15 Shocking Hypotheses About The Death Of Marilyn Monroe - Alternative View

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15 Shocking Hypotheses About The Death Of Marilyn Monroe - Alternative View
15 Shocking Hypotheses About The Death Of Marilyn Monroe - Alternative View

Video: 15 Shocking Hypotheses About The Death Of Marilyn Monroe - Alternative View

Video: 15 Shocking Hypotheses About The Death Of Marilyn Monroe - Alternative View
Video: Sex tape purported to be of young Marilyn Monroe surfaces 2024, September

An icon of cinema and a recognized sex symbol, Marilyn Monroe suffered from depression and anxiety, and also abused alcohol and potent sleeping pills. Her personal life was unsuccessful, and when Marilyn was found dead on August 5, 1962, in a room full of empty medicine bottles, no one was surprised at her suicide. However, to this day, there are many hypotheses and conspiracy theories that otherwise explain the untimely death of the actress.

The official version of a suicide attempt looks unlikely

According to the official version, Monroe's death came from an overdose of sleeping pills and it was suicide. However, researchers of her life argue that just at that moment the actress had no reason to take such a step. She was about to reunite with her first husband, baseball player Joe DiMaggio (he proposed to her on August 1). What's more, she just reinstated her contract with 20th Century Fox, gave interviews for magazines such as Cosmopolitan and Life, and posed for a photo shoot for Vogue. Monroe was also going to star in a biopic about the fate of 30s movie star Jean Harlow. And against this background, she suddenly commits suicide … Somehow one does not fit with the other.


Monroe dies of drug overdose, but no pills were found in her stomach

During the investigation, death by negligence was immediately ruled out due to the huge concentration of sleeping pills in Monroe's blood - it was twice the lethal dose. Interestingly, no trace of the pills was found in the stomach. Later, this fact was explained by the fact that Monroe took sleeping pills regularly and in large quantities, and her stomach adapted to their faster dissolution and absorption. Of course, some researchers state that the pills were not in the stomach for another reason: because the actress was deliberately killed by someone. Moreover, the doctor who performed the autopsy stated that the samples taken had accidentally deteriorated and it was impossible to double-check the conclusion.

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Suicide was staged

Those who believe in the premeditated murder of the actress claim that the picture of the suicide was clearly staged. Even Police Officer Sergeant Jack Clemmons, who was called to Villa Monroe that day, said he had never seen a more obviously staged suicide scene. The body of the actress lay on the bed very neatly, and bottles with pills were placed on the bedside table nearby. It is also known that Monroe's diaries disappeared and even - for some reason - the bed linen was washed by her housekeeper.


Monroe called the White House the night she died

Over the years, the last day of Monroe's life was tried to be restored in all details many times. According to some rumors, right before her death, the actress twice called her friend, Hollywood stylist Sidney Gilarov. She screamed hysterically that Bobby Kennedy (John F. Kennedy's younger brother, who succeeded him as Monroe's lover) and Peter Lawford (John F. Kennedy's son-in-law) had recently come to her house and threatened her in every possible way. The reason was: Monroe threatened to tell the whole world about the connection with Robert. It is unlikely that he was delighted with this prospect … Also, presumably, the last call made that night to Monroe, was a call to the White House. But who did she call and why? Maybe she tried to get through to John F. Kennedy and ask him for protection "for old friendships"? They even say that she managed to get through, but spoke with Kennedy's wife.


John F. Kennedy could not continue the long-term relationship with Monroe

It is known that John F. Kennedy was the first to fall for Monroe's spell. Their romance lasted for several years, but John did not attach such importance to this connection as Marilyn. He was loving and had affairs with many women, so Monroe was only one of them. But she fell in love with him to a stupor, became literally obsessed with him. Monroe believed and waited for a very long time that Kennedy would leave his wife and marry her, but he had absolutely no intention of doing this. On the contrary, when the actress began to tire him, he gradually distanced himself from her. Marilyn did not give up, continuing to call the White House. Then John sent his brother Robert to her to persuade Monroe to abandon these fruitless attempts to become the first lady. In the end, Robert fell under the charm of the actress and fell in love with her.


Monroe assassination ordered by Robert Kennedy

Yes, it's a fact - Monroe changed one Kennedy brother to another. When she began a whirlwind romance with Robert, they saw each other almost every day. But nothing lasts forever - and just like his older brother, Robert at some point got tired of this connection. But the matter was complicated by the fact that Monroe did not just give up: she began to blackmail Robert Kennedy, claiming that she kept a diary. And it was as if this diary recorded all the political secrets that both Kennedy brothers blurted out to her in a love stupor. Supporters of the hypothesis accusing Robert Kennedy of Monroe's murder say that this diary was the main reason.


Actor Peter Lawford was aware of what was happening

Bobby Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe spent their first night in his guest bedroom, Lawford said. Lawford was aware of what was happening from the very beginning and served as a cover for lovers. He said that Bobby and Marilyn quickly threw themselves into the abyss of passion, but then Kennedy quickly cooled down - and she began to hysteria and threaten him with publicity. They even had a quarrel, during which she threw a knife at him - after which Kennedy returned to her house with his bodyguard and Lawford. They were looking for a small red notebook known as the "secret diary." Whether they found it or not is unknown, but the actress had to be killed, and Peter Lawford was present. So says one of the hypotheses.


