Flying Rods - Inexplicable Near Us - Alternative View

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Flying Rods - Inexplicable Near Us - Alternative View
Flying Rods - Inexplicable Near Us - Alternative View

Video: Flying Rods - Inexplicable Near Us - Alternative View

Video: Flying Rods - Inexplicable Near Us - Alternative View
Video: The flying spaghetti: Geometric simulation of beams and rods | Stefan Hante | TEDxUniHalle 2024, September

When Fox News cameraman Brandon Mowry filmed a weather report in Albany, there was no sign of a sensation. However, looking at the tape in the studio, he noticed a strange flash against the background of a passing passenger liner. According to Mr. Mowry, this came as a complete surprise to him. Noticing some movement, he rewound several frames and saw something strange. During slow replay, an arrow-like object appeared on the screen with four protrusions on the sides.


One of the experts, Graham Prichard, considers the image on the film to be a very strange phenomenon: “An object of an elongated and symmetrical shape moved at a very high speed and did not reflect light. No rocket I know has such white dots on both sides,”the expert says. The tape has now been sent to the FBI for research. The resemblance to the object captured during the downing of the SU-27 is striking, so the message caught my attention as well. And in the forum, I found an interesting remark by E. I. Kutin, which deserves a verbatim quote:

“Don't drive the sticky! You open a textbook on optics, read the section / paragraph "caustics". You get a free answer without the so-called experts (… where do they get them only?) High school is more than enough to understand the phenomenon. By the way, there is a lot of popularity on this topic. Keep in mind that illiterate people also read you (apparently they are now the majority). Here's a fried fact! So a fact!"

I was not lazy and looked at "popular", what kind of miracle is this - refractive caustics. If reading the theory did not clarify anything, then a look at the real photographs convinced, as in the case of the Su-27 it could be anything, for example, an insect flying out of focus, but not a caustic, given that we are not dealing with a camera, but with TV cameras.

So let's take a look at some more exotic versions of what's going on (big thanks to Junior for leaving this post on the Book of Secrets forum).

On August 4, the story was broadcast on HTB. On the tape provided by the German RTL channel, broadcast by Lviv journalists, it is clearly visible how a cylindrical object, comparable in angular dimensions to an aircraft, quickly flew under the aircraft (from bottom to top). Since no company has posted these frames on their website, look how it looked (a strip to the left and below the plane):


Promotional video:

The frame was pulled out of the normal recording. Now look at the object with a little processing (those very slow-motion frames):


Although outwardly the object looked like a flying missile from a portable anti-aircraft missile system ("Strela", "Igla") of the torch trace, from the operation of the engine was not visible. The only thing that can be said with certainty is not a bird or wreckage from the SU-27. The version of an insect flying close to the lens is also ruled out, if only because a similar object (having smaller angular dimensions) was recorded by another camera and, apparently, at a different point. Its flight path resembled that of a projectile fired from a catapult. Perhaps it was these frames that were shown on the ICTV channel.


The first time this phenomenon was noticed was in Roswell. Scientist-ufologist, hoping to photograph a UFO, filmed an incomprehensible object, similar to a rod, flying in front of him with unimaginable speed. Then no one knew about this phenomenon. Soon, people began to notice this strange phenomenon more and more often: when viewing video recordings filmed on videotapes, instantly flying objects were found. Many people think that this is a bad recording or a defect in the camera or VCR. Someone seriously believes that in fact this is an unknown type of life. These are some living creatures that have been given the name - "flying rods". They fly at supersonic speed. Agree, it's hard to believe that these creatures can reach speeds of up to 10,000 thousand km / h, and their length can be from 5 centimeters to several meters. These creatures have a wingspan of approximately 30 cm.(Something is not very clear how they determined what size these rods were and what speed they developed. They were not hunted with a range finder … In this case, we can only talk about angular velocity.) Their color is golden brown (on some The photographs clearly show this). Probably, these creatures have intelligence: many eyewitnesses claim that they saw the "rods" moving in pairs, circling around one place, or simply moving in one direction, as if they had their own definite purpose.many eyewitnesses claim that they saw the "rods" moving in pairs, circling around one place, or simply moving in one direction, as if they had their own definite purpose.many eyewitnesses claim that they saw the "rods" moving in pairs, circling around one place, or simply moving in one direction, as if they had their own definite purpose.


Over time, the filming became more and more. Many "rack their brains" trying to understand what it really is. Some speculate that this is specifically set up by television in order to get people to watch their TV screen without stopping. And some believe that this is a new kind of life on Earth. If this is rigged by television, then how to explain the fact that these "flying rods" were seen in Maine, New York, Colorado and more than forty other states, and this is a good example. The clearest images and the clearest and most legible video ever recorded in the history of this phenomenon were obtained in the "swallow's cave." There, the “flying rods” create the unimaginable.


During the jump of the parachutist, the "rod" flies past him, while making a circle past the person. At the same time, its length, width, shape and all other proportions are preserved. (When a person jumps with an unopened parachute, his speed can reach 500 km / h).

