Nuba: A Tribe Disfigured By Civilization And Authorities - Alternative View

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Nuba: A Tribe Disfigured By Civilization And Authorities - Alternative View
Nuba: A Tribe Disfigured By Civilization And Authorities - Alternative View

Video: Nuba: A Tribe Disfigured By Civilization And Authorities - Alternative View

Video: Nuba: A Tribe Disfigured By Civilization And Authorities - Alternative View
Video: Did an Ancient Advanced Civilization Exist Millions Of Years Ago? 2024, September

Anyone interested in the history of Ancient Egypt knows that this state had a long-standing relationship with Nubia. In Nubia, there were some black people who were called Nubians. It is not known what relation the heroes of our narration have to these Nubians, but since they live in the Nubian Mountains, which is on the territory of modern Sudan, they are simply called Nuba.

Bright past

They call themselves the inhabitants of the hills. Little is known about their origins, except that they seem to have lived in almost complete isolation until the 19th century. Accordingly, the vices of the modern world were unknown to them.

When the first travelers got to know the noob, they noted that they were always in high spirits, there were almost no internal conflicts and even theft, not to mention murder. In general, their lifestyle was very comfortable, and even women were not in a oppressed position, although the lovely ladies also did not seek to humiliate men.


In terms of religion, even Islam could not penetrate them either, which had long walked through all the surrounding lands, and the Nubas professed shamanism, although it would be more correct to say that they practiced it, since in this religion, not words, but actions are important.

The marriage traditions of the noob were very interesting. Firstly, here they choose not the bride, but the groom, and the choice is made by the girl herself. It usually happened during the dance. If the girl liked this or that noob, she would come up to him in a dance and throw her leg over his shoulder, since plasticity allowed them.

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If the chosen one was impressed, he quickly ran away with the girl to do whatever they wanted. After that, it was believed that the engagement took place. Now the groom had to build his own house. Moreover, it was not only in the house, but also in what diligence he would demonstrate at the same time. The couple continued to meet, but they were not considered husband and wife, although they could well have made children.


If the groom showed that he is not lazy, then everything is tip-top, and you can celebrate housewarming. It was from that day that it was believed that a new family was formed. The wife was given a year to master the culinary art, after which she no longer had the right to hide it, and the spouses could eat from the same dish. True, judging by the excellent physique of the noob, their ladies were not cooking cakes, but much simpler food.

By the way, about the physique. The noob looks just great. Their faces are pretty pretty, and their physique would have caused the envy of most Europeans. They are generally tall and quite muscular. Women are slim, men are strong, and both are hardy. In short, the kingdom of saggy stomachs, flabby muscles and cellulite passed them by.


Maintaining good shape was facilitated not only by proper nutrition, but also by high activity. In addition to the generally active everyday activities, the nuba are also big fans of dancing. Men are also passionate about wrestling, which until recently they were engaged completely naked.

And the noob lived happily and happily … But that was before.

Dark present

All good things come to an end. Once the resource of Nubian happiness was exhausted. It all started with the fact that Islam began to penetrate into their midst in the 19th century. Not that he greatly influenced their lives, but although he mixed with shamanism, he nevertheless undermined their inner harmony.


Much worse is something else: this is how contact was established with a world in which there was no place for happy noob, because the western world is based on misfortune, which must be constantly drowned out by something: power, money, property, social status, etc.

So the world of the noob began to slowly collapse. Thunder struck when war broke out in Sudan. Despite American intervention, it did not end with anything worthwhile, in fact it continues to this day. And it was the noob who turned out to be the inhabitants of the disputed territories.


The authorities also paid close attention to them, who first of all forbade them to walk as they used to, forcing them to put on clothes. Alas, nude fighting is a thing of the past.

During the conflict, the nubs lost a significant part of their pastures, and a huge number of men were forced to go to the cities to work, from where they return completely different, often with addiction to alcohol and drugs, and even with sexually transmitted diseases, if not AIDS.


The rest have mastered theft, and as soon as they see a tourist, they beg. Learning how to dress, they became like squalid slum dwellers in Chinese rags. The former equality is a thing of the past, and laughter faded there too.


But now the government can calmly fall asleep: the nubs have become real civilized people, and the especially highly moral Western misfortune that has come to their lands will never be shocked by the sight of competing naked men.
