SNB And CIA Of The USA Against The USSR - Alternative View

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SNB And CIA Of The USA Against The USSR - Alternative View
SNB And CIA Of The USA Against The USSR - Alternative View

Video: SNB And CIA Of The USA Against The USSR - Alternative View

Video: SNB And CIA Of The USA Against The USSR - Alternative View
Video: Inside the KGB's Spy Museum 2024, July

CIA Operation Split

After Harry Truman voiced the doctrine of March 13, 1947, in which he voiced the main threats from totalitarian regimes and called for a policy of "containing" the USSR around the world, the White House needed to reform the special services. From 1942 to 1945 in the United States, there was the Office of Strategic Services (hereinafter OSS). After its closure, there was a need for reform. The idea of creating a new department on the basis of the OSS belonged to the well-known intelligence officer Allen Dulles. His idea was to reform a new structure that inherited OSS functionality, but with a wider range of tasks. In addition, Allen Dulles wanted only the US president to stand over the head of the CIA, thus A. Dulles hoped for constant direct contact with the country's president without intermediaries. However, this idea was not to everyone's liking,and a number of high-ranking military personnel saw the situation differently. They initiated the creation of a department that would be located between the head of the CIA and the president. This structure will be called the National Security Council (hereinafter SNB). Its goal was to solve the most important issues of national security, foreign policy and coordinate the work of all key departments in these areas. In addition, the NSS will act as the main center for military strategic planning, and the CIA will be subordinate to this body. The functions of the CIA included: collecting and analyzing intelligence information, coordinating an agent network abroad and carrying out combat special operations. This structure will be called the National Security Council (hereinafter SNB). Its goal was to solve the most important issues of national security, foreign policy and coordinate the work of all key departments in these areas. In addition, the NSS will act as the main center for military strategic planning, and the CIA will be subordinate to this body. The functions of the CIA included: collecting and analyzing intelligence information, coordinating an agent network abroad and carrying out combat special operations. This structure will be called the National Security Council (hereinafter SNB). Its goal was to solve the most important issues of national security, foreign policy and coordinate the work of all key departments in these areas. In addition, the NSS will act as the main center for military strategic planning, and the CIA will be subordinate to this body. The functions of the CIA included: collecting and analyzing intelligence information, coordinating an agent network abroad and carrying out combat special operations. The functions of the CIA included: collecting and analyzing intelligence information, coordinating an agent network abroad and performing combat special operations. The functions of the CIA included: collecting and analyzing intelligence information, coordinating an agent network abroad and carrying out combat special operations.

Thus, on the basis of the National Security Act of September 18, 1947, the NSS and the CIA will be created in the United States. And the idea of the military generals of the US Department of Defense to take control of the CIA will be recognized as successful.

The role of the SNB in anti-Soviet military planning

The first SNB directive will appear on August 18, 1948 under the name SNB 20/1. It formulates the main goals:

a) To minimize the power and influence of Moscow;

b) Carry out fundamental changes in the theory and practice of foreign policy, which the government in power in Russia adheres to."

The SNB provided for the complete surrender of the USSR. The American leadership set itself the goal of overthrowing Soviet power, not excluding military methods. In addition, the US leadership stated that it refuses to take on any responsibility and think about the consequences that will lead to the destruction of the Soviet Union.

American strategists were ready to engage in subversive activities against the USSR, which was coldly recognized as state policy. And all the methods were reduced to various subversive actions with the aim of overthrowing the socialist system in the USSR.

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On November 23, 1948, SNB directive 20/4 will see the light. She repeated the main provisions after the previous directive, but had an adjustment that at the moment the USSR poses the highest degree of threat to the US national security.

On the basis of this directive, a military strike on the territory of the USSR was planned for April 1, 1949. The number of Soviet casualties after the nuclear bombing would have been 4 million. However, the plan was sent for revision, as a result of which it received the name "Troyan". In accordance with the new plan, the date of the bombing was January 1, 1950. According to the document, the bombing was to be carried out with 300 nuclear warheads and 20 thousand tons of conventional bombs on objects in 100 Soviet cities. However, the Soviet Union's nuclear test on August 29, 1949 put an end to the White House's insidious plans. But there were other SNB directives.

Dropshot plan

Plan Dropshot was a continuation of Plan Troyan, but was scheduled for January 1, 1957. It was assumed that the countries of the NATO bloc and non-aligned allies of the Near and Middle East would act together with the United States. In total, it was planned to drop over 300 atomic bombs and 250 thousand tons of conventional bombs on the territory of Soviet Russia, presumably destroying 85% of the Soviet industry. The ground forces of the coalition were supposed to be 6 million people, and a total of 20 million people were to take part in the military intervention against our country. The number of victims among the Soviet population was supposed to be about 45 million people. However, this plan was never implemented.

Why weren't such plans implemented? The first reason is the presence of nuclear weapons in the Soviet Union, and the second is the too wide extent of Soviet territory, which would not allow the United States to deliver one crushing blow across the entire territory of a competitor.

CIA Operation Split

Operation Rift, as one of the most classified, is described in detail in the book Operation Rift by the English journalist Stewart Stephen.

Allen Dulles was the main director and director of this special operation "The Rift". The idea of the operation was to misinform Moscow that the top party leaders of Eastern Europe were cooperating with British and American intelligence. The main figure in this operation was Noel Field, a diplomat and intelligence officer who had previously worked for Soviet intelligence and was an ardent communist. It was his discrediting and arrest in Czechoslovakia in 1949 that would lead to a series of massive repressions among the highest officials of the Communist Party in Eastern Europe. A. Dulles' task was to sow a split in the territory controlled by Moscow and undermine the name of I. V. Stalin. As a result of this operation, many people, both ardent devotees of the communist ideology, and liberal ones, who were inclined to maneuver between the two superpowers, will suffer. Nevertheless, this operation was recognized as a failure, since the Soviet special services revealed key information about the essence of the CIA's special operation. The main defendant, N. Field, will be released with his entire family in 1954, and Moscow's control over the countries of Eastern Europe will only increase.

The information and psychological method of struggle came to the fore in the Cold War. He will be the leading one for the coming decades. The main task will be a smooth change in public consciousness in the countries of the socialist camp.

Samvel Avanesyan
