Temples Stand On Crosses. Veliky Novgorod - Alternative View

Temples Stand On Crosses. Veliky Novgorod - Alternative View
Temples Stand On Crosses. Veliky Novgorod - Alternative View

Video: Temples Stand On Crosses. Veliky Novgorod - Alternative View

Video: Temples Stand On Crosses. Veliky Novgorod - Alternative View
Video: Travel to Russia-Veliky Novgorod 2024, September

Numerous facts published recently on the Internet testify that our real history was not at all what it is "drawn" to us in textbooks. Everything indicates that some catastrophes with the so-called "global floods" occurred not only in the distant past, counting thousands of years, but also relatively recently, only hundreds of years ago. Researchers of alternative history believe that one of the reasons for such a disaster is the shift of the Earth's poles. And one of the proofs of this is considered to be the fact that many ancient buildings are directed by one of their axes not to the modern North Pole, but to the place where, in their opinion, it was in the past. And in their circles it was already widely believed that this place was in the past in Greenland. I will not dispute the last statement, because there are other arguments in favor of it. But with regard to the reason for a certain orientation of ancient temples and other structures, I have to upset the supporters of this hypothesis. It turns out that there is a serious argument refuting it.

My studies, conducted in different parts of the world, show that in the recent past, when choosing a place for the construction of temples, as well as some other dominant structures or architectural elements, they looked for nodes of intersection of linear biogeophysical anomalies in the form of CROSSES, along which they were oriented. axis.

Fig. 1 Spaso-Preobrazhensky Varlaamo-Khutynsky monastery in Veliky Novgorod
Fig. 1 Spaso-Preobrazhensky Varlaamo-Khutynsky monastery in Veliky Novgorod

Fig. 1 Spaso-Preobrazhensky Varlaamo-Khutynsky monastery in Veliky Novgorod.

As the most vivid and evidential example of this, we can cite the results of the latest research on this subject, conducted by me on the territory of the Transfiguration Varlaam-Khutynsky Monastery in Veliky Novgorod (Fig. 1). It clearly indicates the reason for the very unusual mutual placement of the two central temples (Fig. 2). This is how the crosses are located here, formed by two nodes of narrow linear anomalous zones. The same cross of linear anomalies is fixed exactly under the center of the building with a dome and an arch, which is the entrance to the monastery. It is also found under the Varlaam Chapel, located a little to the side on an embankment. True, its modern remake was oriented incorrectly - the axes of the log chapel, which has been installed here clearly in our days, do not coincide with the direction of the strike of the linear anomalies. This is another confirmation (I'll tell you about others below) that the local (and most likely not only) diocese has long lost the ancient traditions that guided our not so distant ancestors when building such objects. And this fact once again indicates that the modern Orthodox Church has a dubious connection with the one that existed before its so-called schism. It seems that today they do not know at all (or hide) who and how built all these temples.that was before her so-called split. It seems that today they do not know at all (or hide) who and how built all these temples.that was before her so-called split. It seems that today they do not know at all (or hide) who and how built all these temples.

Fig. 2 Varlaam Church (left) and Transfiguration Cathedral (right)
Fig. 2 Varlaam Church (left) and Transfiguration Cathedral (right)

Fig. 2 Varlaam Church (left) and Transfiguration Cathedral (right).

Apparently, other ancient Novgorod churches, both inside the Kremlin (Fig. 3) and beyond the Volkhov River at Yaroslav's Court, are located in the same way - on the crosses of anomalous zones and are oriented along their strike. I was in this city to solve other, production problems, so this issue was investigated here fleetingly, during a small tour of its center arranged for us by the customer. In the Kremlin, the presence of such a cross was precisely established under the St. Sophia Cathedral. I noticed anomalies along one axis only in two neighboring buildings, which are similar to former temples reconstructed for other purposes, as well as near the Sofia Belfry. Probably, there are anomalies along the other axes of these structures, but I did not have time to go around them to check this.

Fig. 3 The Novgorod Kremlin
Fig. 3 The Novgorod Kremlin

Fig. 3 The Novgorod Kremlin.

For the same reason, at the Yaroslav's Court (Fig. 4), the presence of an anomaly in the form of a cross was precisely established only under the Church of Paraskeva Friday. The anomaly was also recorded along one axis of the neighboring bell tower. To investigate everything in more detail, there was no time. But the plan shows that all the neighboring churches are oriented differently. And this clearly indicates that they were erected in the same way and oriented along similar crosses of anomalies.

