5 Reasons Why People Turn Into Monsters - Alternative View

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5 Reasons Why People Turn Into Monsters - Alternative View
5 Reasons Why People Turn Into Monsters - Alternative View

Video: 5 Reasons Why People Turn Into Monsters - Alternative View

Video: 5 Reasons Why People Turn Into Monsters - Alternative View
Video: R.I.P.D. (5/10) Movie CLIP - Let's Do This (2013) HD 2024, July

Sometimes it seems like life was easier before. Once upon a time, we created a large number of characters who personified pure evil. They were ghosts, werewolves, vampires, witches. They were really feared, despite the fact that there was and is not any objective evidence of the existence of such horrors.

But already in the XX century, our civilization, fed up with world wars, suddenly realized that there is only one monster to be afraid of: a monster who is called a man.

Here he is definitely capable of the most vile stupidity, folly, ugliness. He looks like a nice guy, but in reality he is a sadist. She looks like a sweet girl, but in reality she is a religious fanatic who spreads the stench of hell. He looks like a business man, but in fact he is a bastard who walks over the heads of others.

These are the real monsters, and each of us is able to join their ranks. Each of us is capable of going over to such a sweet and seductive "dark side of power." But where does all this horror come from? Where are monsters conceived?

The answer is simple: it happens in our mind, and there are at least five reasons that even the kindest soul of a person can transform into a creature.

We don't face the truth

There is a "remarkable" tendency among people of the XXI century, prone to infantilism, to say that "no one is to blame" for the current problems. This happens both at the highest level (presidents, senators, heads of regions) and at the lowest.

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At all levels, we disclaim responsibility from ourselves, shifting it to someone else or even to emptiness, supposedly "it happened." But if a crime is committed, if an atrocity is committed, if a theft is committed, then there are always guilty ones.

The sense of responsibility, completely destroyed by the modern world, would now be very useful to us both in our own lives and within the framework of society, because one of the most striking features of the "monster" is that he acts intuitively, without having any form of responsibility. It is always destructive for a person.

We use the word "duty" to justify violence

How many people were destroyed by this beautiful word "debt"? Whole peoples are buried in the soil of the planet, and all because they were guided by the maniacal considerations of a certain madman who spoke beautifully and "beautifully" shot, cut, and he did it with his own people. But we will not condemn historical characters, we will not even mention names.

Everyone chooses who is the villain in the story and who is the hero. However, you can take a closer look at your contemporaries, some of whom also use the words "duty" or "must" or "right." They don't give you a clear explanation, but they force you to do what you probably don't want. And if this is happening to you right now, then forget about these people. They are the sadists of your life, they are monsters, because of which you can go completely the wrong way, they are terrible.

We hate people who have "wrong views"

The crowd is insane. And if you can calmly talk with a person one-on-one, discussing points of contact and reasons for disagreement, then you will not be able to talk with the crowd. If someone is not in your "room", then that someone is the enemy. It doesn't matter what is behind these concepts.

Hence, there is a lot of clichés that we put on each other, here are just a few of them: quilted jacket, racist, sexist, faithful, dolboslav, amethyst, etc. But the truth of good communication lies in the fact that you need to approach each person individually, and if you do it skillfully, then an artificial veil of hatred falls, which darkens your mind.

We would generally advise not to talk to people if you cannot take a positive experience from communication. It is stupid to produce misunderstanding, especially if you live in a damn split society. If you have an idea, then give it to people. Show by example, not violence, that your idea is better and more profitable.

We are afraid of freedom

And this happens because until now society is pleased to remain children, whom the state, a universal parent, tirelessly monitors. But you cannot be a child all your life, because already now we see that there are failures in the information flow; everyone seemed to be mad from lack of independence. And still we are afraid to take the right to decide what to say, what to watch, what to listen to, what to eat, what to think.

The trend is even developing in the opposite direction: prohibitions, prohibitions, prohibitions. And this is not about the state, but about you, because it is much easier "not to escalate the situation" or "be careful with words" than to rake the corpses at the metro station later, right? Or is it not easier? But what if the fear of freedom breeds monsters?

We more and more often limit ourselves, referring to the fact that "above" people know better. Someone relies on the president, someone relies on God, someone on a boss, someone on a parent. But the essence is the same: you are dependent in your choice, and your dependence makes you defenseless, which is used by the worst representatives of humanity. And this will continue until you realize that the problem is in you or even in each of us.

We completely forget about principles

Principles cannot be cheap or low, they are always part of something “high”. A person with principles more often performs actions that fit into the framework of a decent human life, and much less often does things that give off rot and decay.

After all, the essence of the "monster" is that he cannot have any healthy high ideas. And if they are, then this is heresy or something so perverted that he will not show it to the public. Therefore, always follow not the words, but the deeds of people. Words are worthless if they are spoken by a "monster", but their deeds speak volumes. Only from them you will understand who is in front of you: a scumbag or a person.