A Creepy Gnome Keeps An Entire City In Argentina In Fear (+ Video) - Alternative View

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A Creepy Gnome Keeps An Entire City In Argentina In Fear (+ Video) - Alternative View
A Creepy Gnome Keeps An Entire City In Argentina In Fear (+ Video) - Alternative View

Video: A Creepy Gnome Keeps An Entire City In Argentina In Fear (+ Video) - Alternative View

Video: A Creepy Gnome Keeps An Entire City In Argentina In Fear (+ Video) - Alternative View
Video: Attack of the Creepy Yard Gnomes! 2024, September

The phenomenon of the creature was filmed on a mobile phone camera by local teenagers who met the "gnome" during a night promenade in a deserted area

Police officers in a small town in northern Argentina are forced to take on faith the statements of several of its residents, who have alarmed the entire population with rumors about a ghost walking the streets at night.

The "creepy gnome", as he was nicknamed with the light hand of employees of the local newspaper El Tribuno, wears a pointed hat and walks in an unusual way: with small steps to the side. The phenomenon of the creature was filmed on a mobile phone camera by local teenagers who met the "gnome" during a night promenade in a deserted area.

“We chatted about our last fishing trip,” a participant named Jose told reporters. - It was already not even night, but early morning. I took out my cell phone and started clicking the camera, while the others continued to talk and laugh. Suddenly there was an incomprehensible noise, as if someone invisible was throwing stones on the ground. We turned towards the sound and saw the grass stirring, as if a small animal, like a dog, was sneaking through its thickets. But it was not a dog that came out to meet us, but something incomprehensible, like a dwarf. It scared us a lot."

According to the young man, one of his comrades who were present at the appearance of the mysterious figure suffered so much stress that he had to be hospitalized.

“This is no joke,” says Jose. "We've all seen the gnome and are ready to confirm it, even if there was no video." However, the eyewitnesses of the strange event are not deprived of trust: the locals recognized the "creepy gnome" in the blurred figure from the video made by the phone and now they are afraid to go out after sunset. The city lives in a voluntary curfew, fearing another arrival of the mysterious creature. Apparently, no one is counting on the harmlessness of a ghost, reports

On the other hand, the history of the issue is not conducive to optimism: for example, in South Africa some time ago there was a ghost-rapist who entered into a relationship with women against their will. The disembodied maniac visited the inhabitants of one of the villages at night, when they slept peacefully next to their husbands, and the presence of a spouse was not at all burdensome. A startling fact became public knowledge when victims of violence shared their experiences with each other. By the way, remote sex does not seem incredible to the local population: healers believe that the culprit of the commotion was a certain intruder who was fluent in the esoteric technique called Mtshotshaphansi.

Ghosts are also taken seriously in India. A couple of years ago, in the eastern part of the country, two villager brothers were fined for keeping a tame ghost at home. Izvara and Haripada Murma were sentenced to pay a colossal amount by their standards, equivalent to almost $ 700. Such severe punishment befell the 40-year-old brothers after several epidemics of infectious diseases broke out in the vicinity. The court of elders considered that the reason for the cataclysm was the intrigues of a house ghost - the wife of one of the Sunamoni brothers, and ordered to recover compensation from the guilty. No evidence was found that the spirit of a deceased woman lives in Murmu's house, and no one was looking for them: the local population does not doubt the existence of the other world.

The ghost's testimony was considered valid testimony in the Brazilian court. The lawyer of the woman accused of murdering her partner brought the medium to the hearing, who fell into a trance and, in the voice of the victim, acquitted the defendant. The Brazilian Themis treated the otherworldly witness with respect: the words of the spirit were entered into the protocol and accepted for consideration.