Absheron Cyclops - Legend Or Reality? - Alternative View

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Absheron Cyclops - Legend Or Reality? - Alternative View
Absheron Cyclops - Legend Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Absheron Cyclops - Legend Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Absheron Cyclops - Legend Or Reality? - Alternative View
Video: The Cyclops Polyphemus - Greek Legends and Mythology 2024, September

Azerbaijan, Baku, April 28 / corr. TrendLife Murshud Ismayilzade /

While browsing the "Encyclopedia of Miracles, Mysteries and Secrets" by Maxim Golubev, I came across an article called "Absheron Cyclops". The name interested me, I had never heard of anything like that before. The article says that the Absheron Cyclops is an unidentified huge creature covered with black-brown hair, which allegedly appears from time to time on the Absheron Peninsula. In 1989, he was seen by cadets of the Caspian Higher Military School, residents of the village of Kurdazany (the author incorrectly indicates the name of Kurdakhany. MI). Witnesses show that this creature has only one eye of a huge size and bright red color on its face, and the width of a step exceeds a human step by three to four times.

Naturally, the first impression from the article is that this is another "duck", such as the Loch Ness monster, Bigfoot, etc., to attract tourists. But the author of the article himself is a foreigner and has no interest in the development of tourism to Azerbaijan. However, there is also a reason for thought: some scientists are inclined to believe that the Cyclops, mentioned by Homer in the adventures of Odysseus, could exist in reality. The foreign press reported that a giant skull with one eye socket was discovered in one of the islands of the Pacific Ocean in 1988.

To clarify the solution to this phenomenon, I decided to use the help of the Internet and various encyclopedias. Everyone knows that a creature, an anthropological image called Tepeges, which in turn is an analogue of Cyclops, is often found in Azerbaijani tales and legends. In Kitabi Dada Korkud, in the chapter “Basat kills Tepegez,” he is portrayed as the son of a Peri and a man (shepherd), with one eye in the middle of his forehead. According to legend, Tepegez, in infancy, killed his nannies, who were feeding him milk, by sucking blood. According to the epic, Basat kills Tepegese, freeing the people from his oppression. The image of Tepegez can also be found in the Garaoglu dastan and in Azerbaijani fairy tales.

Encyclopedic information: Cyclops - in Greek mythology, one-eyed giants, the sons of Uranus and Gaia, who made lightning-arrows for Zeus, with which he defeated the titans. They were considered helpers of the god Hephaestus in his smithy, the builders of powerful "cyclopean buildings" in Mycenae and Tiryns. According to the Odyssey, the Cyclops are a wild tribe that lives in caves on a remote island and does not recognize the power of the gods.

Cyclopean structures, buildings of large hewn stone blocks without a binder solution, were attributed by the ancient Greeks to cyclops (Cyclops). Mostly belong to the Bronze Age, are known in the Mediterranean, in the Crimea and … in the Caucasus.

"Odyssey" and "Iliad" are the first surviving monuments of Greek fiction. The legendary blind poet Homer is considered to be their author. The Odyssey describes the return from the Trojan campaign to his homeland and the adventures of the Greek hero Odysseus. Here is an excerpt from the ninth canto of the poem, where Odysseus talks about his stay on the land of the one-eyed cyclops:

“We soon arrived in the country, we do not know the truth of the Cyclopes.

Promotional video:

Without plowing and without sowing abundantly, everything will be born to them -

White barley and wheat. Give vines

Many bunches, and the rains of the Thunderer multiply the wine in them.

They dwell between the mountains, in deep caves

Covered with forest. There are many goats in great numbers

Wild. They are never afraid of human steps;

There are many meadows along the coast of the gray sea, Wet and soft: Could grow vines.

Plains for arable fields; richest harvest from crops

You can collect in time, because there is a lot of fat under the soil."

Interesting, sea, rocks, vineyards, etc. Wasn't Absheron meant? And what did the ancient Greeks mean by the words "a lot of fat under the soil", was it not oil? As you know, in many languages the word "oil" is translated as "fat".

All these arguments can bring together the ancient Greek Cyclops and "our" Absheron Tepeges.

Everyone knows very well that such phenomena attract "miracle hunters", tourists from all over the world. This, in turn, contributes to the development of tourism and a large flow of money to the country's treasury.

So, the idea has been submitted, now is the time to get down to business for historians, archaeologists, researchers and journalists. Over time, new evidence of the Absheron Cyclops can be found, confirmed by photographs and video frames, as well as eyewitness accounts. As one of the heroes of the movie “Kidnapping of the groom” asked, “Why do they have a monster, but we do not?”. It remains to be seen whether the secret of the Absheron Cyclops will be revealed.