Greek Fire - A Mysterious Weapon From The Past - Alternative View

Greek Fire - A Mysterious Weapon From The Past - Alternative View
Greek Fire - A Mysterious Weapon From The Past - Alternative View

Video: Greek Fire - A Mysterious Weapon From The Past - Alternative View

Video: Greek Fire - A Mysterious Weapon From The Past - Alternative View
Video: What Was Greek Fire? 2024, June

Greek fire is a mysterious weapon that appeared before our era, but the recipe for its manufacture has been lost. However, it is known that it was widely used in the Middle Ages to set fire to wooden fortresses and ships. This fire burst out of pipes or siphons, and, according to eyewitnesses, at great speed.

Here is what the Byzantine emperor Leo the Wise wrote about him in the 9th century:

“We have various means, both old and new, to destroy enemy ships and the people fighting on them. This is the fire prepared for the siphons, from which it rushes about with thunderous noise and smoke, burning the ships to which we direct it … Place also a bronze siphon in front of the ship's bow to throw fire at enemies."


The most curious thing about it was that the Greek fire burned even in water and it was almost impossible to extinguish it.

Let me remind you that I also talked about the amazing weapon from India in the article "Vajra - the weapon of the ancient gods".

Author: Natalia Trubinovskaya