About The Mysterious Taiga Anomaly In The Urals - Alternative View

About The Mysterious Taiga Anomaly In The Urals - Alternative View
About The Mysterious Taiga Anomaly In The Urals - Alternative View

Video: About The Mysterious Taiga Anomaly In The Urals - Alternative View

Video: About The Mysterious Taiga Anomaly In The Urals - Alternative View
Video: The Dyatlov Pass Case 2024, September

Egor Yakimov, a resident of the Urals, says that in the summer of 1965 he went on a hike, taking three friends with him. Comparatively experienced travelers, the Russians gathered the necessary equipment and walked straight into the taiga jungle. Suddenly, one of the men noticed that the needle of his compass was spinning like crazy, and sometimes even completely frozen in place. The rest of the comrades took out their compasses and also noticed that their devices were not working properly.

The Urals people felt uneasy, because in their campaign they relied solely on compasses and did not know how to get out of the dense taiga in another way. Travelers rushed to the plateau for more than three hours, trying to find a place where the magnetic arrows would stop jumping. Finally, the friends got out of this trap, orienting themselves by the lichen in the trees. Then the men even laughed: they say, the hunters are good, they could not immediately leave calmly, using natural prompts. However, Yakimov began to suspect that their fear and panic were caused by something else, inexplicable, the compass was just a small clue that they were trapped.

In the winter of 1973, Yegor and his comrades again went to the taiga, this time to hunt for wood grouses, and in about the same places. The Russians walked between the two ridges, moving along the hollow on skis. At a certain moment, Yakimov, who was closing the procession, suddenly noticed that his comrades began to disperse in different directions. Stunned Yegor shouted at his friends and asked what was the reason for their strange behavior. The hunters were no less surprised and reported that each of them was heading where his compass pointed. It was then that it became clear that the travelers again came across this anomaly, forcing the compasses to show the direction incorrectly. After about an hour, this stopped, but the Urals residents could not help feeling their growing anxiety even after that.

On the evening of the same day, Yakimov discovered something even more startling and frightening. Making a fire, the man got down on all fours to fan the fire better, and suddenly felt a strong rhythmic pulsation coming out of the ground, as if a heart of colossal proportions was beating somewhere deep in the depths. Our hero chose not to say anything to his friends, and at dawn immediately woke them up and ordered them to get ready quickly. He never went to these dead places with anyone again.