"Darts" From Parallel Reality - Alternative View

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"Darts" From Parallel Reality - Alternative View
"Darts" From Parallel Reality - Alternative View

Video: "Darts" From Parallel Reality - Alternative View

Video: World Championship Darts - alternate scoring. Dutch lass Prins v Japanese lass Suzuki 2024, September

In 1994, there was an absolutely amazing discovery, still, perhaps, not fully appreciated by mankind. It turned out that on Earth, next to us, there is a whole world of mysterious creatures that move at such a speed that only a video camera can record them.

Mysterious objects

The famous Mexican director Jose Escamilla, filming a film in the vicinity of Midway (New Mexico, USA) in March 1994, accidentally caught strange elongated objects flying across the sky on film. He found them only during the editing of the footage, when he looked through the film frame by frame.

At first Escamilia thought that they were some kind of insects flying too close to the camera lens, but after many repeated shots in the same area, he was convinced that these were not insects or birds.

But what could it be? It is clear that these objects live next to us, but obey their own laws. Apparently, they are constantly moving, and at a speed that makes them invisible to the human eye. Only the lens of a video camera can record mysterious strangers, and then if you view the film frame by frame. Objects are recorded on the film for a negligible time: in one frame you can see the "nose" of the object, in the second - the whole object, in the third - its "tail". In accordance with their appearance, Escamilla named the creatures "darts" (rods).

"Darts" are relatively thin, long cylindrical or cigar-shaped objects. Their length can be from 10 centimeters to tens, or even hundreds of meters. There may be smaller "darts", but the camera lens does not pick them up.

Some of them are very thin, like a spear. Many have something like "clothes" - enveloping structures, similar to plumage or spirals, which are repeatedly wrapped around the rod. There are "darts" symmetrical and asymmetrical, similar to a bird's feather, a corkscrew, a caterpillar. They are rotating, vibrating. Large "darts" are usually surrounded by hundreds, if not thousands of small ones, which constantly move around them in a certain order, creating geometric configurations.

Promotional video:

High speed maneuvers

The question of their nature has not yet been resolved. Most experts who have studied the phenomenon are inclined to think that these are living beings, and their discoverer Jose Escamillo even believes that in their behavior they display a semblance of reason.

For the final solution of the issue, it is necessary to catch at least one "dart", and this is still an impossible task. According to the latest data, the speed of the "darts" exceeds 2 kilometers per second, which is 10 times the speed of a bullet. If they are solid objects, then at this speed they can penetrate any armor; if it is a plasma or bunches of energy, then their collision with solids should lead to an explosion and the release of a large amount of heat. In practice, we see nothing of the kind. Already from the moment of the discovery of "darts" it was noticed that both single individuals and their flocks in their dizzying flight easily evade collisions with any objects. One ten-centimeter "dart" was filmed flying past a tree whose branches swayed in the wind. The object was maneuvering at great speed so that it almost never collided with either a branch or a leaf. Then the branches and leaves, near which he flew, were carefully examined and did not find any tears, burns or other damage. All this suggests that the objects are still alive. Indeed, if they were inanimate and just hovered in the air like sand during a storm, they would have swept the entire animal and plant world from the face of the earth long ago.

Amazing divers

It is now known that the number of "darts" is truly colossal, they are present in all regions of the planet, including water bodies. The latter was revealed in 1996 when viewing video tapes filmed in Mexico, in the reservoir of an underground cave known as the "Cave of Swallows!"

The films recorded so many "darts" in the water that the researchers initially decided that this body of water was the place of their origin. The television crew discovered their abode by accident while filming a documentary about underground divers. The depth of the reservoir is 400 meters. Local residents unanimously claim that they have never seen anything abnormal either in the cave or in its vicinity.

Subsequently, shots with "darts" were obtained in the waters of the Caribbean Sea, Pacific and Atlantic oceans. All this proves once again that strange creatures are constantly present next to us, penetrate into our houses, rush around us, maybe "whistle" a few millimeters from our heads, and only their amazing agility protects us from collision with them, which would have ended miserably for us.

The oldest creatures on the planet

Currently, hundreds of specialists are engaged in the phenomenon, tens of thousands of frames have been obtained with the image of "darts", including waterfowl. But no significant results have yet been achieved. Government agencies finding that "darts" pose no danger. left to deal with this problem enthusiasts. But so far not a single enthusiast can catch at least one "dart". It is impossible to think of a trap for him. In the same "Cave of Swallows", where they swarmed, they tried to use something like a slamming box with especially strong steel walls, but not a single dart flew into it.

From the moment people first learned about the existence of these objects, it turned out that they are present on the films of almost the very first films. It's just that all these vaguely distinguishable oblong spots, streaks, stripes and dashes were considered film defects or blurry images of flying insects. It has now been proven that insects are out of the question here - for example, for an insect almost 80 meters long, thin as an arrow, in March 2008 swept between the skyscrapers of Dallas at a speed of 2150 meters per second? In many cases, annoying lines were erased or retouched. However, after people understood where to look and what to look for, when kilometers of old films were analyzed, it became clear that "darts" have always existed on the planet.

Therefore, cryptozoologists, scientists who study the most ancient animal species, immediately became interested in them. They suggested that "darts" are some kind of special, lateral branch of the animal world of the planet, which was formed in the original ocean and survived all planetary catastrophes.

Or maybe it's a UFO?

Ufologists unanimously attribute the "darts" to their department. They consider multi-meter objects to be interstellar ships, while small ones can be unmanned probes aimed at Earth by an alien civilization. It is not clear only why there are so many of these probes and why their research mission lasts so long. To this there are such, for example, answers: "darts" were sent here by some civilizers, the progenitors of people, in order to maintain natural conditions on the planet acceptable for the human race. There is also a directly opposite opinion: "darts" are gradually changing the composition of our air and water environment in order to prepare a massive invasion of the Earth by aliens.

"Darts" often appear near energy facilities - transformer substations and high-voltage power lines. In this regard, a hypothesis has been put forward that these are energy objects that have formed and evolved in the incandescent bowels of the Earth or the Sun.

José Escamilla complains that modern video equipment is not suitable enough for fixing "darts", because they move incredibly fast. “One shot at 500 frames per second will show more detail than many kilometers of film shot in standard mode. - he asserts. "Maybe then we will be able to discern whether the darts have eyes or teeth, and get a concrete idea of how they fly and swim."

Igor Voloznev. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 5 2010
