The Food Supplement Lengthened The Life Of Worms By 70% - Alternative View

The Food Supplement Lengthened The Life Of Worms By 70% - Alternative View
The Food Supplement Lengthened The Life Of Worms By 70% - Alternative View

Video: The Food Supplement Lengthened The Life Of Worms By 70% - Alternative View

Video: The Food Supplement Lengthened The Life Of Worms By 70% - Alternative View
Video: Looking inside the rusty brain - iron and Alzheimer's disease 2024, September

Compounds in some supplements prolong the life of nematode worms (Caenorhabditis elegans) by affecting cellular energy production and mimicking the effects of severe calorie restriction. Scientists have found that a substance called alpha-ketoglutaric acid can lengthen the life of worms by 70%.

A scientific article describing the work carried out was published in the journal Nature.

In the study, chemical biologist Jing Huang of the University of California, Los Angeles and her colleagues investigated metabolites that could prolong the lifespan of C. elegans. As it turned out, alpha-ketoglutaric acid helped to increase the life span of worms by almost double (compared to the control group that did not take any supplements), and in some cases even by 70%.

At the same time, there were obvious differences in behavior. The worms not exposed to the drug became less active and more lethargic, reaching two weeks of age.

“They only started moving after being poked well,” Juan says. “As for the rest, they showed almost no activity, while the nematodes treated with the drug wriggled and crawled like very young.”

This acid is a component of a metabolic pathway called the tricarboxylic acid cycle, which is part of the energy generation mechanism in the cell. Huang and her colleagues found that α-ketoglutarate can also inhibit the enzymes of ATP synthase. ATP synthases are very important for the vital activity of almost all organisms, since ATP belongs to the so-called high-energy compounds, the hydrolysis of which releases a significant amount of energy.

Alpha ketoglutaric acid is also found in cranberries


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Huang and her colleagues have found that interruptions in energy production can mimic the effect of a very low calorie diet, which earlier studies have shown can increase longevity in some animals. Also, scientists have previously determined that calorie restriction increases levels of α-ketoglutarate.

By itself, calorie restriction had no effect on worms' lifespan: so the researchers concluded that the metabolite is a key part of the mechanism by which low-calorie diets affect lifespan. If this is the case, then perhaps scientists can develop a way to get all the benefits of calorie restriction, but without the attendant difficulties.

By the way, dietary supplements containing α-ketoglutarate are sold on the market ostensibly to build muscle mass. At the same time, the researchers believe that this substance inhibits the production of the mTOR protein, which means that the effect like in worms should not be expected from it.

"The research findings are intriguing, but they shouldn't motivate people to start taking alpha-ketoglutaric acid as a food supplement," warns Matt Kaeberlein, an aging researcher at the University of Washington in Seattle. "I would not unambiguously call this substance an anti-aging drug - that would be a premature conclusion."

While the results of the study do seem promising, scientists have yet to conduct trials on other animals, especially those that look like humans (such as mice and primates). This will help to fully understand the potential of α-ketoglutarate. In addition, it is important not only to prolong the life of living beings, but to provide them with healthy longevity.

If the results of future research are successful, α-ketoglutarate could add to an ever-expanding first aid kit of potential ingredients in the elixir of youth. Recall that more recently, researchers reported that the protein introduced into the body of elderly mice along with the blood of young individuals significantly rejuvenated the aging body.