What Could Be The Flying Vehicles Of "gods" Or A Highly Developed Civilization Of The Past? - Alternative View

What Could Be The Flying Vehicles Of "gods" Or A Highly Developed Civilization Of The Past? - Alternative View
What Could Be The Flying Vehicles Of "gods" Or A Highly Developed Civilization Of The Past? - Alternative View

In this article, I would like to discuss the topic of flying vehicles of the past, known to us from various images, artifacts and other finds belonging to antiquity.

In general, as it seems to me, there are only two options for the image of ancient aircraft: "Plates", or something similar to modern aircraft, and this can be easily explained.

But I'll start with the planes. One could talk about the Abydos hieroglyphs, where there is an airplane and a tank and other equipment. However, there are many skeptics who claim that this is not a technique, and it is, in fact, difficult to confirm the opposite.


Therefore, when it comes to aircraft, you need to start with the finds. Figures in the form of animals and fish were discovered even before the official creation of the "first aircraft".


For the first time, people did not even understand what it was, but after we created the "first plane", many noticed that the figures in the form of animals are very similar to planes.

But scientists, of course, said that this was a coincidence and the Incas (the alleged creators of the golden airplanes) could not know anything about airplanes and flights. Here is just an experiment in 1996 that changed the opinion of many.

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In 1996, three German engineers created a complete copy of this figurine, only, of course, many times larger. And surprisingly, after several attempts, the seemingly ordinary animal figurine took off, and the flight was no worse than modern aircraft, in terms of technology.

Experts who conducted the experiment said that this is an amazing creation, with accurate calculations, which, apparently, were from the Incas, or from some other civilization that existed earlier.

The plane took off, which means that the first flight could have been much earlier than officially considered. And this does not fit into the official history, for obvious reasons. What did officials, scholars and historians just do? - Nothing, everything was forgotten and ignored.


As for the "flying saucers", everything is much more interesting, but at the same time, it is difficult to single out one thing. All due to the fact that the plates, like flying machines, were depicted both ten thousand years ago and a thousand years ago.

It seems to me that this should prove that extraterrestrial civilizations existed, and for many centuries visited the Earth and helped ancient people.


And you can see "flying saucers" in various places in the world and the age of images or artifacts will have a wide spread in time. "Plates" are found on bas-reliefs, petroglyphs and even icons, not to mention artifacts in the form of flying saucers.

It is possible to touch upon the topic of missiles a little, but there are already few facts. Something very similar to modern rockets was found on petroglyphs, as well as some manuscripts. For example, in a 16th century manuscript, about which I recently wrote an article, the engineer depicted not only a rocket, but also its complete diagram.


But the existence of rockets does not have as much evidence and finds, in comparison with the same "plates".

What conclusion can be drawn? I do not claim that airplanes and saucers flew across the Earth in the past, but it is likely that extraterrestrial civilizations could provide such technology and teach ancient people. But were they able to repeat it? And was the first flight before the official one? It is already difficult to answer these questions.
