to the spiritual heritage, cultural and sports heritage of our people. Classroom activities should only be a frequent occurrence due to bad weather or climatic conditions.where the mass of classes has a fundamentally different degree of clarity? After all, one of the tasks of learning is to form a correct idea of the world in a child. Why do this on visual aids, if the world itself can be? In a modern urban environment, a school can be any building with a cloakroom, toilet and canteen. Thematic classes for children can be held in the premises of museums, theaters, galleries, palaces, sports complexes in a completely different setting and with the maximum approximation to the spiritual heritage, cultural and sports heritage of our people. Classroom activities should only be a frequent occurrence due to bad weather or climatic conditions.if the world itself can be? In a modern urban environment, a school can be any building with a cloakroom, toilet and canteen. Thematic classes for children can be held in the premises of museums, theaters, galleries, palaces, sports complexes in a completely different setting and with the maximum approximation to the spiritual heritage, cultural and sports heritage of our people. Classroom activities should only be a frequent occurrence due to bad weather or climatic conditions.if the world itself can be? In a modern urban environment, a school can be any building with a cloakroom, toilet and canteen. Thematic classes for children can be held in the premises of museums, theaters, galleries, palaces, sports complexes in a completely different setting and with the maximum approximation to the spiritual heritage, cultural and sports heritage of our people. Classroom activities should only be a frequent occurrence due to bad weather or climatic conditions.due to bad weather or climatic conditions.due to bad weather or climatic conditions.

2. The position of the child in the educational process should be natural. In what position will the child master the material better, in the preset position or the one in which it is convenient to be? Of course, in the one in which it is convenient, if at the same time the child does not create inconvenience to other children and the teacher. And what position is comfortable for the child? Yes, any, especially in elementary school, where children are very mobile and are constantly in high-frequency resonance, interacting with the world with all senses. For some reason, we decided to "put the children at the school desk", that is, to fix them in the most unnatural sitting position for a person. There are two natural positions for an erect person: standing in motion - when we work, and lying down - when we are resting. The sitting position is intermediate and UNNatural, it is designed only for a short-term meal. In this position, all physiological processes in the body are automatically bent: posture is disturbed, the deposition of salts begins towards the male, breathing is constrained - that is, the oxygen exchange of all cells suffers. In this case, the child at the desk is fixed at three points - two ulnar and sciatic nerves, and his mouth is also sealed, immersed in silence. This leads to the fact that high-frequency resonance, that is, the active information exchange of a small person with the world ends. At recess, the baby at least somehow tries to compensate for this, entering a natural, but mega-active state. He runs, shouts, sings, interacts with all the fibers of his soul around him. Fixing the child at the desk in the silence mode turns off all interaction frequencies for him, leaving him in the receiver mode at one teacher frequency. That is, instead ofto load only one hundred of his frequencies for both reception and transmission, he is left with only one and that only for reception. Can such training be effective? By itself, the Russian word "sit" has a pronounced negative connotation and, in addition to school, also refers to prison. And here we see a whole lot of analogies. The prisoner is also cut off all interconnections with the world, leaving only the administrative channel. Both the prison and the school are the largest institutions of forced communication, from which you cannot escape. Those who did not sit well at the desk, that is, retained their high-frequency resonance, were very quickly interpreted by the school as hooligans, and the hooligans in our country end up in prison, where this resonance will be quickly corrected for them. Can such training be effective? By itself, the Russian word "sit" has a pronounced negative connotation and, in addition to school, also refers to prison. And here we see a whole lot of analogies. The prisoner is also cut off all interconnections with the world, leaving only the administrative channel. Both the prison and the school are the largest institutions of forced communication, from which you cannot escape. Those who did not sit well at the desk, that is, retained their high-frequency resonance, were very quickly interpreted by the school as hooligans, and the hooligans in our country end up in prison, where this resonance will be quickly corrected for them. Can such training be effective? By itself, the Russian word "sit" has a pronounced negative connotation and, in addition to school, also refers to prison. And here we see a whole lot of analogies. The prisoner is also cut off all interconnections with the world, leaving only the administrative channel. Both the prison and the school are the largest institutions of forced communication, from which you cannot escape. Those who did not sit well at the desk, that is, retained their high-frequency resonance, were very quickly interpreted by the school as hooligans, and the hooligans in our country end up in prison, where this resonance will be quickly corrected for them.leaving only the administrative channel. Both the prison and the school are the largest institutions of forced communication, from which you cannot escape. Those who did not sit well at the desk, that is, retained their high-frequency resonance, were very quickly interpreted by the school as hooligans, and the hooligans in our country end up in prison, where this resonance will be quickly corrected.leaving only the administrative channel. Both the prison and the school are the largest institutions of forced communication, from which you cannot escape. Those who did not sit well at the desk, that is, retained their high-frequency resonance, were very quickly interpreted by the school as hooligans, and the hooligans in our country end up in prison, where this resonance will be quickly corrected.

