Scientists Told How Much The Population Of The Earth Weighs - Alternative View

Scientists Told How Much The Population Of The Earth Weighs - Alternative View
Scientists Told How Much The Population Of The Earth Weighs - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Told How Much The Population Of The Earth Weighs - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Told How Much The Population Of The Earth Weighs - Alternative View
Video: How will we survive when the population hits 10 billion? | Charles C. Mann 2024, June

Researchers from the UK were able to accurately calculate how much the entire population of the Earth weighs. Moreover, scientists told in detail what proportion of the total weight belongs to thin and overweight people.

According to the official data of the "World Health Organization", all of humanity that lives on Earth weighs about 287 million tons. At the same time, 15 tons are occupied by overweight people and 3.5 tons - by people with significant overweight. All data provided by scientists from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. It is reported that the average person, regardless of gender, weighs 62 kilograms. It is noteworthy that the average weight of North Americans is about 80.7 kilograms, while Asians are only 57 kilograms.

With their research, British experts wanted to draw humanity's attention to global problems with excess weight. Note that 70 percent of US residents were found to be overweight. And if everyone weighed as Americans, then the world's population could increase by another 58 million tons.

Svetlana Slavyanskaya