Snake People Live Next To Us! - Alternative View

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Snake People Live Next To Us! - Alternative View
Snake People Live Next To Us! - Alternative View

Video: Snake People Live Next To Us! - Alternative View

Video: Snake People Live Next To Us! - Alternative View
Video: Amanda Grace & Glory with Robin D. Bullock: Current Events Prophetic Vision & Discussion/ Day 1 2024, September

Modern psychologists in their studies have come to the interesting conclusion that human consciousness is not capable of inventing anything new, it can only reproduce what a person has seen before. In this regard, fantastic creatures from world mythology are seen quite differently. It turns out that they actually existed. Moreover, if the existence of giants or dwarfs can be logically explained by gene mutations, then, for example, people-snakes look like complete fantasy, and nevertheless they really lived, and perhaps still live on Earth!

Legends of deep antiquity

For decades now, abnormal news reports have been replete with reports of a strange hum coming out of the ground. Sometimes unpleasant sounds are accompanied by sinkholes. Scientists have not yet been able to find a logical explanation for this phenomenon. It is not surprising that in the absence of facts from a scientific point of view explaining the rumble coming from the ground, the researchers recalled numerous medieval myths about the terrible many-headed dragons, according to legend, lived in mountain caves. True, if you believe the myths, they have long been exterminated by gallant knights in revenge for stealing beautiful princesses. Similar stories can be found in the legends of different peoples. In addition, the word "fairy tale" comes from the ancient word "skaz", that is, descriptions of real events. Have scary dragons and snake people from old fairy tales returned to our lives? It is possible that somewhere deep underground, these amazing creatures have survived to this day. Fantastic? Not at all!

The secret of the snake people

Miners, geologists, archaeologists, people who, by the nature of their work, have to go underground, know well that the bowels of the planet are literally cut by tunnels of unknown origin. They stretch almost under all the continents of the planet. Who and why built them is not yet known, but the finds discovered in the dungeons speak in favor of the civilization of intelligent lizards. The most amazing thing is that the mythology of Asian states suggests that people-snakes not only existed, but also ruled a number of states of the ancient world. But what can I say, if the family of the founder of Buddhism, Buddha Gautama, according to legend, descended from the dynasty of serpents of the Nagas.

Greek mythology, in turn, claims that Athens was ruled by intelligent reptiles for a long time. Specialists in Greek history and culture are well aware of the image of the Greek ruler-half-man-half-snake Cecrops, which remained on many ancient amphorae and is available for study by anyone. Moreover, Cecrops is not a mythological figure at all, but is well known from a number of literary monuments of the past. Greek chronicles testify that up to the waist, Cecrops was an ordinary person, and instead of legs he had two snake tails. This half-man-half-snake ruled quite fairly, leaving a good memory of himself. Among his merits are the creation of the Athenian Acropolis, the establishment of the institution of marriage between a man and a woman, as well as the founding of twelve large cities in Hellas.

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Facts are stubborn things

If you return from the hoary antiquity to our days and interview geologists and miners working in places where a strange hum is coming out of the ground, they will also be able to tell a lot of interesting things, confirming their words with many artifacts.

One of these places, where sounds from the ground are especially often heard, is Chile. When experts raised documents on geological surveys in local mines in order to determine the possible cause of the underground hum, they discovered an interesting document dated 1972. In it, geologists described a survey of an abandoned mine in 1945. Suddenly, behind a pile of stones, an ancient gate appeared in front of them, leading to a tunnel that went deep into the earth. One of the gate leaves was broken from the inside. When the geologists looked into the opening of the gate, they saw a trace from the tail in the mountain dust. The feeling was created that just recently a giant snake had crawled into the depths of the tunnel. Obviously, to protect themselves from these very guests from the bowels of the planet, the ancient inhabitants of Chile created the gate. Despite the terrible fear that fettered the miners,they nevertheless walked several tens of meters deep into the tunnel in order to determine exactly whose trail they see under their feet. They did not find a giant snake, but they soon discovered that the walls of the perfectly round tunnel were corrugated. On its floor, geologists saw unusual large eggs, outwardly similar to ostrich eggs. Deciding not to tempt fate, geologists quickly ascended to the surface, where they heard from the local residents a story about terrible giant snakes with human heads, periodically crawling out of an abandoned mine.geologists quickly ascended to the surface, where they heard from local residents a story about terrible giant snakes with human heads, periodically crawling out of an abandoned mine.geologists quickly ascended to the surface, where they heard from local residents a story about terrible giant snakes with human heads, periodically crawling out of an abandoned mine.

Similar stories are told by the natives of South America. On the mainland, the tales of the Chinkanass caves are very popular. In them, according to legend, the Incas hid their gold. But, as a rule, they are not found to look for his daredevils. Everyone who dared to go down to at least one of the caves, if they came back, then lost their minds and talked about the meeting with giant snakes with human heads. In North America, hoppy Indians talk about the existence on the mainland more than 5000 years ago of underground cities inhabited by snake people.

In our country, legends about people-snakes have been preserved in the Urals. They were collected and recorded by the famous storyteller Pavel Bazhov. In one of his tales to children looking for gold in the mountains, there is a giant half-man-half-snake. The unknown creature tells the children where they can find the veins of gold. At the same time, it is well known that Bazhov wrote his tales on the basis of folklore material he collected in the Urals.

It is possible that somewhere deep underground, people-snakes still exist.

What happened to the reptile civilization? If giants and dwarfs were exterminated by the modern civilization of people, about which there is enough evidence, then what happened to the serpent people remains a mystery. Most likely, they never lived on the surface of the planet. Probably, the people-snakes only occasionally left their dungeons, communicating with people depending on their attitude towards them, acting either as good teachers or as evil dragons, in order to then hide again in their caves. It is possible that somewhere deep underground, people-snakes still exist. It is even possible that some of them managed to leave their offspring on the surface of the Earth. Once in the jungles of Zaire, an ethnographic expedition discovered an unusual tribe of pygmies. Their spine was decorated with ingrown bone spines up to 35 centimeters long. But that is not all!Laboratory analysis of the tissues and blood of the pygmies showed that they were cold-blooded, like fish or extinct dinosaurs.

It is possible that during deeper ethnographic studies of sparsely populated corners of our planet, researchers will not only discover irrefutable facts confirming the existence of half-humans, half-snakes, but also meet with them personally …