Robinson Of Bulavan Island - Alternative View

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Robinson Of Bulavan Island - Alternative View
Robinson Of Bulavan Island - Alternative View

Video: Robinson Of Bulavan Island - Alternative View

Video: Robinson Of Bulavan Island - Alternative View
Video: New Robinson Soundtrack COMPLETE Pc Game (L'isola di Robinson) 2024, September

What are the mythical guards of the killer island really taking revenge on?

There are many legends and myths about the island of Bulavan, which belongs to Indonesia, which has been called the killer island since ancient times.

Indeed, on this piece of land, with an area of about five square kilometers, lying in the Banda Sea, events took place and continue to occur, contrary to common sense and everyday logic. More than forty people, by the will of unforeseen circumstances, found themselves here, as they say, were washed with blood. And, as the American pilot Wili Van der Haage believed, for whom Bulavan became a trap for a very long time, which seemed to slam shut forever, "the earth and the air in some incomprehensible way here devours everything, be it people or animals."

Van der Haage was out of luck. He returned to his homeland, unfortunately, only to die tragically. The pilot, however, managed to give a dozen interviews, which together leave no doubt that the killer island is the most powerful anomalous zone. Its pronounced geomagnetic deviations from the geophysical norm, apparently, feed the Bulavan phenomenon.


So, flying on one of the newest combat jet vehicles WFV-522, test pilot Wili Van der Haage visually spotted at a distance of 8-10 kilometers a mercury-colored ball swinging like a pendulum, around which a "distant", unbearably bright radiance spilled. Since the radio for some reason went out of order, the pilot could not request instructions from the base for further actions. I decided, interrupting the flight, to leave as soon as possible. It wasn't like that. A flaming tongue thrown out by a strange ball covered the plane, set fire to rubberized reserve tanks with fuel suspended under the wings. Van der Haage did not have time to dump them, because the tanks exploded. The car fell apart.

The parachute opened at a height sufficient for a safe descent. The pilot woke up next to a hole that resembled the mouth of a well going down. This was his first island experience. The second, with which he repeatedly encountered throughout his robinsonade, the same ball lazily swinging over the slightly agitated sea water, which almost killed him. There was no time left to admire this curiosity. Noting with satisfaction that the waterproof package of emergency supplies was not damaged, that the pistol was dry in it, like the bayonet (folding knives), matches and chocolate, Van der Haage, having refreshed himself, after walking a few steps, came across a spring and a completely dry grove.

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A man of cold mind, one of the aces of the US Air Force, Wili Van der Haage, having weighed absolutely unfavorable circumstances, did not rule out that he will have to stay on this piece of land for an unknown amount of time. Therefore, for a start, discarding useless complaints, warming up by the fire and drying out his clothes, spent the night on an extinct fire pit, got enough fish, stunned by a pyrotechnic saber in a lake, built an excellent hut and went to examine Bulavan, about whom he knew literally nothing at that time.

Already in this first sortie, he, an excellent shooter, from the first shot shot a young wild boar, whose meat, soaked in salt sea water, withered. The remaining 15 rounds he decided to spend in case of danger, to get food by fishing and placing snares. The pilot did not even know how generous discoveries the island was preparing for him.


During his forced imprisonment on Bulavan Island, which lasted three years and three months, Wili van der Haage made many amazing discoveries. They, first of all, concerned the terrain, which the pilot, because of the "suspicious similarity", compared in outline with a giant petrified brain. This pilot's "brain" literally crawled, and all because he was extremely intrigued by the deepest wells, obviously of artificial origin, leading to dry caves. But before settling in one of these caves, ideally ventilated and suitable for heating by a fire, Van der Haage found a truly invaluable treasure of gold coins in it.

The treasure was kept in four jugs made of baked clay, with necks filled with natural asphalt, of which there was an abundance on the island, which forms viscous layers that extend into the depths. This asphalt - a heavy oil fraction - burned hot, almost smokeless. Van der Haage collected ideal fuel for heating and cooking without rising to the surface in adits and crevices. Thus, he dug three more jugs of gold.

