Nagas Are Reptilians - Alternative View

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Nagas Are Reptilians - Alternative View
Nagas Are Reptilians - Alternative View

Video: Nagas Are Reptilians - Alternative View

Video: Nagas Are Reptilians - Alternative View
Video: Nashville bomber's bizarre writings reveal belief in aliens and lizard people 2024, September

There are legends about the Nagas in the folklore of the Hindu tribes living now in South India (Adivasi) and among the Australian aborigines. In these legends, the nagas inhabited a large continent that existed somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. It sank and its remains formed the Indonesian archipelago and Australia. It is said that the nagas founded an underground civilization that is technologically much more advanced than ours, and they are also believed to have superhuman abilities. The Cambodian naga legend says that the nagas are a reptilian race of creatures who have a vast empire or kingdom in the Pacific region. Sculptures of the seven-headed Naga serpent can be seen in Cambodian temples such as Angkor Wat, possibly representing the seven races in naga society.

Nagas, or so-called "snake people", are mentioned in many Hindu texts. For example, in the Bhagavad Gita it is said that Arjuna married the Naga princess Ulupi. There is also a Tamil text - Kanzul Karamat, which describes a Muslim saint who was captured and sent to Kataragama in Sri Lanka to an underground palace, where he received a mysterious robe.

So the word "naga" came from Sanskrit, and it still means snake, especially cobra in most languages of India. When this term is found in Buddhist scriptures, it is not always clear what it means: cobra, elephant (perhaps the use of this word is associated with its snake-like trunk; or maybe this is an association with thick-skinned inhabitants of the forest regions of northeastern India, called Nagami) or a mysterious noble personality.

It is a term used for invisible beings associated with water and fluid energy, as well as individuals with powerful bestial qualities or an impressive mixture of animal and human qualities.


Reptilians are creatures mentioned in the sources of ancient civilizations. In the Sumerian civilization, Reptilians were depicted on the walls of temples, cuneiform tablets. Also, figurines depicting reptilian creatures have survived to this day. According to some conspiracy theorists, the Reptilian race still rules the world. Reptilian heirs hold the highest positions in the Western elite, as well as in the EU countries. Reptilians have an atrophied gene for compassion, just like ordinary people. They are cold-blooded and cruel. Their main goals are to enslave people, so they unleash world wars in order to reduce the population of the Earth. The fewer people, the easier it is to control them, says the famous British researcher David Icke. David Icke claims that the reptilian lair is in England,it is from there that total control over the whole world comes and from there orders come.

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In myths, legends, scriptures, and folklore, the category of nagas includes all kinds of serpentine creatures. So, in most cases they belong to the genus Python (despite the fact that naga, as a rule, literally means cobra).

These are the deities of the first ocean and mountain springs; they are also the spirits of the earth and the underworld and, finally, dragons.

In Indian mythology

Nagas are primarily snake-like creatures that live under the sea. All nagas are considered the children of Rishi or sage, Kashyapa, the son of Marici.

It is said that Kasyapa had 12 wives, and in his offspring were: reptiles, birds, in general all types of living beings. They are the inhabitants of the afterlife city of Bhogavati, it is believed that its entrance is marked by anthills.

The naga have the main Vedic god Varuna. The serpent woman's name is Nagaina.

The king of the nagas is Vasuki. The difference between Varuna and Vasuki is that Varuna may not always be associated with everything about the nagas. Vasuki is the serpent and Varuna is not. Vasuki's sister is Manasa Devi.

In Tibetan Buddhism

Nagas are a class of creatures (often snake-like) that live in various places: waterways, underground places, invisible worlds. These creatures have their own perception and differ in the degree of enlightenment. Nagas are susceptible to suffering caused by the negligence of people and ignorance of the correct behavior in the natural world, disrespectful actions towards the environment. Therefore, the Nagas often retaliate against people when they behave so ignorantly.

The expression of discontent and excitement of the nagas can manifest itself in skin diseases, various disasters, and so on.

Nagas can bestow various types of wealth: guarantee an abundance of crops, etc., as well as deprive it.

