The Illuminati Are Back! - Alternative View

The Illuminati Are Back! - Alternative View
The Illuminati Are Back! - Alternative View

Video: The Illuminati Are Back! - Alternative View

Video: The Illuminati Are Back! - Alternative View
Video: LUCA's Alternate Ending & DELETED SCENES You Never Got To See! 2024, September

In 2017, the Pope's speech in Vancouver was addressed to the Illuminati (secret world government). Researchers argue that the pontiff's gestures during the speech had a hidden meaning, understandable only to initiates. According to experts, between the lines, the Pope threatened the Freemasons with revealing a terrible secret. There was even an assumption that the head of the holy church did not speak on his own behalf, but expressed the opinion of an influential group or a higher power. Who are the Illuminati and why the Pope can enter into dialogue with them?

The Pope himself spoke to the forgotten order of the Illuminati. It is difficult to believe in this, because it was the Illuminati brotherhood that has been the main enemy of the church since ancient times. The Illuminati are probably the most famous and most secret sect in the world that conspiracy theorists write about. If it were not there, then it would be worth inventing.

The followers of the Illuminati include literally all the billionaires and tycoons of today, including families: DuPont, Kennedy, Rothschilds, Rockefellers. Even the friend of all the children of Walt Disney is associated with the top of the brotherhood. Their names hardly appear in the media, but this is also part of the strategy.

Glamorous Perez Hilton, brawler Britney Spears and other teen idols are ranked among the Illuminati. Remember Lady Gaga in a meat dress? And Robert Pattinson's depicting a decomposing corpse? It is believed that through popular culture the Illuminati are introducing the cult of blood and dead flesh.

Some researchers refer to the number of Illuminati and the main leaders of the Soviet proletariat: Lenin, Trotsky and Sverlov, then how the leaders of the workers and peasants dealt with the church and the ruling dynasty is quite consistent with the spirit of the order.

There is a theory that the Illuminati order is fighting for a new world order, in which there will be no chaos, there will be a single cashless electronic system for all, which will be controlled by the world government, i.e. Brotherhood.

In the new world order, all power will naturally belong to the Masters of the Order of the Illuminati, i.e. a small circle of super-rich clans, today they include: the Clintons, the Bush and the noble families of Saudi Arabia.

Adam Weishaupt, the man who proclaimed the new philosophy of brotherhood
Adam Weishaupt, the man who proclaimed the new philosophy of brotherhood

Adam Weishaupt, the man who proclaimed the new philosophy of brotherhood.

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"Enlightened" so literally from ancient Greek the name of the order is translated, the sect has existed since the time of Homer. Initially, the sect revered the Mother Goddess Cybele, brought her bloody sacrifices and organized orgies on the stones of the sanctuaries. But since 1776 the Bavarian Adam Weishaupt proclaimed a new philosophy: "The transformation of humanity requires its enslavement." Back in the 18th century, the master prescribed the main methods of seizing power: bribery, sexual blackmail, espionage, the introduction of agents into religious, government and financial organizations. The Illuminati considered religion their main enemy, especially the Catholic Church and the pontiff personally. Perhaps that is why the community launched its activities in a new land (in the USA), a place where the influence of Catholics was minimal.

The symbol of the Order on the 1 dollar bill
The symbol of the Order on the 1 dollar bill

The symbol of the Order on the 1 dollar bill.

In the New World, the brotherhood staked on money and made the right decision. The financial structure, banks and trusts became the basis of the new cell of the order.

Modern researchers suggest that all the banking and payment systems that exist today are in the hands of the Illuminati.

The most shocking and incredible suggestion is the hypothesis that the current head of the White House may be involved in this secret brotherhood. The president, whose candidacy is not supported by any influential US clan, is called the king of the Illuminati. Moreover, the Portuguese seer Horatio Villegas, whose predictions the whole of America listens to, shocked the world with the prophecy of an imminent World War. According to the psychic, it is the new US president who will unleash a global international conflict and he will do it on the orders of a secret order.

According to researchers, the Illuminati surrounds us everywhere. Surprisingly, even the UN Goodwill Ambassador, mother of 6 children Angelina Jolie is ranked among the cruel brotherhood. It would seem like an actress who does not stop fighting hunger, illiteracy and poverty in the third world countries could get on this list? The fact is that at the dawn of her career, Jolie has repeatedly demonstrated her passion for mystical teachings and a special attitude to blood magic. For example, the future star expressed love and devotion to her second husband (Billy Bob Thornton) with the help of an amulet, a small bottle filled with the blood of a beloved man. Jolie constantly wore this talisman around her neck.