Ark Of The Giants - Alternative View

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Ark Of The Giants - Alternative View
Ark Of The Giants - Alternative View

Video: Ark Of The Giants - Alternative View

Video: Ark Of The Giants - Alternative View
Video: HOW THE FALLEN ANGELS MADE THE GIANTS - The Testament Of Reuben (No music) 2024, September

The history of earthlings could have ended ingloriously several thousand years ago, if higher powers had not intervened, giving the life they had created one more chance.

But few people know that Noah's Ark, a giant ship that became the cradle of all life on the planet, may have been built by a highly developed civilization of giants, which inhabited the Earth before the cataclysm …

Today, many scientists are sure that a global natural disaster happened on Earth in ancient times. This event is reflected in the myths and legends of all peoples of the five continents.

Antediluvian Atlanteans

Once upon a time, a grandiose flood occurred on our planet, which destroyed all or almost all the inhabitants of the planet. According to some experts, it happened about 10 thousand years ago. But just what were these antediluvian inhabitants?

Before the natural cataclysm, a civilization of giant people lived on our planet, whose height exceeded 4 meters. The air temperature was higher, and the oxygen content in the atmosphere was also higher. And the main source of life - water - was oversaturated with calcium. All these factors influenced not only the growth of antediluvian man, but also the duration of his life.

The first man, Adam, was about 4 meters tall, weighed about 700 kilograms and lived for 930 years. Eve, too, was a match for him. Even the church. did not deny this fact. Moreover, it is clearly written in the Holy Scriptures that "in those days giants lived on earth." There is similar information in the Koran.

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The Bible mentions that Noah, who built the ark for salvation, was by no means small. His height was about 5-6 meters.


Seven feet under the ancient keel

The Sumerian clay tablets, from which the text of the Bible about the flood was borrowed, also tell that before the flood there was an advanced civilization on Earth, whose ships sailed between Mesopotamia and Africa. They were very large, as were their owners.

According to the Bible, the dimensions of the ark were approximately 157x26x15 meters. With such dimensions, the ship's displacement was about 60,000 tons. For comparison, the Titanic had 52 tons. But if you consider that the structure was built by five-meter people and for the same brothers, then the size of the surprise is no longer surprising. Most likely, such ships were common in those days.

During the global flood, some of the gigantic people, of course, were looking for salvation on their ships. Capturing provisions and pets, they tried to survive the cataclysm on the high seas. In one of the ancient apocrypha, there is a mention of the fact that Noah, while wandering through the waters, saw the same large ship, but there were no people on it. How many arks were able to find dry land is unknown. Perhaps only one - we find information about him in the Bible. Perhaps a few.

In any case, the Russian expedition of Andrey Polyakov found the petrified skeleton of the ship 30 kilometers from Ararat. Its dimensions were 15 meters high, 153 meters long and 25 meters wide. Polyakov is convinced that this is also an ark, but not the one on which Noah sailed. According to the Bible, Noah's ark was built with a closed top, like a submarine. And this one looks like an ocean yacht. It turns out that Noah was not the only one wandering through rough waters on a giant ship.


Only one gets the laurels of history. In this case, they went to Noah, who not only managed to bring his ship to a quiet harbor, but also became the founding father of another race of people, which is still alive today.

And humanity became smaller only later, when the climate changed after the cataclysm. From the giants there are only legends and artifacts that scientists find in different parts of the planet. The geographer Pausanias (2nd century AD) frankly testifies that at the bottom of the Sront River in Syria, a well-preserved human skeleton was discovered, reaching 5.5 meters in height.

During the conquest of America, the Spanish conquistadors discovered a human skeleton in one of the Mayan temples, so stunned by its dimensions that, by order of Cortez, the find was sent across the ocean to the Pope. In the 70s of the last century, a trace of a giant human foot was discovered in Tanzania. Its length was 80 centimeters. The traces found in America in the state of Nevada differ little from it in size. After torrential rains lasting several weeks, fossilized footprints were exposed in the sandstone. The distance between the two prints was 2 meters and the foot length was about 50 centimeters.

Searching for the ark

The search for Noah's ark has been going on for at least two and a half thousand years. Back in 275 BC. e. Babylonian chronicler Berossus mentioned a ship that sailed to Armenia and sank to the ground. And the Jewish historian Josephus Flavius already in the 1st century after the Nativity of Christ writes “One part of the ship can be found even today in Armenia. There people collect resin for making amulets. A similar legend existed for a long time among local residents, who went up to the ship for resin. But one day the resin collectors were struck by lightning, and such voyages stopped due to superstitious fear.

In 1893, the archdeacon of the Nestorian Church Nurri, after climbing Mount Ararat, declared that he had seen Noah's ark. According to him, the ship was made of thick planks of dark brown color. Having measured the vessel, Nurri came to the conclusion that its dimensions are quite consistent with those indicated in the Bible. Returning to America, he organized a fundraising society for the expedition, after which the Ark, as a biblical shrine, was to be delivered to Chicago. But the Turkish government did not give permission to take the vessel out of the country.

In 1916, during the First World War, a group of Russian aviators based at a temporary airfield near Mount Ararat, during training flights, discovered on its summit something huge, resembling the outline of a ship. Subsequently, at the direction of Emperor Nicholas II, a special detachment was sent there.


A military expedition, which consisted of 150 people, ascended Ararat and reached the mysterious object, collected the necessary information, at the same time taking measurements of the "ship" and several photographs. But from the numerous documents only one photograph remained, the rest perished in the confusion of the revolutionary time.

Kurds living in the area claim that in 1948 during an earthquake, the ship was literally squeezed out of the ground. At this moment, a bright light illuminated the surroundings, and the body of the ark was divided into two parts by a piece of rock. Now the structure allegedly rises above the earth's surface by about 2 meters.

In the summer of 1953, American entrepreneur George Green from a helicopter took 6 clear photographs of a large ship, half sunk into the ice. After 9 years, he died, and all the originals of the photographs disappeared. On July 6, 1955, climber Fernand Navarra, with his fifteen-year-old son Gabriel, ascended Mount Ararat, found Noah's Ark and informed the world about this discovery. After some time, photographs appeared in print, in which the outlines of the ship were clearly distinguishable.

Attempts to climb Mount Ararat were made until 1974, but were unsuccessful. Then Turkey declared the area closed, citing the presence of observation posts over the border line there.