Nagas and water

Water symbolizes the primordial Wisdom in psychoanalysis, the warehouse, which is the subconscious. However, to paraphrase Sigmund Freud, who commented on the interpretation of symbols in dreams: “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar,” let's say that water in the knowledge of the nagas is just water.

In the Kashmiri language, the word "spring" means nagas and, in fact, the nagas are considered the earliest inhabitants of this region. In a sense, this is supported by geology, which states that the valley was once a vast body of water, like a huge dam, walled up by high mountains.

The records of Nilamatapurana tell how the valley was raised from the water and left under the supervision of the nagas, of which Nila, the son of Kasyapa, was the chief.

Kashmir is named after Kashyapa.

Springs are the main sources of water in Kashmir. The famous Kashmir River Vitasta (Dzhelum) originates from a spring near Veringag and supplies water to most of the valley.

The river's religious significance is noted in Nilamatapuran (the myth of the goddess Indigo Goddess), where the entire land of Kashmir symbolizes the material manifestation of Uma and describes her as the divine form of Vitasta.

Many temples were built near the springs in which the naga were worshiped. These places have become great centers of religious pilgrimage.

Place names of some regions, for example, Veringag, Anantnag, Seshanag, even today remind of the close relationship between the valley and the Naga cult.

Many Kashmiri festivals are held in honor of the nagas, for example, during the first snowfall, the supreme naga of the Nile is worshiped.

They also try to propitiate the nagas in April, praising the Iramanyari Puja, in July-August - Varuna Panchmi. Nilamatapurana lists as many as 527 nagas that were worshiped in Kashmir. According to the calculations of Abul Fazal, the court historian of Akbar, there were 700 sacred snakes. The Purana also points to the connection between the cult of the Naga and the cult of Shiva.

In the texts of the Mahabharata and Harivansa, Shesha was considered the son of Shiva. There is less connection with Vishnu.

Balarama, the elder brother of Krishna, is the personification of the snake Ananta.

Nagas in Crimea

All peoples have legends about intelligent snake-like creatures: nagas, Anunnaki, dragons, natami, lu, praya nak or our Serpent Gorynych. But myths, as you know, are not born out of thin air. Are snakemen really not fiction? Maybe it's just scary symbolism? Are the Dragons still alive today? Unknown. Official science is silent on this score. Although there is some evidence of unusual phenomena.

From the depths of the Crimean mountains, for example, an incomprehensible noise of man-made nature is heard. Researchers have not yet established where the strange sound comes from. More mundane versions were expressed: the roar of the wind, the noise of underground waters. But there are no statements yet.

In the same Crimean mountains, underground tunnels were discovered, and not isolated, but connected into a network. According to some people, they met with those who live in the mountains below the ground level. According to the description, these are two-legged upright lizards of meter growth, on their heads covered with scales there is a ridge.

Esotericists claim that a large amphibian monster is still found in the Black Sea, and local fishermen who encountered it, because of the iridescent scales, nicknamed the monster Bleki. On the seashore, the torn bodies of dolphins are often found, on which traces of large teeth are visible.


What do all these ancient legends about snake people tell us? Why do images of sacred reptiles appear at almost the same time in the cultures of peoples separated by thousands of kilometers by oceans living on different continents? Ancient Egyptian frescoes, stone steles in Guatemala, China, India, Japan, Africa, Northern Europe - everywhere there are images of lizard people to whom sacrifices are made. There is a scientific opinion that long before the appearance of the human race on our planet, the dominant race was the Reptilian race.

Russian biologist Anatoly Stegalin put forward a sensational hypothesis that 270 million years ago, when, according to scientists, there was no man yet, a race of highly developed reptilian creatures lived on Earth. Stegalin suggested that they interfered with human development through genetic engineering, which is why our brains became so developed overnight. An indirect confirmation of the fact that people emerged from reptiles can be the fact that in the first trimester of life, the human embryo resembles a lizard. There are also very ancient drawings depicting two intertwined snakes.

This is how modern scientists depict chains of DNA molecules. And scientists have also found that 221 alien genes are present in human genes, which no other living creature on Earth has. What is it? There are, of course, many hypotheses.