3. Equipment and school supplies must be natural. Let's dwell on clothing, knapsack and writing utensils. What clothes are natural for a little person? The one in which he will be able to perceive the spiritual heritage of his ancestors faster and easier - folk national dress. There are no words like unisex or miniskirt in it, everything is sustained in the framework of concern for ethical and aesthetic standards. Moreover, having put on Russian (Tatar, Bashkir or any other) national clothes, a person, even in everyday life, begins to behave differently, more purely in moral terms. What should be a satchel, if any? I don't know, but definitely not the same as my first grader. The dimensions of the knapsack automatically outweigh the child and place the order of the stooped one on his back. What should be the writing materials? Natural writing instruments are those that depend on the writer and not on the technical means. There are essentially two of them: a fountain pen and a chemical pencil. A ballpoint pen is an unnatural writing medium, it is therefore called a fountain pen, because it writes itself, regardless of the pressure and its position in the hand along its axis. To master a quill pen, you need to measure a lot of factors that are not known to a modern adult: pressure, rotation of the pen around its axis and the amount of ink on the tip. It would seem that all these are unnecessary difficulties and the last century, but without mastering them, a person does not actually master the skill of writing. And in any natural situation: on the run, on the knee, in battle, where you need to write an order - but there is nothing to write with, a modern person will usually draw illegible scribbles,because he was not taught to write as a child. However, not only will we not be able to return to pencils and pens (although there are such educational methods), it will be very difficult to protect the fountain pen and written speech as such, which will soon be canceled by the Ministry of Education. Already now, educational experiments are underway in schools in the Moscow region, which are transferring all processes to gadgets, and this experience will be duplicated throughout the country.and this experience will be duplicated throughout the country.and this experience will be duplicated throughout the country.

4. The educational process must be creative and interesting. Your early child is the greatest creator. He draws, sings, sculpts, breaks, gnaws, dances, designs non-stop. When he was in the womb and was born, the entire on-board computer of his brain worked one hundred percent. Then you got down to business with your three percent of the neurons in the brain involved, and the process began. But where? The unborn child, as a 100% intelligent creature, tried to contact his mother, using the sensorics we lost in adulthood. Not receiving an answer at its own frequencies, the child put into sleep mode the senses that were not available to adults and, as it “developed”, came closer and closer to our semi-intelligent state. He got ten legal shots in first gradepoisoning the body from the first day of its birth, when it was completely stunned and blinded with a vaccination against hepatitis, for which there was no other time. But after going through all the medical experiments and 100,500 of your "no, don't touch, don't climb, don't gnaw, don't break" your kid nevertheless went to school as a very creative person. Open creativity in a variety of areas, only directed by adults, should form the basis of the educational process, but, unfortunately, the opposite is happening. Creative moments solve the problem of discipline through the involvement of the child, if the baby is interested - he does not need to be rigged and nailed to the desk, he will not violate the general outline of the mastery of the material by other children. But after going through all the medical experiments and 100,500 of your "no, don't touch, don't climb, don't gnaw, don't break" your kid nevertheless went to school as a very creative person. Open creativity in a variety of areas, only guided by adults, should form the basis of the educational process, but, unfortunately, the opposite is happening. Creative moments solve the problem of discipline through the involvement of the child, if the kid is interested - he does not need to be rigged and nailed to the desk, he will not violate the general outline of the mastery of the material by other children. But after going through all the medical experiments and 100,500 of your "no, don't touch, don't climb, don't gnaw, don't break" your kid nevertheless went to school as a very creative person. Open creativity in a variety of areas, only guided by adults, should form the basis of the educational process, but, unfortunately, the opposite is happening. Creative moments solve the problem of discipline through the involvement of the child, if the baby is interested - he does not need to be rigged and nailed to the desk, he will not violate the general outline of the mastery of the material by other children.just the opposite. Creative moments solve the problem of discipline through the involvement of the child, if the baby is interested - he does not need to be rigged and nailed to the desk, he will not violate the general outline of the mastery of the material by other children.just the opposite. Creative moments solve the problem of discipline through the involvement of the child, if the baby is interested - he does not need to be rigged and nailed to the desk, he will not violate the general outline of the mastery of the material by other children.

5. The educational process should form the practical skills that a person needs in life. The human baby, unlike animals, is born completely unprepared for real survival. But the huge spiritual capital of the whole society can very quickly fill a little person with knowledge and skills, and protect him from a lot of difficulties and threats. Duck this should happen at school! Or else he went there as a fool who didn’t know how to cook food, make clothes, make a temporary dwelling, ward off danger - he went out like a fool without having received ANY practical skills that should ideally be associated with general education subjects.

