What Do Archaeological Finds In Sungir Say? - Alternative View

What Do Archaeological Finds In Sungir Say? - Alternative View
What Do Archaeological Finds In Sungir Say? - Alternative View

Video: What Do Archaeological Finds In Sungir Say? - Alternative View

Video: What Do Archaeological Finds In Sungir Say? - Alternative View
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Sungir is one of the most famous sites of ancient people in Russia, dating back to the Paleolithic. It is located on the eastern outskirts of Vladimir at the confluence of the stream of the same name into the Klyazma River. The site itself was discovered in 1955 during the construction of the plant, and in 1964 the burials of ancient people were discovered in this place.

Sungir is still considered one of the richest and most explored sites of ancient people, since during the excavations that were carried out here for almost 30 years, about 70 thousand archaeological finds were made, the initial age of which was determined at 25 thousand years. However, studies by Western scientists have shown that in fact these items are even older. Thus, scientists from Oxford University estimated their age at 28,700 - 29,900 years, at Keele University this age was estimated at 30,500 calendar years, and scientists at the University of Arizona received a period of 30,600 - 31,700 years.

All this is direct evidence that ancient people have lived on the territory of the present European part of Russia for tens of thousands of years, including at a time when Western Europe was bound by glaciation. In addition, the finds made in Sungir indicate that the way of life and life of these people was by no means primitive. Moreover, they possessed some technologies that are still unknown to our technocratic civilization.

For example, what conclusions does the Russian researcher of ancient history N. Pavlischeva draw on the basis of some of the finds made in Sungir in her book "Aryan Hyperborea":


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In addition, the preservation of the burial near Vladimir testifies to the fact that 25 thousand years ago in these places there was neither a glacier nor a sea, and the conditions for life were quite acceptable. Consequently, these people had no reason to migrate somewhere even after the end of the glaciation, and therefore, N. Pavlishcheva quite rightly calls them our ancestors. And in those days, when our ancestors already possessed certain technologies and culture, in Western Europe, which orthodox science considers the "cradle of European civilization", there was still a war for territory between Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons.

All this proves once again that the official historical science is in fact a collection of invented myths, most of which were invented over several centuries under the direct "supervision" of the Vatican, the main center for falsifying history on our planet. But no matter how hard the falsifiers of history who invent their pseudoscientific myths try, the truth about our real history will still become the property of all mankind, and not just closed societies and lodges.

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