Safety Islands - How To Become Calm - Alternative View

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Safety Islands - How To Become Calm - Alternative View
Safety Islands - How To Become Calm - Alternative View

Video: Safety Islands - How To Become Calm - Alternative View

Video: Safety Islands - How To Become Calm - Alternative View
Video: How to stay calm under pressure - Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen 2024, September

Sometimes our life becomes unbearable, some unpleasant events happen, quarrels with loved ones, conflicts at work, constant clashes with others. And a chain reaction begins - there are more and more quarrels, the mood is getting worse, I don't want to come to work or home. How to get out of this vicious circle?

Silence inside

There is an expression that Buddha once uttered to his disciples - "The quieter inside, the clearer the outside." Buddhists and followers of other Eastern religions try to live by this principle. Because a person with inner balance, almost no one can get mad.

It seems to us that other people are to blame for all our troubles and quarrels - they say the wrong thing, they offend us, they treat us badly.

But in fact, something or someone offends us because we ourselves do not have peace and quiet inside. And that's why we react painfully to comments, break down in response, and sometimes provoke scandals.

There are a huge number of people who literally try to take out their fatigue, disappointment, resentment, mental pain, etc. on others. They are only looking for a reason for a scandal, to quarrel and take out their anger. And even a normal person sometimes seeks to arrange a psychological relief for himself. And the most difficult conflicts begin when people meet, in each of whom there is only pain and disappointment.

But one side of such conflicts is you, and you yourself can control your psyche and your balance, letting the bad things go deaf ear and extinguishing quarrels at the very beginning.

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Paradise bliss

What can be done for this? One method is to meditate on positive images. Each person can think of a fictional or real island of safety and literally meditate on it in a stressful situation - imagine that now he is at this very point and in this place.

A real island is that situation and that place where you once felt very calm, happy, safe. It can be a moment in your life or a beautiful place where you relaxed and enjoyed life. A fictional island is something that you dream of or saw somewhere in a magazine or on TV, and this image made you want to be in it.


It can be an island in the literal sense - you can imagine a beautiful island in the ocean, around which turquoise waves splash … Or snow-white mountain peaks under a bright blue sky.

Many people imagine sunsets, walks in the forest, or see themselves on the banks of a river. You can come up with any image that makes you happy, in which you feel in harmony with the world around you.

I usually mentally find myself at a huge waterfall, and this image immediately calms me down in unpleasant situations. Every time something unpleasant happens, being on this island, I understand that everything passes, and it will pass, and someday I can really be at this waterfall, and this makes me happy.

If we start to imagine something like that, we overload our consciousness. From an uncomfortable environment, we mentally fall into heavenly bliss. And automatically we immediately become different - relaxed and calm. This happens because in our imagination we felt happy, and happiness is possible only in peace.

Of course, you cannot learn to immediately get to your island of safety, but you can try. It is necessary to start training the mind in a calm state - it is useful to meditate on positive images several times a day and without any conflicts. This meditation not only calms the nerves, but also rests the brain and gives strength to work and communicate.

Having learned to evoke these images, you will gradually bring this skill to perfection, and then you will already be able to find yourself in your calm refuge despite what is happening around you.

Author: Natalia Trubinovskaya