Celestial Fish Hide From The Eyes Of Scientists And Live In The Air - Alternative View

Celestial Fish Hide From The Eyes Of Scientists And Live In The Air - Alternative View
Celestial Fish Hide From The Eyes Of Scientists And Live In The Air - Alternative View

Video: Celestial Fish Hide From The Eyes Of Scientists And Live In The Air - Alternative View

Video: Celestial Fish Hide From The Eyes Of Scientists And Live In The Air - Alternative View
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Skyfish were seen by a few witnesses of the events who managed to capture strange creatures similar to the inhabitants of the underwater world on cameras. Celestial fish hide from the eyes of scientists and live in the air, rushing at high speed next to people.


They have long bodies, resembling worms, and also on the side there are protrusions, thanks to which species unknown to science can fly like on wings. Only stingrays make similar movements, but they live under water, but so far no one knows where the mysterious representatives of the fauna came from. For the first time, information about unusual fish was published by director José Escamilla in the 90s. Then the man, after working in New Mexico, captured objects on film, immediately thinking about the appearance of a UFO. When the recording was carefully studied, the person was in a slight shock, since instead of aliens, fish invisible to the ordinary eye rushed in the sky. Then new proofs of their reality began to arrive, so the author of the story even had to devote his website to unusual creatures.


Many researchers have tried to catch an individual in order to study its nature, but so far their attempts have been unsuccessful, although some individuals may have touched skyfish, which have now begun to multiply due to global warming. Most lovers of hunting for such trophies live in Japan and can catch their prey, which is then simply admitted back. Kozo Ichikawa is respectfully referred to by the villagers as a master, and is also very familiar with such rare creatures. He could catch them as a child, when he walked in the mountains, but the Japanese call the fish the spirits of the surroundings and treat them with reverence. Local tradition allows you to experience incredible emotions during such an entertainment, because heavenly creations sweep at a speed of 300 kilometers and do not often like to be defeated in such a competition. The man first prepares for them a special bait in the form of melted resin, and then he adds a little dried tuna to it. While the trophies are enjoying the treat, they can be taken in hand.


However, celestial fish are poisonous in autumn and winter, so the Japanese be sure to protect his hands with gloves and put on a hat with a net so that the liquid does not get on his face. He noted that there are more of them in other parts of the country, and craftsmen use long sticks with a spiral wire for their own purposes or also do not disdain poison. Each fisherman has his own secret technologies and devices, and the German Michael Riesenhuber, having noticed the individuals, first calculates their flight path, after which he can begin to practice. Skyfish die quickly if placed in water, leaving only a gelatinous mass without a skeleton. The dimensions of the natural miracle reach three meters, but scientists have not yet figured out its gender, and they are also worried,that creatures with such speed and toxins could be the culprits of air accidents or other danger to humans. Now the individuals have been seen by Americans, Mexicans and residents of other countries, but here the ecology and natural resources may not play a big role. It is possible that invisible animals also rush across the Russian skies, only scientists did not pay enough attention to them, although these species can shed light on the history of evolution.

Reshetnikova Irina
