From The World Of Shadows - Alternative View

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From The World Of Shadows - Alternative View
From The World Of Shadows - Alternative View

Video: From The World Of Shadows - Alternative View

Video: From The World Of Shadows - Alternative View
Video: 007 Counting Shadows In Another World (David West Mashup) 2024, September

Since prehistoric times, people believed in the existence of two isolated worlds: the visible earthly world, where a person is born, lives and dies, and the invisible otherworldly, where after a person's death his soul moves. But, despite the complete isolation of these worlds, there were always those who, according to them, were able to come into contact with the inhabitants of the next world. Oral legends and written sources of all peoples - from the most ancient to the most modern - provide a lot of evidence that an appeal to the rulers of another world sometimes gives amazing results. In the same sources, there are examples when the most ordinary people enter into relations with otherworldly forces, and often not even of their own free will.

Devils judgment

In the old castle of the Polish city of Lublin, there is a table that is almost 500 years old. The burned-out print of a human palm is clearly visible on its surface.

Tradition says that in 1638, in the hall of the judicial board of the city hall, at this table, the lawsuit of a noble Polish magnate against a certain widow was considered. The tycoon claimed a plot of land with a house belonging to her. The bribed judges decided the case in favor of the rich man. And then the widow stretched out her hands to the crucifix standing in the hall and exclaimed: "If the devils were the judges, they would make a fairer decision!"

And then the following allegedly happened. At midnight, mysterious figures in black wigs appeared in the hall. The astonished clerk, who was finishing putting in order the records of the last court session, saw on the heads of the aliens … horns hidden in the hair of magnificent wigs. The devils - and this, of course, they were - reopened the trial and eventually proved the widow was right. Trembling with fear, the clerk drew up a new protocol, which the judges from the underworld signed with their signatures. Before leaving, one of them took all the papers from the previous meeting, and in parting slapped his palm on the table in front of the crazed clerk's very nose.

The next morning, everyone who entered the room looked in amazement at the handprint burned on the table top. The clerk, the only one who knew the terrible story of the appearance of the burned print, remained completely silent. This plot can be regarded as a moralizing legend, but the trace on the furniture has not gone anywhere, and the ancient origin of both the table and the print is confirmed by expert examination. In addition, references to the events described are contained in historical documents.

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He came for the dog

Contacts of ordinary people with a parallel world are mainly their meetings with their deceased relatives.

Here is one such story. Joe Ben-son, a resident of Wendover, Utah, came from local Indians. Growing old, he left home only accompanied by his beloved dog, the German shepherd Sky. When Joe began to see poorly. Sky became his guide and, literally, his bodyguard. But the owner's health deteriorated, he went to bed and one day, at the end of 1962, he told his wife Mabel that he felt the approach of death. A few days later, the doctors realized that there was nothing to help Benson. He was ill for a short time and died in January of the following year.

After the funeral, some of the relatives asked Mabel to give them Sky, but she decided to keep this devoted friend Joe for herself. Nine days passed, and the next morning Mabel, looking out the window, saw that a man had appeared from over the hill and was walking along the path to the house. She lit the stove and put the coffee pot on the fire to brew fresh coffee. When Mabel looked out the window again, the man was already approaching the threshold. It was … her late husband!

Ancient Native American customs provide for rules of behavior in such extraordinary situations. When Joe entered the house and stood silently on the threshold, Mabel delicately reminded him that he was dead and that he had nothing left to do in this world. In response, the husband nodded and said: “I'm leaving now. I came to pick up my dog."

He whistled, and Sky, tail wagging happily, flew into the kitchen with a bullet. “Give me a leash,” Joe asked his wife. Mabel removed the leash from the wall and handed it to her husband, trying not to touch the revived dead man. Joe fastened the leash to the dog's collar, and together they walked to the door, down the steps of the porch, and away from the house.

A few seconds later, Mabel, recovering a little from the shock, ran out into the street and rushed after the departed. When she reached the hill and rounded it, neither Joe nor Skye were in sight.

At a seance

One of the devices for communicating with the souls of the dead is the so-called ouija developed in the USA (ouija - from French oui - "yes" and German ja - "yes"), which consists of a board with letters of the alphabet, numbers and other symbols printed on it. as well as a tablet with an arrow moving along it. The participants in the seance sit around the Ouija and put their left finger on the tablet. After that, the medium three times loudly pronounces the name of the summoned spirit (usually some historical person) and then asks if he is there. And if the spirit is here, then the planchette suddenly begins to "spontaneously" move along the board, pointing with an arrow at the signs that make up the words of the answer. In the same way, the spirit also answers the questions asked by the participants in the mystical action.

Once in London, during the First World War, two Englishwomen, Hester Travis-Smith and Geraldine Cummins, famous mediums, held a seance, in which the spirit of Cummins' cousin, who had been killed shortly before in France, intervened as if by itself. He gave his name and asked, "Do you know who I am?" After receiving an affirmative answer, the spirit asked, “Tell my mother to give my pearl tie pin to the girl I was going to marry. Let her have a memory of me. " At the same time, he provided the girl's name and address.

Mediums wrote her a letter, but for some reason it came back. Having decided that the spirit gave the wrong address or that this whole episode was generally fiction, the mediums forgot about it. However, six months later, Cummins found out that her cousin was indeed secretly engaged, which even the closest relatives did not know about. And his name was named exactly as the spirit "said", and when the military department sent the personal belongings and documents of the deceased to his parents in England, among them were his will, written in France, and that same pearl pin. The will said that if he did not return from the war, then the mother should give the pin to his bride as a memory of him.

Subsequently, this story was investigated by the famous physicist, Sir William Barrett, who was convinced of the authenticity of the events described.

Dante completed his masterpiece

The "Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri, the great Italian poet, is rightfully ranked among the masterpieces of world literature. But mankind could never have seen the famous work in its finished form, if not for the amazing dream of Dante's son Jacopo.

When Dante died in 1321. Jacopo and his brother Pietro grieved not only the death of their father, but also that circumstance. that the manuscript of the Comedy discovered after his death was unfinished. From the words of Dante himself, the brothers knew that he had completed the work on it, and for several days they carefully looked through the remaining papers, including all the drafts, but the ending of the poem was never found.

At the end of the search, tired and saddened Jacopo lay down to rest and fell asleep. In a dream, he saw his father enter the room, dressed in sparkling white clothes. Jacopo asked him if he really had time to finish work on the work. In response, Dante nodded and told his son where the missing part of the manuscript was.

On the same day, Jacopo entered his father's office with a lawyer invited as a witness, a longtime friend of the deceased. When they removed the small tapestry that adorned the wall, they saw a small door in it. There was a niche behind the door, in which all the missing pages of Dante's creation lay. So, thanks to the hint received from the other world from the author himself, "The Divine Comedy" became known to the whole world as a whole, complete work.

… After such events, we can probably only believe in spirits, ghosts and other inhabitants of the parallel world, as well as in the existence of this world itself.

Vadim Ilyin. Secrets of the XX century magazine