Encounters With Living Dinosaurs In The "four Corners Zone" &Lrm; USA - Alternative View

Encounters With Living Dinosaurs In The "four Corners Zone" &Lrm; USA - Alternative View
Encounters With Living Dinosaurs In The "four Corners Zone" &Lrm; USA - Alternative View

Video: Encounters With Living Dinosaurs In The "four Corners Zone" &Lrm; USA - Alternative View

Video: Encounters With Living Dinosaurs In The
Video: Watch: TODAY All Day - July 10 2024, September

Reports of sightings of animals similar to ancient dinosaurs come mainly from tropical regions like Africa or South America. But sometimes these creatures are seen in completely inappropriate areas, for example, in the north of Canada.

This article will consider the observation of living dinosaurs in the so-called "zone of four corners". It is a rural, sparsely populated area in the southwestern United States, most of which is occupied by Indian reservations. The “four corners zone” contains the states of Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico.


One of the most talked about cases is the Thunderbird incidents during the Wild West. Numerous legends circulated about this creature among the Indians. From the descriptions, the Thunderbird was very similar to a large pterodactyl.

One such case was recorded in the town of Toomstone, where two herders shot and chased a huge flying creature for a long time, which had leathery wings and a large beak filled with teeth. You can read more about this in the article "The Strange Story of the Giant Pterosaur from Toomstone".

A fake photo that is often featured in articles about the * Thunderbird * of Toomstone
A fake photo that is often featured in articles about the * Thunderbird * of Toomstone

A fake photo that is often featured in articles about the * Thunderbird * of Toomstone.

Pterodactyls have been seen in Arizona today. In 2011, a strange flying creature with no feathers and leathery wings was noticed by a resident of the city of Phoenix. According to him, this creature soared in the sky, and then suddenly rushed down, fell into the river, and then began to splash in the water, as if taking a bath.

In 2012, another eyewitness observed a small pterodactyl under a bridge in Tucson. The wingspan of this creature was about 2 meters, the body was covered with short whitish fur, which was strangely disheveled on the head, probably due to uneven molting.

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This creature did not fly, but stood on the ground, wings spread wide and emitting a menacing hiss in the direction of the person who saw it. How this meeting ended, alas, is not specified.

One might think that only flying lizards are seen in the "zone of four corners". But no, bipedal dinosaurs like Velociraptor roam here, or rather run. Colorado has long reported sightings of typical velociraptors about a meter high and up to 2 meters long (with a tail). All eyewitnesses described their extremely powerful hind legs and short and thin front legs. Most often, when describing these creatures, eyewitnesses used the phrase "miniature T-rex".

Most of them were seen near rivers and described that these lizards were wet with water. It is possible that fish make up their main diet and they swim well. Because of this, some called these monsters "water lizards".

One of such cases of observation of "water lizard" occurred in the area of the city of Pueblo. An eyewitness said that he and his friend were riding sports bicycles along the river bank when they noticed a strange creature that was walking quickly on two legs, keeping its fat tail in the air for balance. It was an obvious reptile about 120 cm long, greenish in color with dark spots on its skin.

The creature's front legs were much shorter and thinner than the hind legs, and each had 3 or 4 toes. There was an outgrowth or horn on the creature's head above the eyes, and when the creature noticed people, it issued a subtle "squeal".

After that, the eyewitness and his friend drove home and returned to the same place with telephones to photograph the creature. However, he was no longer there and they managed to photograph only his tracks. Then they sent the pictures to the cryptozoologist, however, according to him, the pictures were indistinct and it was difficult to say which creature left these prints.

The following photo has been wandering around the Internet for many years with a man in a cowboy hat, a gun in one hand and a dead "water lizard" in the other. According to legend, cryptozoologist Ched Arment received the photo from an unknown source in 2000.


Most people immediately call it a fake, but it's not so simple. People who tried to catch this picture in a photomontage did not find anything. After that, a version appeared that the picture was genuine, but in his hand the person was holding just a model of a papier-mâché lizard.

Chad Arment himself tried to trace the source of the photo sent to him, but also to no avail.

In 2001, a woman named Shannon Estesund saw a similar bipedal lizard in the Yellowjacket, Colorado area and then shared her impressions with cryptozoologist Nick Satsik, who spent many years collecting testimony about living dinosaurs in the United States.

Shannon was driving her daughter along a highway in a wooded area with her daughter when suddenly something jumped out onto the road in front of them. Shannon decided. that it was a deer and braked sharply, but when I examined this creature, stopped on the road, I realized that it was something completely different.

The creature was barely a meter high and had a long, thin neck and skinny birdlike legs. However, it was not an ostrich, as it had an elongated beak or something similar with teeth and it was not covered with feathers. And behind the creature was a long tail, and with it the creature reached a length of about 170 cm.

The creature moved steadily on two legs and looked like, in Shannon's words, "a cross between a bird and a dinosaur."


Another incident occurred in the Pagosa Springs area, the same state of Colorado. Myrtle Snow says that in her life she has seen small bipedal dinosaurs in these places many times. In the 1930s, Myrtle was a little girl growing up on a farm and one day she saw five small bipedal dinosaurs in a field. And one of them, she said, was once shot by a neighbor's farmer.

The neighbor then kept the carcass of the dead lizard in his barn and many local residents came specially to see this miracle. And he shot him during an attack on sheep, these lizards attacked livestock like wolves.

According to Myrtle, the creature had gray skin, the head was like a snake, the tail was long and powerful like the hind legs, and the front legs were like chicken legs, skinny and small. The creature was covered with short and sparse gray hairs.


A few days later, this creature was allegedly covered with ice and sent to the Denver Museum, but either it did not reach the museum or the museum workers did not talk about it. An interesting detail, 30 years later, the same museum exhibited several skeletons of small dinosaurs, which came from nowhere. Later, scientists recognized these skeletons as fakes.