Looking ahead, it must be said that when the Robinson's treasury was delivered to the United States, experts on the culture of ancient civilizations, erudite numismatists, were unable to determine the nationality of the coins. As a result, it became a breeding ground for the hypothesis that coins were a means of payment for the territories of the dead Atlantis.

American professor of archeology Benjamin Williams-Strok, having scrupulously examined the treasures called the Haage gold collection in 2002, said that he did not exclude the coins belonging to some long-lost civilization. He also said that he had never seen such faceless coins, outwardly similar to perfectly round, perfectly polished lenses. Maybe it's not coins at all. What then? The question is still open. Just as the way is open for the detachments of black treasure hunters, year after year boring the asphalt deposits of Bulavan, penetrating into wells, adits, caves. Admittedly, although rarely, they received rewards for colossal risks. No, not in gold coins. Outlandish silver ingots, in the shape of horse heads. Another unsolved mystery of the island. According to some scholars,similar animated heads were used for ritual sacred purposes. Amazingly, the animated silver bars showed no trace of artificial processing. This is a product of nature, so to speak, a masterpiece of the anomalous zone.


Communicating with reporters, after being removed from the island by the Dutch corvette "Intimidating", Van der Haage drew their attention to the fact that during the period of "imprisonment" he spent most of the time underground, examining vertical wells. His phrase is noteworthy: “The wells did not let go of themselves with the feeling that there was something there, deserving hard work, hard search. But when I got close to the mysterious prey, it eluded me for objective reasons."

What was not given in the hands - oak wet chests petrified with old age. Van der Haage touched their covers two or three times. As soon as this happened, water began to flow abundantly from the walls of the wells, arriving so quickly that it was necessary to urgently resort to the help of thick ropes woven from hemp grass soaked in sea water. Van der Haage was not a drug addict before, but on the island, in order to "drive away the longing of loneliness, increase strength for heavy excavation", he resorted to weak tonic hemp decoctions.

Could it be that this potion provoked some atypical mental abnormalities? In particular, naturalistic visions, when, as if in reality, he watched people in old clothes - pirates - lower treasure chests into the mines. Like the sailing ships of these pirates, emerging from a calm bay, where he usually fished, picking up speed, plunge over the horizon, firing a farewell volley from onboard guns. I saw constantly a ball of fire over the sea. But this, of course, was no longer a narcotic hallucination.

Van der Haage, in order to drown out the gnawing yearning for the world of people, continuously, sometimes almost straining, worked. Such occupational therapy, in fact, saved him from insanity. One windy day, I saw people armed with automatic weapons, working with spade and crowbar at the mouth of the so-called southeast well, the deepest on the island. For some reason, van der Haage was not even alarmed. For some reason, I realized that I would have to accept the battle, perhaps die.


Surprisingly, Van der Haage shot so well that he killed 12 bandits with a pistol, as it later turned out, two days before the arrival of an Irish priest who had carved out the family on the island, who had an old map on which wells were marked, supposedly hiding the chests of pirate treasures … The map turned out to be a fake, there was absolutely nothing in the wells.

When the detectives asked why he decided on bloodshed, Van der Haage replied that he simply had no choice, because when asked to enter into negotiations, he was answered with dense submachine gun and rifle fire, shouting: “We will finish you off. We don't need witnesses! I meant, of course, the plundering of mines with the subsequent export of trophies on a yacht.

The island is located in the Banda Sea
The island is located in the Banda Sea

The island is located in the Banda Sea.

After resting with his family, having undergone retraining, Van der Haage returned to flight work. I was really happy. Thunder from the blue was the news of the brutal massacre of him in his own mansion, in Seattle, Wisconsin, USA. The police hastened to write off the murder as a banal robbery.

But in the period from 1999 to 2009, 25 people who had visited Bulavan Island were hanged, poisoned, shot dead, who returned from there, like Wili Van der Haage, not empty-handed. What are the mythical guards of the killer island really taking revenge on? Nobody can give an answer yet.

Alexander Volodev