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Fig. 4 Yaroslav's Court
Fig. 4 Yaroslav's Court

Fig. 4 Yaroslav's Court.

During one of the walks around the city, the same cross of anomalies was found under the Panteleimon Church along Tikhvinskaya Street, which may indicate its antiquity. But when a new Orthodox church was laid (Fig. 5) in one of the modern micro-districts of the city, which a representative of the Developer invited me to check on this subject, this ancient tradition was no longer foreseen. Consequently, the local diocese does not even know about it. On her recommendation, with its altar, this temple was oriented towards modern Jerusalem. Apparently, they are still sure that he is real! But nevertheless, a cross of very small linear anomalies accidentally turned out to be under this temple, but not at all in its center and it is not oriented along the axes of the building.

Fig. 5 Model of the Orthodox Church under construction in one of the microdistricts of V-Novgorod
Fig. 5 Model of the Orthodox Church under construction in one of the microdistricts of V-Novgorod

Fig. 5 Model of the Orthodox Church under construction in one of the microdistricts of V-Novgorod.

I will tell you about other similar studies and their results in St. Petersburg, Moscow, the Ural town of Kyshtym, the Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia, as well as a number of temples in Vietnam in the following articles. In the meantime, a few final explanations and conclusions.

Any person with dowsing ability can easily find and trace these anomalies on the ground. A number of publications claim that only about 10% of people have such abilities. As my experience shows, you don't really need to teach such people. It is enough to show how everything works, and they themselves will understand and feel everything - an involuntary reaction of the framework in their hands when crossing such anomalies. Another part of the people can be taught this business through training. At them, in the end, albeit clumsy and somewhat delayed, but the frames in their hands will also begin to react when crossing these anomalies. But there is a part of people who, even though you crack, do not succeed in dowsing. These are expected and will form the backbone of those who will fiercely dispute the reality of the facts presented here. But there is no point in arguing with them.

So what is the source of these anomalies? I have experimentally established long ago that biogeophysical anomalies of this type form tectonic disturbances in the rocky basement of any territory. I widely and successfully use this fact and the associated physical consequences in practice in my production activities, quickly and efficiently establishing the position of tectonic faults and their structure in the areas of geophysical work. This can be extremely useful when looking for groundwater, deposits of endogenous ores and hydrocarbons, as well as when conducting research on problem buildings in order to develop the most effective set of anti-radon protection measures or to establish the causes of cracks in its foundation and walls, etc.

I believe that according to this criterion - the presence of crosses from linear anomalies at the base of dominant buildings, structures and monuments, it will be possible to calculate the date when this ancient tradition was forgotten. Or, if we consider the issue more broadly, when in our country, in fact, Romanov Russia changed civilization, apparently, Tartaria, to which, perhaps, this tradition should be attributed - to lay the centers of dominant structures on crosses made of linear anomalies and orient their axes along them. For example, under the monument to the Millennium of Russia, erected by the Romanovs on the territory of the Novgorod Kremlin in 1862, there is no anomaly cross. But under a similar monument in St. Petersburg it already exists. But it seems to me that this particular fact only testifies to the fact that on the site of the St. Petersburg monument there used to be some other one related to the previous civilization.

The above facts allow us to put forward a hypothesis about the origin of the religious symbol in the form of a CROSS, that it arose precisely from here. Tectonic elements reflected in linear anomalies of this shape are quite common. And when the ancient dowsers recorded them, they could give them some kind of sacred meaning, choosing as a place for the construction of various buildings and structures. But, apparently, this tradition originally arose long before Tartary, because under a number of more ancient megalithic structures I have checked, nodes of anomalies of this kind are also recorded. Unfortunately, at one time I did not check their presence under the Egyptian pyramids when I was on an excursion in Giza. Then I was not concerned with this issue, but today Egypt is still closed for us.

Did the ancestors understand the physical nature of such anomalies? I think they understood to some extent. Maybe not completely, in fact, like we are today. But the fact that in ancient times they knew how to find ore deposits even better than today's geologists, armed with all the power of the most modern geophysical equipment, is a fact! And they could do this only if they relied on such a unique search tool as dowsing. And history has left us such evidence. In addition, it is possible that the energy generated by such anomalies was even used for specific practical purposes. But more on that later …

Continuation: "Temples stand on crosses. St. Petersburg".

Author: Andreev Nikolay Mikhailovich