Joe Metheny - A Maniac Who Did Something Truly Horrible With His Victims - Alternative View

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Joe Metheny - A Maniac Who Did Something Truly Horrible With His Victims - Alternative View
Joe Metheny - A Maniac Who Did Something Truly Horrible With His Victims - Alternative View

Video: Joe Metheny - A Maniac Who Did Something Truly Horrible With His Victims - Alternative View

Video: Joe Metheny - A Maniac Who Did Something Truly Horrible With His Victims - Alternative View
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Joe Metheny, starting the search for his wife who escaped with his son, began to kill all people who came to hand out of revenge. He did horrible things - dismembered bodies, mixed meat with animal flesh, and made burger patties for the customers of his cafe.

I am a very sick person

When the police detained Joe Metheny in December 1996, they thought he would resist and start a fight. This man, weighing more than 200 kilograms, was a fan of waving his huge fists. Therefore, they expected a rebuff from him. As a result, Joe not only did not offer resistance, but also spoke frankly about his terrible crimes, summing up the confession with the phrase: "I am a very sick person."



In his confession, Metheny told the police in all the details how he brutally raped, killed and dismembered homeless people and drug addicts in search of a fugitive wife. The man was driven by an insatiable need for revenge. But the worst thing was how Joe dealt with the bodies of the victims to hide the traces of the crimes. Instead of the usual burial places, the maniac dismembered bodies, mixed meat with pork and made hamburger patties from minced meat. Then Metheny sold them to unsuspecting customers at his roadside cafe.

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How did it all start?

Joe committed murders for two years prior to his arrest. It all started when the man's wife ran away from him to her lover, taking her son with her. The maniac knew about her addiction to drugs and the places where she goes. And taking an ax, Metheny decided to walk on them. He started from the spot under the bridge. But Joe found there not a spouse, but two homeless people, whom he immediately hacked to death. This was noticed by a fisherman sitting nearby, and he suffered the same fate.


First arrest

He did nothing with the bodies of the first three victims. He just threw them into the river to hide the traces of the crime. Soon Joe was arrested on suspicion of murder, and the maniac spent a year and a half in prison awaiting trial. But in the end he was acquitted. The prosecutor could not prove that it was Joe who killed the two men, since all traces were washed away by the waters of the river.

Resume kills

Once free, Metheny resumed his search for his missing wife. Jail time clearly did not affect the maniac in any way. Joe soon killed two prostitutes. This time he decided not to throw the bodies into the river, but came up with the best way to hide the traces of the crime. Metheny brought the bodies home and dismembered them, placing the fleshy parts in the freezer. The man drove the other remains away in his truck and buried them.


Back home, the killer mixed the victims' meat with beef and pork. This minced meat has become a filling for small pies made by a maniac. He started selling them by setting up a barbecue stand by the side of the road. For several weeks, truckers and local residents unwittingly destroyed the traces of Metheny's crimes.

After his arrest, Joe said that no one complained about the taste of the pies: "It's just that human meat is very similar to pork, and if it is also mixed with animal meat, no one will find the difference." Whenever the meat ran out, the maniac went out and killed the homeless man. According to Metheny, he killed ten people. If the police had not arrested him, there would have been many more victims.

Detention and death

Joe was eventually caught in 1996. The potential victim of the maniac was able to escape and report him to the police. Metheny was found guilty and sentenced to death. In 2000, the decision was canceled, replacing it with two life sentences. In 2017, Joe was found dead in his cell.

Regret and advice

During the interrogation, Metheny spoke in great detail about his crimes. He even told the police about how he hacked to death a fisherman witness during the first murder of two homeless people. It also turned out that Joe does not repent of anything, except for one thing: “The only thing is, I regret that I did not finish my ex-wife with my lover. After all, it was with their search that this whole series of crimes began. Further, only revenge pushed me to kill, and then a passion for the taste of blood and an irresistible sense of power were connected to it. You experience it the moment you deprive a person of life. I had no explanation or excuse as to why I was doing this. I don't even know how to describe it. I just liked doing this kind of thing. And I don't feel sorry for my victims at all. They were already dead to this world."


Metheny also gave advice to those who like to eat on the road: “The next time you find a new diner on the road, take a close look at the meat that is cooked there. And before you eat a hamburger with it, you should make sure that there is nothing superfluous in it."

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