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6. The formation of classes should have a natural nature-conforming character. Can boys and girls be taught in the same class? Can children of different ages be taught in the same class? Is it possible to teach normal and developmentally retarded children in the same class? Different methods give variable answers - but the key sub-question is whether the transfer of knowledge between children in such classes is carried out according to the principle of the hundredth monkey, but starting from the third monkey. If children form a collective creative field, and there is an active transfer of knowledge from the strong to the weak, then all these combinations are possible. For example, children of different ages study at Shchetinin's school, realizing the principle of a large patriarchal Russian family, when the elders do not press, but pull the younger ones to their level. This technique is one of the most effectivebecause children in their own language quickly and easily convey the essence of the subject to each other. At Zhokhov's school, children form a powerful collective creative field, which also brings correctional children with developmental delays to their level. In an ordinary school, there is no active transfer of knowledge between children, and apart from the forbidden copying, there are no such formats. Therefore, all three questions are answered in the negative for her. Girls and boys cannot study together, because school girls are ahead of boys in development by an average of two years, and such training violates the principle of conformity. In an ordinary school, there is no active transfer of knowledge between children, and apart from the forbidden copying, there are no such formats. Therefore, all three questions are answered in the negative for her. Girls and boys cannot study together, because school girls are ahead of boys in development by an average of two years, and such training violates the principle of conformity. In an ordinary school, there is no active transfer of knowledge between children, and apart from the forbidden copying, there are no such formats. Therefore, all three questions are answered in the negative for her. Girls and boys cannot study together, because school girls are ahead of boys in development by an average of two years, and such learning violates the principle of conformity.

7. The educational process should develop positive personal qualities in children. Kindness, courage, decisiveness, mutual assistance, selflessness, courage, a sense of humor, willpower, hard work - this is what we want to see in our children. What of this is now really being instilled in our schools? And here it is appropriate to consider in detail the term socialization. As Wikipedia says, Socialization is the process of assimilation by the human individual of patterns of behavior, psychological attitudes, social norms and values, knowledge and skills that allow him to function successfully in society. The keyword in the definition is SUCCESSFUL. Can a kind, courageous, principled, selfless person be successful in modern society? Something I strongly doubt. The criteria for success are now cunning, resourcefulness, lack of principle,venality and loyalty to the system. And school socialization is aimed at developing these qualities in a child. My friends conducted such an experiment in elementary school classes: a whole class of children was given a newspaper with the words that it was a raft, the whole class had to get on it, and only those who found themselves on it would be saved, and the rest would find themselves on the high seas. A-classes of excellent students with good parents valiantly failed the task, pushed around the newspaper, unable to climb on it with more than six feet. Classes of C, D, or E students did better. And in general, the correctional class won, which passed the least socialization according to the Western model. They put the strongest in the center of the newspaper, four more guys fit around him, hugging each other and forming a conditional crystal lattice. Other children began to climb on top of them,the latter were already jumping from different sides and hanging down like bunches. As a result, five guys were able to hold on to almost the entire class and only at the very end fell into a heap-mala. And now the words "you will not go through socialization" sound to me in a different light, because it means the child's ability to play "the last hero" or "hunger games", that is, at any cost to strangle all competitors, and one to rise above the mountain of defeated opponents. What is the essence of correct socialization and how to go through it? How to cultivate real human qualities in a person, cultivate his dignity and the ability to positively communicate with others? In general, it is very simple - it is enough to replace the animal principle “the fittest survives” in educational methods with the human principle that ensures the survival of ALL. For this, the key school assignments must be collective in nature with credit for the latter, and it is in such assignments that children will be able to show and develop worthy human qualities. As in the newspaper problem, they will need to structure themselves, assign roles depending on their capabilities, and also think for those who are unable to complete the common quest on their own. In such tasks, the teacher needs to play the role of a competent game technician so that the children are not burdened by the difficulties of those lagging behind, but, on the contrary, give the whole process additional intrigue and elements of creativity. And then, some of the children will show courage and willpower, someone will become a leader and inspirer, and someone will not be able to directly participate and will only support the process morally, which is also the most important life experience.

8. Classes should be natural, that is, unstructured in time, space and subject. Given the credit for the latter, the interdisciplinary nature of the tasks and a large number of creative elements disappear or the meaning of the lesson is transformed. If children cross a conventional river, the lesson cannot end halfway through 45 minutes or otherwise, everyone must cross. At the same time, wide logistic movements of children are possible, the use of technical means from different disciplines, which automatically follows from the creative nature of the task. In real life, we also do not give up unfinished business - this is considered a sign of poor self-organization, but here a lesson has sat out - and even though the grass does not grow.