Monroe was killed because she was a communist

But enough about love stories. Here is an equally interesting hypothesis: the actress was killed for being a secret communist. And not even very secretly, but rather publicly admired what was happening, for example, in China. And expressed disapproval of McCarthy's policies and "witch-hunts" against Hollywood figures who sympathized with the Communists. The FBI had a dossier on everyone, including Monroe, and the federal bureau was really unhappy with her political statements. In addition, she supported Cornelius Vanderbilt, an extremely leftist, and tried to obtain a visa to the USSR. This is why some believe that there is a political background to the actress's death.


Monroe killed by her housekeeper

Some believe that her housekeeper Eunice Murray had something to do with Monroe's death. She definitely knew more than she told the police. Police sergeant Jack Clemmons who arrived at the scene said that Murray was acting strange and answered his questions very evasively. Moreover, when the police arrived, Murray was already washing the bedding from Monroe's bed. Detective Robert Byron, who came a little later, also noted the woman's suspicious behavior. He stated that Murray's words should not be relied on, which he wrote in his report. Sergeants Clemmons and Byron were soon removed from the case: they were taken over by other police officers, higher rank.


Monroe's death is blamed on her psychiatrist

Dr. Ralph Greenson, Monroe's psychiatrist, is also often blamed for her death. Apparently, Greenson believed that traditional psychoanalysis was not helping his patient, so he began experimenting with new approaches: he replaced conventional therapy with attending dinner parties and public events. Greenson advised the actress to cut ties with old friends and persuaded her to buy a villa near him. Even Monroe's new home was decorated to resemble Greenson's. That's not all! Greenson asked his relative to take care of Monroe's financial and legal affairs, and he was also the one who brought his girlfriend Eunice Murray to her as a housekeeper. Some of Monroe's biographers call Greenson a "proprietary control freak." They say that he only worsened the condition of the actress by prescribing too large doses of drugs. Someone thinks that Greenson accidentally made a mistake in the dosage, and someone - that Robert Kennedy persistently asked him about it.


Monroe was killed because she was about to reveal secret information about aliens to the world

This is a relatively recent hypothesis and rather strange, of course. The idea was voiced in the UFO documentary "Unacknowledged". Supposedly, based on the fact that Monroe had affairs with the Kennedy brothers, she knew too much - including secrets about aliens! As if John F. Kennedy was telling her that he visited a secret airbase to inspect the objects of extraterrestrial origin found. And when the Kennedy brothers broke the actress's heart, she could tell all this to the public. According to ufologist Stephen Greer, "this is a tragedy: she was an actress and did not understand anything about national security issues and the determination of those who want to keep their secrets to themselves."


It was a "fake" suicide attempt, but something went wrong

Another rather strange theory says that Monroe wanted to portray suicide in order to attract everyone's attention and so that the Kennedy brothers would recognize their guilt and want to return it (well, at least one of them). Peter Lawford learned from someone he knew that she had made such an attempt once, and told Bobby Kennedy about it. And they had a plan! The gist of a sophisticated conspiracy theory is that Lawford persuaded psychiatrist Monroe Greenson and her housekeeper Murray to take part in a conspiracy to murder. Greenson prescribed an overdose of drugs to Monroe, and she, unaware of this, followed his instructions exactly. After the actress took the pills, the housekeeper called Greenson and they waited until Monroe died, and then called the police.


Monroe was killed by the mafia

According to another hypothesis, Monroe ordered the murder of the boss of the Chicago syndicate - the mafia Sam Giancana. Monroe is said to have had an affair with one of Giancan's men, Johnny Roselli. Giancana used his influence to get the actress her first Hollywood contract. To pay back the debt, Monroe allegedly seduced powerful men whom the mafia wanted to blackmail. And when the unsuccessful romances with the Kennedy brothers broke the heart of the actress and she promised to lay out everything to the public, one must understand that much more would be revealed - which the mafia could not allow. There is also speculation that Bobby Kennedy hired mafia hitmen to eliminate Monroe. The killers broke into her home, put her to sleep with chloroform, and then injected her with a massive amount of sleeping pills with an enema.


Monroe was assassinated by the CIA

In 2015, the World News Daily Report published an article claiming that a former CIA agent named Normand Hodges confessed to killing Marilyn Monroe before his death. Hodges said that during his career at this institution, he committed 37 murders of people who posed a threat to US national security. Hodges said literally the following: “We had evidence that Marilyn Monroe slept not only with Kennedy, but also with Fidel Castro. My boss Jimmy Hayworth told me that she should die and it should look like suicide or overdose. However, later it turned out that this whole story is fiction.


The police were not immediately called

Around midnight on August 5, 1962, housekeeper Eunice Murray saw the light in Monroe's room. Murray knocked on the door but was not answered. A few hours later, a worried Murray called Monroe's psychiatrist Dr. Greenson. He came and knocked down the door to the actress's bedroom. They saw that Monroe was lying on the bed with no signs of life. Then, presumably, Greenson called Monroe's family doctor, who pronounced death at 3.50 a.m. But, for some strange reason, the police were not called until 4.25 am. They even say that at the same time when the doctor was called, an ambulance arrived, and that at that time Monroe was still alive. And when the police arrived, they immediately felt that something was wrong in this whole case. For example, there was no water glass in the room. How Monroe swallowed all these pillswithout washing them down with water? Besides, the body was definitely moved. Perhaps the police were not called for so long for a reason.