Fairies Were Not Only Kind, Like Cinderella's - Alternative View

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Fairies Were Not Only Kind, Like Cinderella's - Alternative View
Fairies Were Not Only Kind, Like Cinderella's - Alternative View

Video: Fairies Were Not Only Kind, Like Cinderella's - Alternative View

Video: Fairies Were Not Only Kind, Like Cinderella's - Alternative View
Video: 5 Fairy Tales That Were Way Darker Than You Realized as a Kid | What the Stuff?! 2024, September

Thanks to the excellent work of Disney animators, when fairies are mentioned, the image of small and very fragile humanoid creatures with transparent wings and magic dust as the main weapon is immediately drawn in the head. However, in myths and legends, fairies appear to the reader not so cute and charming, but rather frightening and repulsive. We will talk about them today.

1. Lianan-Shi

A mythical fairy named Lianan-Shi was an explosive mixture of a fairy with a bloodthirsty vampire. She appeared in the form of a beautiful stranger and was looking for a victim for amorous pleasures. Regardless of whether the fairy succeeded in seducing the desired man or not, it was bad for him.

If a man refused to have an affair with a beautiful vampire, she would kill him and suck out all the blood that flowed through his veins. If the man agreed to become the lover of the damsel, then she drank all the life energy of her victim during intercourse, killing him a little more slowly than in the first case.

2. Storm Witch

Many sailors called this terrible creature the storm witch or storm fairy. According to legend, she lived in the waters of Lake Erie and was not very attractive: greenish skin combined with the same color of teeth, sharp facial features and yellow eyes made a truly frightening impression.

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The storm fairy was believed to be responsible for all boat wrecks in these waters. Before attacking her victim, the witch sang a song loudly, warning travelers about the imminent death, and then caused a terrible storm that killed everyone. If someone managed to get out of the watery abyss and survive, she attacked such lucky ones personally, tearing them apart with her sharp and poisonous claws.

3. Fachan

In Scottish legends and legends, not the last place is occupied by a terrifying and amazing monster - the fairy Fachan. This kind of fairies is as far as possible from the usual image of a pretty fairy and is a one-legged, one-eyed and one-armed creature that, unlike other fairies, has no way to take off. Because of this, the fachan is extremely embittered and hates all other fairies, as well as anyone who falls into her domain.

4. Berberock

Berberoka is a dangerous and extremely bloodthirsty analogy for the mermaid familiar to Slavic culture. In the Philippines, she is portrayed as an evil fairy who lives at the bottom of rivers and reservoirs and happily kills unsuspecting fishermen. Berberoks usually dry up some part of the reservoir, exposing all the fish that are there, and when the fisherman runs to collect fish for joy, the fairies start the water again and drown the innocent.

5. Red hats

Red hats are another type of evil fairies that come from rich Scottish folklore. It was believed that the hats were cold-blooded killers who dealt with victims with huge and very sharp braids. Then the monsters rinsed their hats in the fresh blood of the victim, for which they received the nickname "Red Hats".