Immortality - How To Learn To Live Forever? - Alternative View

Immortality - How To Learn To Live Forever? - Alternative View
Immortality - How To Learn To Live Forever? - Alternative View

Video: Immortality - How To Learn To Live Forever? - Alternative View

Video: Immortality - How To Learn To Live Forever? - Alternative View
Video: How I'll Live Forever | Immortality Escape Velocity 2024, July

Life is the most valuable intangible resource available to every person. Regardless of whether there is a predetermination of life, our time on this earth is limited. It can neither be added nor multiplied. Life is finite, but the desire to live stimulates our progress. People do not like the fact that we cannot live longer than we should, this forces many enthusiastic scientists to search for means that can, if not make us immortal, then significantly extend the life cycle for a person.

What is the meaning of life? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question. If we consider the purpose of one person's life, then such philosophical questions will be rhetorical. However, if we take human civilization as a whole, it will become clear that the meaning of human life lies in the knowledge of the universe, in the development of personality and in endless progress. Creatures that would have had tens or even hundreds of thousands of years in reserve and at the same time would have been the top of the food chain would never have been able to develop to the stage of civilization. Natural natural limitations that put living organisms in an uncomfortable position become the main reason for development. First for evolution and then for technological progress.

The limited life span is one of the very factors that allows us to develop medicine and study our very nature. By understanding themselves, people will be able to raise a generation devoid of natural limitations and pre-programmed to develop and multiply achievements.

Will we be able to overcome death and conquer it finally? And how soon can this happen? In fact, the 21st century is a watershed moment in human history. We already know how to exterminate all flora and fauna on the planet in 10 minutes, and we already have the means for this. We know we need to increase life expectancy, but we do not know how to do it. So far, we cannot. However, the day when this will be possible is not far off. Man has learned to destroy and destroy. The next stage will be the development of skills of creation, preservation and protection. We will learn to use the environment with care and, if necessary, create new flora and fauna that can live without the limitations of nature. However, the crown of our opportunity will be to change ourselves. Changes that will not only affect everyone,but also change the very essence of people.

Believe it or not, rich people can already afford incredibly long lives. With great influence, they can obtain the very best organ donations and use the most modern medical technology. There are no barriers for such people. With good genes and a healthy body, they can easily live up to 100 years old and even step over this milestone.

It is worth remembering only David Rockefeller, who transplanted his heart 11 times and lived for over 100 years! Many leaders of states, including the US president, are no longer young. Only a small part of them lead a healthy lifestyle, while basically the presidents do not deny themselves anything. Their long life is directly dependent on medicine. But even that is not all. Some political scientists say that the real world elite, the best of the best in the ranks of the Masonic Order, have been living for several hundred years and use not only permitted sciences, but also forbidden eugenics and even some technologies of extraterrestrial origin to continue their lives.

This is what caused the myths that aliens have long lived among us. Until now, no one knows what became of those alien spaceships that crashed in the United States and mysteriously disappeared. In secret laboratories, with money from the secret government, secret research was carried out, and experiments on people sentenced to death. Numerous testimonies to support this appear from time to time on American radio and in the press. Unfortunately, almost all eyewitnesses mysteriously disappear from society without a trace.

Not only people are disappearing, but all references to the fact that they ever existed. Families of eyewitnesses are exposed to a powerful hypnotic effect and forget about their loved ones, having touched the main secrets of this world. This is especially true of those brave souls who are trying to convey to the world about significant progress in the field of creating AI, but not only to tell, but also to share technology with other countries, thereby undermining the absolute power of the elect.

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Billionaire Elon Musk has been transparently hinting for several years in a row that work is underway on artificial intelligence. Moreover, he quite seriously declares that this is already within our power. In just a few decades, humanity will create a neural computer interface and will be able to improve its connection with technology. Thus, preparing the world for a new step - for controlled evolution, digitization of consciousness and connection to artificial intelligence. This is already inevitable. Elon Musk warns that this will lead to the extinction of humanity as a biological species. Any interaction with artificial intelligence using a full-fledged neural interface will lead to a restructuring of the human worldview.

A reasonable machine, realizing that man is a rather controversial and irrational biological species, will make every effort to change the people themselves. The laws of robotics will not allow harm to humans, but AI will not create terminators. He will simply teach people to look at the world in a different way, directly influencing the subconscious of everyone connected to the global network of a person.

On the one hand, we will not only live longer, but we will also be able to gain real immortality. On the other hand, we will not only lose our humanity, but we will also lose our individuality. The people who are at the origins of the creation of AI and secretly control the world will receive absolute power over an immortal, rational and obedient society.