The Prediction Of Igor Talkov - Alternative View

The Prediction Of Igor Talkov - Alternative View
The Prediction Of Igor Talkov - Alternative View

Video: The Prediction Of Igor Talkov - Alternative View

Video: The Prediction Of Igor Talkov - Alternative View
Video: "Следствие вели...": "Игорь Тальков. Пуля для кумира" 2024, July

He had a short destiny. Two hundred songs in five years. He was in a hurry. He knew that a short life was destined for him. So it was predicted to him …

He really left before he lived 2 months to 35 years. In 1989, he told his wife, who was afraid to let him fly by plane on the next tour - there were too many accidents, bad weather: “Don't be afraid, I will die differently - with a large crowd of people. And the killer will never be found. They won't want to find it."


So it happened later. But how did he know that? They say that the famous Pavel Globa predicted such a fate for him. However, there is another judgment: Igor believed Globa so unconditionally because he himself already knew his fate. Where from?

He was born in 1954 in the town of Shchekino, Kaluga Region. The second son in the family. His parents met in the Gulag. And the older brother was born in prison. Then for a long time the father was not given the opportunity to live in the capital as a convict. So the family lived in a barrack on the outskirts of Shchekino.

And at the age of 15 such a case happened to him. The boys dabbled. They pinched each other's carotid artery to see the vision. Igor then fell down dead. The frightened boys poured water on him, but he came to his senses only after 20 minutes.

“We thought you were already dead,” the guys told him.

- No, I will die in 20 years, - he answered in some strange voice.

Promotional video:

And life rolled on.

After graduating from school, ordinary and music, Igor went to conquer the capital. I wanted to enter GITIS, but I was cut off on literature. Then he went to rock music. He played in one group, then in another, but he never returned home.

He worked on the catch - keyboardist, arranger. I tried to write songs myself. But eat


He became famous after in 1988 he sang the song "Chistye Prudy" by David Tukhmanov. Hope wakes up: maybe now he will be given the opportunity to perform his own songs? But no, sing what they give.

But the role of a stage puppet does not suit him. He remembers his vision: he has five years left to live, no more - he must hurry.

Then he left the popular group and got a job as artistic director in the recreation center of the Perovsky district. He began to perform his own compositions in the evenings at discos and concerts. Rumors spread throughout Moscow. Talkov's concerts began to go from all over the capital.

But for some reason, the cultural officials did not like this. Yes, he sings about Russia. But the voice is kind of strange - hoarse with anguish. Something similar to Vysotsky. And the texts with a trick. There was also a philosopher …

But little by little, Igor Talkov's fame is growing. He is invited to participate in large concerts. One of them took place in August 1988 at the stadium in Luzhniki. The organizer is the TV program "Vzglyad", and therefore the concert is broadcast live. And he decides: now or never. And without prior agreement, on the go, he changes his composition, performs "The Kremlin Wall".

The administrators are furious: “What arbitrariness! Now you will never see TV air …"


But it was already too late … The songs of Igor Talkov were heard by the people. He began to collect entire stadiums. But this is in the provinces. And he has no time to climb - he, like a rocket, needs a quick takeoff. And he gives semi-underground concerts in big cities.

They start to threaten him: "Stop the amateur performance!" Mother in tears: “Stop tempt fate. You will be killed … "He answered her:" I know. Forgive me…"

A string broke at a concert in Gzhel. It burst as if by itself - while the guitar was silent, his hands were on the microphone stand. Igor took this sign as another warning of fate. Before his death he had half a year.

But he must have time to say what he wanted. He is already a star. In 1989, people flocked to his concerts. He knew how to keep the hall. But it was not easy. For the sake of three verses, he studies historical monographs. I read the memoirs of a white general - wrote the poems of the song "Russia". And when I tried to record the chords, the lights went out in the whole area.

And then the recording was interrupted several more times. The elder brother Vladimir said: with this song he signed his own sentence. At night Igor had a dream - black hands reached out to his throat.

But then a breakthrough finally happened. Vladimir Molchanov invited Igor to the Before and After Midnight program. Talkov sang "Russia". It was an explosion in the middle of the night.

The schedule is getting tighter. His songs have been compared to sermons. And he knew, he felt - he really had little left. He said so to someone in the telephone receiver in August 1991, when his wife was putting her son to bed and heard: “Stop pulling your nerves. I don't have much left,”her husband said irritably to someone on the other end of the line.

At concerts, Igor changes his paramilitary jacket for a simple white shirt, as the fighters put on clean underwear before the decisive attack. He is invited to a concert in St. Petersburg. One administrator especially insists on Talkov's participation. The one who will then be accused of Igor's murder.


September 1999. Igor talks with his wife Tatyana in the kitchen about the new composition, about his plans. And then he suddenly says: "But I have nothing left - two weeks."

Friends recall: shortly before his death, he became very aggressive. I went with security.

And his wife later said that in the evening, before going to St. Petersburg, he talked to her almost all night. And then, just before the train, I left the apartment, stood on the landing, looked at my relatives. And went. Tatiana will understand a day later: he knew that he was leaving to die.

The concert in St. Petersburg is going very nervously. For some reason, the security guard of the singer Aziza demands that Talkov's performance be moved. Administrator Valery Shlyakhman behaves very aggressively, as if provoking the same Malakhov. He, enraged, takes out a pistol. But the musicians reacted quickly - the weapon flies to the floor.

Everyone calmed down. But suddenly - a shot. The bullet hits Talkov's back.

At first, the guard Malakhov was accused of the murder. Then they remembered that Shlyakhman immediately called someone and said that Talkov had been killed. They were taken for him, but he had already left for Israel. And he returned only after the investigation had finally reached a dead end.

The prediction came true: Talkov's killer was never found. Remained unknown and who needed his death so much.