A Word To Those Who Live On The Advice Of Rod - Alternative View

A Word To Those Who Live On The Advice Of Rod - Alternative View
A Word To Those Who Live On The Advice Of Rod - Alternative View

Video: A Word To Those Who Live On The Advice Of Rod - Alternative View

Video: A Word To Those Who Live On The Advice Of Rod - Alternative View
Video: Why do eggplants grow on trees? 2024, September

This word is for those who try to live according to the advice of the Family, according to the rules of our ancestors, leading their ancestry from the white gods.

I will name the main mistake as I see it. Such a crooked thing does not correct our being, but, on the contrary, leads to further degeneration. I do not want to shake hands, I want to align the course of the dangerously swaying ship, which has given a strong list now to the other side. Who does not want to hear - do not listen, I do not force anyone to anything. But no one is forbidden to say his word. Maybe someone will come in handy.

And the mistake is that we strive to live according to the laws of nature, "closer to nature." Well, in general, like the Amazonian Indians. Again, as in the 19th century, the fashion for embroidered shirts, playgrounds, the sale of apartments for the purpose of acquiring a "house in the village" and other eco-things came. This is not bad in itself. Only all this does not relate to the essence of things, but only attributes, and even such as we have become accustomed to since childhood from Russian-folk tales, in fact written by Soviet-Jewish authors who have nothing to do with our family. These are all fictions of recent times. And what happened before, we do not remember and do not know. Again, we draw our knowledge from the Khinevichs living in Israel, composing their own "Vedas", which are more like fantasy than truth. Is that so or not?

Okay, I think after these words, all sorts of sectarians and slaves of the law of God dropped out and closed the page. Now a word to the free and reasonable.

Neither in the 19th century, nor in the present, and indeed, never did the paraphernalia correct the world around us in which we live. We do not live according to his laws, but in the world around us we live. With the buffoonery, the stage paraphernalia of Russian folk tales, in today's world we will be outcasts, like Christian monks, that's all. For a while, in this isolation, we will be able to stay “afloat”. But our children will become hated by life as black sheep. And they will either show us their protests, or they will simply run away from the community into the wider world. Well, that is, we will not achieve anything by simply isolating ourselves from society. And even if we are not touched by a hostile government, which in itself is no longer real, we ourselves will disintegrate, as the Old Believer and Old Believer villages have disappeared, as the Lykov family died out.

We do not need to strive to be "closer to nature", but we need to adapt nature to our good needs. Otherwise, evil people will adapt it to their own. Because nature is not God. We are gods. Nature obeys us, because nature is an artificial life support system, our life support. We are Rod, and she is with us, nature. Just like climate control in a car or room. Earthly nature has a mechanical property to adjust in one way or another. And adjusting to it, "being closer to nature" is as foolish as adjusting to climate control, singing hymns to it and praying for mercy, help and protection. You know that at present the power of the world's parasites is adjusting the nature of our planet to the greenhouse effect and global desertification. Destroy forests with the latest microwave laser technology. The soil is leached with the help of toxic aerosols sprayed in the atmosphere - chemtrails. What place in this nature, obediently transforming into a Martian landscape, will belong to your peaceful community, your proper eco-village?

There is only one way out: it is necessary to change power by force. After all, this is exactly what our ancestors did. They did not hide from reality, they forcefully changed the world for good. We will also have to fight for our happiness. There is nothing wrong. Don't be like ostriches burying their heads in the sand. Open your eyes, admit that it is high time to get the weapons of our ancestors from the arsenal. At your meetings, talk not about how to plant potatoes and corn without GMOs, but about how to destroy the infection itself, the misanthropic power of the world's parasites. Until we rid our world, our land, our nature from these new koshchei, any talk on any topic is an empty phrase. At the same time, do not forget that any of your meetings in the conditions of modern power, modern politics, will be headed by a werewolf-zhyd. Think with your head. Act in spirit.