Children With Black Eyes: Can You Run Away From Them? - Alternative View

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Children With Black Eyes: Can You Run Away From Them? - Alternative View
Children With Black Eyes: Can You Run Away From Them? - Alternative View

Video: Children With Black Eyes: Can You Run Away From Them? - Alternative View

Video: Children With Black Eyes: Can You Run Away From Them? - Alternative View
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Children with completely black eyes remain another mystery for paranormal researchers. It is not even clear where to attribute them: to aliens, aliens from the afterlife, or to creatures from some kind of parallel reality. Only one thing is clear: these strange children are far from being friendly towards us and will certainly appear with the aim of scaring or even causing some harm.

Lon Strickler, who lives in Pennsylvania and is already studying this strange phenomenon, published a very interesting story by an American, Jason, who in September last year collided with children with black eyes near a hotel in Atlantic City, collided and barely carried his feet away from them.

How Jason managed to escape the black-eyed kids

One September evening, Jason, along with his friend Laura and another couple from Philadelphia, were relaxing in a hotel room and staying up late. By about midnight they ran out of alcohol, and then Laura remembered that she had a couple of bottles of sparkling wine in her car. Naturally, Jason happily ran after them.


His girlfriend's car was not well parked and had to turn a corner into a small side street. The yard was uncomfortable, foggy and damp. The man immediately felt loneliness and some incomprehensible anxiety. He hastily opened the trunk of the car and easily found the necessary alcohol, but then … someone yelled at him.

A few steps from the car stood a teenager of about fourteen. There was nothing unusual in his clothes and appearance, but his eyes … They were completely black (no proteins, no pupils, no iris), and like mirrors reflected the light of a street lamp. At the first moment, Jason thought that it was some kind of addict with dilated pupils from opium, but the teenager behaved very soberly and calmly, and soon even asked to accompany him home.

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Jason was very surprised at this request, since the guy looked more like a predatory beast, squinting at his prey, than a lost child who needs to be led by the hand to his mother. And even those terrible black eyes … The man had to gather all his will into a fist in order to break away from their hypnotic influence and avert his gaze to the side.

I have no time, Jason said, friends are waiting for me, to which the teenager reacted again very strangely. He nodded his head in agreement and immediately added: here are my friends.


Two small children immediately emerged from the darkness, God, with the same black eyes. In addition, as the frightened American noted, who more and more felt like a fly floundering in a cobweb, these children did not walk, but literally swam to the car: they did not step over the asphalt, but glided over the asphalt. This terrified Jason so much that he rushed headlong to the hotel.

Behind him there was a terrifying, bestial groan, like the pain of regret escaping from his chest from a lost prey. Despite the fact that the man was rushing with fear at prohibitive speed, he heard that the creepy children were not lagging behind him, moreover, Jason had the feeling that their fingers were scratching his back, trying to grab his shirt.

Run away from children with black eyes - ASAP

Only when he ran into the hotel lobby, the man found the strength to look around: there was no one on the street … When he, breathing heavily, without wine, ran into his room, for some reason he did not have the strength not only to continue the party, but even to tell his friends about what happened. He never told them about this incredible story, but a few months later he wrote a letter to Lon Strickler, accompanying his message with the following comment:

“I just need to tell someone all this, perhaps then the fear will leave me, and tell someone who will believe, who will not laugh at my phobia. Moreover, this story should by no means be taken as an instruction on how to behave with children with completely black eyes. Nevertheless, I want to warn everyone who encounters such monsters: do not look into those terrible eyes and run, run as soon as possible and faster!"