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News Digest - Alternative View
News Digest - Alternative View

Video: News Digest - Alternative View

Video: News Digest - Alternative View
Video: КриптоНовости от Maxi Profit Дайджест 05/07/21 - 11/07/21 2024, September

Mystery of Lake Elgygytgan

Lake of non-melting ice or, in Chukchi, Elgygytgan is one of the most mysterious places on Earth. In scientific circles, they still argue about its origin. Magadan scientists, together with colleagues from the Institute of the Arctic and Antarctic and specialists from the United States and Germany, probed the bottom of the reservoir and took samples. It took several years to study the minerals and plants found at the bottom of the ancient lake. During this time, scientists have made many unexpected conclusions even for themselves. Researchers have made sure that the lake is most likely of unearthly origin. And if earlier it was assumed that its appearance could be the result of an internal explosion, now experts believe otherwise.

“In these sands were found spherules, small balls that consisted of glass and iron droplets. In places where meteorites fall, the same spherules are also found, "says Natalya Savva, an employee of the North-Eastern Complex Research Institute of the Far Eastern District of the Russian Academy of Sciences."

But the main conclusion of the researchers still concerns the climate. On the site of the ancient lake, and therefore in the whole in the Northeast, it was once much warmer. With the help of radiocarbon analysis, scientists determined the age and found that about 8-9 thousand years ago, quite large shrubs grew on the site of the polar desert.

"Bigfoot footprints found on Everest""

American TV presenter Josh Gates claims that he and his team managed to find footprints of a yeti in the Mount Everest region of Nepal.

"The main find - a fairly clear right paw print 33 cm long with five toes - was found in a valley 2.8 km above sea level."

An imprint was also found, apparently, a heel and another completely fuzzy mark.

When asked why they found only three prints, Gates replied that the find was made in a rocky area.

Impressed by the find, Gates says the print closely resembles that of a humanoid. But at the same time, it is unlikely that the discovered trail was left by a person or some kind of animal (for example, a bear).

The prints were sent to the USA for further research by specialists.

Gemini parasites

Indonesian surgeons removed two underdeveloped parasitic twins from the abdominal cavity of a one-year-old girl.

The operation, which lasted more than five hours, took place at the main state hospital in Padang, West Sumatra.

The task of removing the parasite twins was complicated by the fact that their circulatory system was connected by large vessels with the girl's circulatory system. The patient's condition is now assessed as stable.

One of the twins was almost completely formed, with the exception of the limbs, the second was a head connected to underdeveloped fragments of the digestive system. Both fetuses were not viable, doctors emphasize.

The so-called parasitic twins are formed as a result of the absorption of the body of an underdeveloped twin by the fetus at an early stage of intrauterine development. This congenital anomaly is extremely rare. The case of an Indonesian girl is unique: in the womb, her fetus merged with two embryos at once.

"Ghosts" in the center of New York

A billboard has appeared in the United States, transmitting messages bypassing the senses. An ultrasonic transmitter setup promoting the famous ghost television show was posted on Prince Street in New York City. When passers-by get within the range of a directional source of ultrasonic waves (up to 9 meters), they have the feeling that “voices” are heard in their head.

“One of the companies selling such a service describes the invention like this: Ultrasonic waves transmitted by the installation hit any surface - a resonator, including human heads. It is these blows that the human brain hears. Not only does any passer-by become the target of a magical device, "but the advertiser's messages go straight to his head - you don't need to see or hear for this."

Taiga anomaly

In the Arkhangelsk region, in the deep taiga, hunters found a birch grove, and in it - uprooted and fallen trees. They were laid out by someone in the form of a square, the top of each birch went over the butt of the next, and so on.

“If you climb a tree, you can clearly see from above - the fallen birches are laid out in a square,” says one of the eyewitnesses, “it's a pity that they didn't photograph this glade from above. Interestingly, the roots of the trees were burnt - as if from the inside. And at the epicenter of the anomaly is a square with a side of half a meter burned into the ground. Around - untouched forest."

What it was - remains a mystery.

The number 13 turned out to be the most unlucky and in the lottery The

belief that the number 13 is the most unlucky is apparently not unreasonable. According to data published by Camelot, which founded the United Kingdom National Lottery, this is the number that has been the least common ball since November 19, 1994, when the lottery was launched.

As it turned out, the number 13 dropped out only 146 times in the 13 years of the lottery's existence, about 8 times less often than any other number. In the period from July to December 1997, the ill-fated number did not appear at all, at other times it usually dropped out after the numbers 6, 9 and 11.

However, according to a representative of Camelot, for the British lottery, this number has by no means an ominous connotation, but rather the opposite. Over the 13 years of the lottery's existence, exactly 13 participants become billionaires every month, and a team of 13 taxi drivers from Littlehampton have won two grand prizes - one in 2002 and the other in 2007.

UFOs flew over England

In the small town of Felpham, the Lindsay couple recently observed several unidentified flying objects in the sky.

Leo Lindsay says objects appeared over the sea against a blue sky as he looked out of his bedroom window. He called his wife, Rosie, and the two of them watched the strange discs being removed.

And ten minutes later, planes of the Royal Air Force of Great Britain appeared in the sky. “Fighters don't just take off,” said Lindsay, who has already received an unofficial Defense Department notification that the planes have been sent to investigate the unusual phenomenon.

Stone with stars found in Vitebsk region

"A resident of Vitebsk, Valentin Kairov, near his summer cottage in Zheleznyaki, discovered a mysterious stone with embossed protrusions in the form of stars, rhombuses, arrows, squares and a transverse encircling trace that looks like a weld." The weight of the stone is about 9 kg, and the hieroglyphs (as they were immediately dubbed by savvy journalists) look like glandular inclusions. But who needs to smelt them on stone?"

“The very first instrumental studies showed that the radiation background of the stone was somewhat exceeded. Oleksandr Gaidai, a mining engineer who was invited to consult, said that the stone is a real puzzle from the past. And the son of Valentin Kairov, who discovered the stone, expressed a fantastic version that it is like a book - one page to the seam, and another after the seam.

What the mysterious object really is is now being investigated by experts.