Grandma And Her Grandson Were Werewolves: A Strange Story From Ludwigslust - Alternative View

Grandma And Her Grandson Were Werewolves: A Strange Story From Ludwigslust - Alternative View
Grandma And Her Grandson Were Werewolves: A Strange Story From Ludwigslust - Alternative View

Video: Grandma And Her Grandson Were Werewolves: A Strange Story From Ludwigslust - Alternative View

Video: Grandma And Her Grandson Were Werewolves: A Strange Story From Ludwigslust - Alternative View
Video: Grandma Werewolf - Full Length Feature Film 2024, September

The city of Ludwigslust is located in Germany, in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. It is a relatively young and small town, founded at the end of the 18th century on the site of the Klenow farm.

At the end of the 19th century, something happened here that later turned into a local legend about the werewolf family, acquiring many details each time. This story is known as the story of the werewolves from Klein Krams (a village near Ludwigslust).

The local nobility was very fond of hunting game in these places, but once a very large wolf appeared in the forests.

This wolf quickly became a favorite target of everyone who could hold a gun in his hands, but surprisingly, he was repeatedly shot at and seemed to even hit, but he did not fall wounded and did not look injured at all.

Soon, rumors spread that this wolf was not an ordinary animal, but an extremely successful one, charmed by someone, or most likely it was a werewolf. The latest version turned out to be correct.

One day a military horseman entered the city, looking for a certain person named Fiig. It is not clear why he was looking for him and how he found out about him, then one way or another he was shown where his house is. The rider headed for the house, but then a group of frightened children appeared on his way. They fled with frightened screams in the direction of Fiig's house.

The rider managed to stop one of the guys and ask what happened and who is following them. In response, the child said that there is a boy in Fiig's house who knows how to turn into a wolf and at such moments he can injure anyone who gets in his way. The child also said that apart from the werewolf boy, there are no adults in the house.

The rider was very surprised at such a flight of childhood fantasy, too strange even for games, but when he looked towards the house. he noticed the figure of a wolf on the field next to him. And then he looked there again and instead of the wolf there was already a boy.

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An unusually agitated rider rode home, dismounted, and followed the boy into Fiig's house. There he asked him what the hell was going on here. The boy responded by saying that his grandmother is a werewolf, since she has a magic belt, and he is also a werewolf.

The soldier did not believe him and then the boy offered to go up to the attic and lock himself there, and then he would show his transformation.

By the way, all these were watched by the same children who ran away from home earlier. Now they watched with curiosity through the windows. It seemed that they were fully aware that when there were no adults at home, the boy, even in the form of a wolf, was not very dangerous for them if he quickly ran away.

The soldier agreed to follow the boy and the boy practically before his eyes (ran out the door and returned in the form of a wolf) very quickly turned into a wolf (at that moment the children ran away from the windows again), and then became a man again. And then the boy showed the soldier the same magic belt, which, however, looked very ordinary.


Shocked by what he saw, the rider left Fiiga's house and then came to the forester to ask him if he had seen unusual wolves in the forest. The forester immediately remembered the large wolf, which all the hunters tried unsuccessfully to chase.

To check the words of the rider, the forester prepared a silver bullet for the werewolf, and the next time, together with a group of hunters, he again saw a wolf in the forest, he shot him with this bullet.

He hit. The wounded wolf howled in pain and quickly hobbled somewhere in the direction of the houses. The forester and other hunters followed the bloody trail that led them to Fiig's home. There they found a wounded old woman in bed who could not transform completely into a human. She still had a wolf's tail and a wolf's mane at the back of her head. Next to her was her grandson in human form.

This ends the legend. Nothing is known about what happened to the boy and his grandmother next and what they did to the magic belt. No information about this story remained anywhere except in folk tales.
