Who Destroyed The Civilization Of The "golden Age"? - Alternative View

Who Destroyed The Civilization Of The "golden Age"? - Alternative View
Who Destroyed The Civilization Of The "golden Age"? - Alternative View

Video: Who Destroyed The Civilization Of The "golden Age"? - Alternative View

Video: Who Destroyed The Civilization Of The
Video: How to Kill a Civilization…. 2024, July

The true history of mankind is carefully hidden from us behind a series of pseudo-historical myths invented by falsifiers. But the history of the ancient highly developed antediluvian civilizations of the "golden age" is hidden from us especially carefully, the very existence of which science diligently denies, despite the many existing artifacts. But most of them are hidden from us in special stores and private collections of the world "elite".

But why is the very existence of these civilizations so carefully hidden from us? And this is so that we could not find out what kind of power destroyed them and continues to rule humanity with the help of its faithful servants. This is also done so that we do not know the positive experience of the existence of harmonious civilizations and do not try to return to it. So that we do not guess with the help of what methods and techniques the white race continues to be destroyed, and after it the rest of humanity.

And it is precisely in order not to repeat the mistakes of the people of that time, which led to sad consequences, that we need to master these knowledge, hidden from us by the servants of darkness. Of course, we do not have direct information about what exactly happened in ancient times. However, the analysis of ancient legends and myths, the presence of ancient artifacts and obvious "inconsistencies" in the official version of history allow us to have a general idea of what exactly ruined these civilizations.

One of these versions was voiced by the Russian traveler, biologist and anthropologist G. Sidorov in his book "The Fate of Those Who Think They Are Gods." So, he writes:

Based on what G. Sidorov wrote in the book, one can see on our planet the forces that divide and play off peoples, wreak havoc and destruction by provoking wars, revolutions, conflicts, terrorism. The task of the masters of these forces is to significantly reduce the population of the planet and once again plunge mankind into the state of the “Stone Age”, as has already happened with the civilizations of the “Golden Age”. But our task is to do everything possible so as not to step on the same rake again and get rid of the power of the world parasitic system imposed on us.

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