9. Evaluation of educational results should be objective. A one-dimensional five-point scale is, by and large, stupidity. If in doubt, assume that your employer will give you grades every day, and based on them, the chief accountant will calculate your salary. Within a few weeks, your actual activities will matter less to you than getting grades. In this case, you can be a doctor or a pilot, but you will not think about the patient and the route of the aircraft, but about the teacher's mood, his assessment methodology and how the neighbor was assessed. This is what the child actually thinks about, replacing the desire for knowledge, for the desire for good grades. How to give an objective assessment of knowledge and skills? Firstly, the minimum program must be mastered by all children, which is called a solid four,in the Soviet school, this was generally achieved, and the then round C graders would have put today's excellent students in the belt. For the rest, the objective results of the educational process should be the subjects of children's creativity in different areas, which with age will only gain scale and interdisciplinary nature. Starting in elementary school with stucco molding, embroidery and watercolors, in high school, moving on to poetry, aeromodels, large-scale installations and scientific research using knowledge of a bunch of objects. In this regard, the school should be transformed into a school of technical and folk art, and the very development of general education subjects should be carried out in relation to the subject embodiment - then the sines with cosines will come in handy. For the rest, the objective results of the educational process should be the subjects of children's creativity in different areas, which with age will only gain scale and interdisciplinary nature. Starting in elementary school with stucco molding, embroidery and watercolors, in high school, moving on to poetry, aeromodels, large-scale installations and scientific research using knowledge of a bunch of objects. In this regard, the school should be transformed into a school of technical and folk art, and the very development of general education subjects should be carried out in relation to the subject embodiment - then the sines with cosines will come in handy. For the rest, the objective results of the educational process should be the subjects of children's creativity in different areas, which with age will only gain scale and interdisciplinary nature. Starting in elementary school with clay stucco, embroidery and watercolors, in high school, moving on to poetry, aeromodels, large-scale installations and scientific research using knowledge of a bunch of objects. In this regard, the school should be transformed into a school of technical and folk art, and the very development of general education subjects should take place in relation to the subject embodiment - then sines with cosines will come in handy.move in high school to poetry, aeromodels, large-scale installations and scientific research using knowledge of a bunch of subjects. In this regard, the school should be transformed into a school of technical and folk art, and the very development of general education subjects should take place in relation to the subject embodiment - then sines with cosines will come in handy.move in high school to poetry, aeromodels, large-scale installations and scientific research using knowledge of a bunch of subjects. In this regard, the school should be transformed into a school of technical and folk art, and the very development of general education subjects should take place in relation to the subject embodiment - then sines with cosines will come in handy.

10. And the last thing, maybe even the most important thing. The school should rely on the only objective system of knowledge - Russian folk culture, as well as the culture of other indigenous peoples of Russia. All other knowledge systems are temporary and fleeting. In everything that does not concern Russian culture, language and literature, school textbooks a hundred years ago were completely different, and in a hundred years they will change beyond recognition. The great and mighty Russian language, Russian folk tales and epics, folklore and songs, dance and music contain gigantic information layers that have survived for many centuries, the spiritual heritage and moral support of all our people.

These are the fantasies about the school ideal that have little to do with reality. Each of these points has been worked out within the framework of private educational methods. But they all intertwined together only in my fevered imagination, which had not read a single book on pedagogy, and can be realized (most likely this has already happened somewhere) only in ancestral settlements. There, far from large cities, people gathered who deliberately refused SOCIALIZATION according to the Western model, which affects both adults and children equally. There, far from the Ministry of Education, you can teach children in natural conditions, in the old Russian traditions of communality, restoring the patriarchal way of life, without giving up all the technical benefits of civilization.

And what should we city dwellers do? Or maybe, as the movie hero recommended, "let everything go as it goes"? You can get close enough to the ideal within the framework of a family school by transferring children to family education. But where can we get this family school, who will organize it and how much will it all cost?

Maybe the parameters I suggested are far-fetched and not essential? Not at all - each of them has a significant impact on the child's physical and moral health, his desire for work and knowledge, his ability to live in a team, and not survive at the expense of others. And this is the main thing in the educational and educational process.

Our schools, on the other hand, produce an openly unsatisfactory educational result: illiterate, infantile children with impaired posture and psyche. And this result is objective for existing educational systems. Various lyceums and gymnasiums somehow stand out against the general background, but all their successes are associated primarily with the selection of the most creative and reasonable kids and working with the best, and not turning everyone into the best. Only two methods approved by the Ministry of Education for teaching in primary schools stand out in a positive way. These are the methods of Zhokhov and Bazarny, but in high school nothing good from the methodological point of view can happen at all.

And in conclusion I will refer to the words of the famous physician and teacher Bazarny. He rightly believes that the health of a child is in many ways a PEDAGOGICAL category! Any deviation of the educational process from the ideal entails the loss of health and vitality by the child, which happens to all students in our country.

Author: Poluichik Igor