By now, "darts" have already attracted the interest of both professionals and amateurs. There is an exchange of information, thematic sites on the Internet have appeared. Moreover, when people heard about the existence of such a phenomenon, it suddenly turned out that "darts" had been on tape for a long time, but they were simply not paid attention to. They were seen, but, as it were, not seen, considering all these elongated spots, streaks and stripes to be a film or development defect. Now that people have been told where to look and what to look for, a lot of old film and videotapes have been analyzed. It was then that it was discovered that "darts" have long been taking an active part in our life. They were spotted while filming one of the music videos in Mexico. They, as it turned out, were present in the jungle when the lion cubs were filmed there for the Discovery TV channel. On another tapefilmed in New Jersey by reporters on a news program, the "darts" seem to be flying away swiftly to escape the fire. They were found in ordinary city apartments and offices. Even on Mars, something like a "dart" hit the lens.

Naturally, disputes began - what is it. And then opinions were divided. Then on one of the Internet sites they decided to conduct an absentee survey. 15% of those who took part in this "vote" categorically declared that the darts on the tape were just a fake, a deliberate deception. Another 31% of skeptics believe that these are branches of trees and other plants broken by a hurricane, which are in the air and cannot "land" in any way. 22% assume that these are insects or animals that have never been seen or studied before, or (1%) are mutant insects modified by radiation. Another 2% suggested that it was a product of a secret military experiment that accidentally broke free. Two percent of the respondents said that drug addicts see "darts". However, the most interesting opinions were expressed by the rest: 7% believe that these are creatureswhich can penetrate from one spatial dimension to another; 3% - that these are tiny alien ships; 2% mistook "darts" for flying scrolls like those mentioned in the Bible, and another 4% for tiny dragons; eleven percent were collected by fairies from legends and myths, spirits, ghosts, ghosts. But regardless of what all these "darts" are, one thing is clear - they do not feel shyness in front of the camera lens!

According to one version, "darts", like white stripes (squares, "Xs") in the sky (the so-called "chemtrails", or "chemtrails") are a manifestation of the activities of aliens aimed at changing our air and water environment and its adaptation to the needs of the aliens: only after that they can live on Earth without problems.

It was also noticed that "rods" appear near energy objects, for example, transformer substations, high-voltage power lines … However, it is not clear whether they are produced by such objects or they themselves tend to them and are fed from them. It is believed that in nature, "darts" had and still have "relatives". This is a relict, from the Cambrian era, anomalocaris or, say, some species of squid.

Who researches "darts"

Well, first of all, of course, "darts" are studied by the discoverer of the phenomenon, Jose Escamilla. This, I must say, is an extraordinary personality - a multilaterally gifted, truly talented person. He is known as a film producer, director and editor of a number of films - musical, documentary, educational, animation, as well as a composer and journalist. But Jose Escamilla is no less known as a researcher of anomalous phenomena: he is a participant in many ufological congresses, conferences and symposia, as well as television and radio broadcasting programs about paranormal phenomena, the author of a number of articles in popular magazines, newsletters and newspapers.

Another famous dart researcher is James A. Peter, a native of Colorado. James has colossal scientific training in geology, medicine, hygiene, entomology, ecology, organic chemistry, information computer systems. As for ufology, the first time James saw a UFO over his home in Dickinson, Texas in 1975, when he was 14 years old. The object was observed by several people - his family and friends for 20 minutes. This convinced the guy that UFO was not a fantasy, but a reality. He began to read everything that came to hand about it. Through the Internet, James met one of the MUFON members in Colorado, and later in California (Lakewood) met with Jose. Four months later, James made his own video footage of the "bars."

Other researchers include such names as Jeff Ferris, Kenneth Sworts, Dave Blackburn, Tracy Austin, Joseph Rogers. But this is only in the Western Hemisphere, where more than a hundred video recordings of "rods" have been made. Now the phenomenon is being studied in Europe, Japan and other regions of the planet. Interesting videos of "darts" are sent to the Internet by amateurs.

Experienced tips

Those who are engaged in video filming of "darts" purposefully assure that in complete darkness the camera perfectly removes invisible people under infrared illumination. At the same time, not only "darts" are found, but also a myriad of some other unknown life forms, and all these creatures scurry about, approach the lens, leave, return, wrap around a person or other object, disappear instantly. They can change before our eyes and freely pass through solid barriers - a wall, a metal object, a human body. And during the day, it is better to position the camera so that opposite there is some object shielding sunlight - a tree trunk or something similar, protecting from direct rays and at the same time serving as a kind of large-scale milestone for the subsequent determination of the size of the "rods". Jose Escamilla lamentsthat the best video equipment is still not “agile” enough to capture the “rods”, since they move incredibly fast. Only ultra-high-speed shooting will allow you to see the object properly and once and for all answer the question of what it is.

- I have always said and say, - says Jose, - that I can prove the existence of "darts" with the help of a single video camera and show as many frames as we like until we all turn blue, but what we really need is high-speed shooting. One shot at 500 frames per second will show us in more detail than many kilometers of standard film. Maybe we could finally see if the "darts" have eyes or teeth, and get a concrete idea of how they fly or swim.

Jose has developed a kind of "commandment" for those who want to guarantee the image of "bars" on their film. Here are some of his tips

You need to set up your camcorder as if you intended to shoot sports or fast moving objects. In this case, each frame will be clear, not blurry. Do not tune for wide viewing angles or close-ups. Record for ten minutes. Then change the angle of view and keep recording for another ten minutes.

View the recorded videos. Play the recording at normal speed first. If a flashing object is found in the frame, replay this section of the film at a slow pace. That's all the trick.