Who Are Lobasts? - Alternative View

Who Are Lobasts? - Alternative View
Who Are Lobasts? - Alternative View

Video: Who Are Lobasts? - Alternative View

Video: Who Are Lobasts? - Alternative View
Video: Lauv - Who (feat. BTS) [Official Visualizer] 2024, September

It will be about a rare mythological creature of Slavic folklore, called “ lobasta ” (sometimes - “ blade ”). The word itself is most likely a distorted “ albasty ”, borrowed from the beliefs of the Turkic peoples. The fact that this creature, like the word, is introduced into Slavic culture, is indirectly indicated by the geography of the spread of legends about this demonic entity. Most of the myths about lobasts were discovered by researchers in the territories of the present Astrakhan, Samara regions, in the regions of the Middle Volga, i.e. on lands that have experienced a strong influence of the traditions of non-Slavic peoples.

In the folklore of the Bashkirs, Tatars, Kirghiz, Kazakhs, Albasty - one of the most terrible and evil creatures. This was the name of a huge, ugly woman with a giant saggy chest. The exact translation, like the origin of this word, has not been reliably established, the generally accepted meaning is an evil spirit, a demon. In modern Kazakh language it can be used in the sense of “ disgusting, disgusting person ”. Albasty is most dangerous for pregnant women and babies. This creature breastfeeds newborns, after which the baby dies. Albasty sends all kinds of illnesses and ailments to women expecting a child, and can strangle them, leaning on the expectant mother with his huge breasts. It works exclusively at night, so it was customary to attach a knife at the head of the cradle, and for pregnant women to pin the needle to the dress. According to popular beliefsAlbasty is wary of sharp objects and cannot harm those who tried to take these protective measures.

Despite the external similarity to Albasty, the Slavic lobasta has significant differences. Most often, you can find the following description of this entity: an unnaturally large woman, with an ugly bloated, abstract figure and a huge chest hanging down to her knees. To these signs is added a shock of dirty yellow hair, reaching to the ground, and sometimes completely hiding the outlines of the creature. Lobastas do not speak articulate, their presence can only be guessed by a quiet, melancholy howl.


Lobasta lives near rivers, swamps and lakes, which makes it related to such characters as watercreepers and swamps. Perhaps, over time, the most experienced and vicious Mavka turns into a lobasta. There is also a version that the lobasta is the leader of mermaids and other aquatic creatures of Slavic folklore. Unlike its subordinates, who often do evil unconsciously, Lobasta acts purposefully and its task is the death of a person who has fallen to her paw. Taking refuge in the reeds and coastal thickets, the lobasta attacks not only lonely travelers, but also entire groups of people. Possessing incredible strength, she is able to drag her victims to the bottom of the reservoir and there tickle to death. Like Mavks, Lobastas are not afraid of any weapon, including silver, do not yield to any persuasion, they cannot be appeased or distracted. The only way to survive when encountering a lobasta is to immediately and swift flight. These creatures are clumsy and incapable of moving quickly over land.